Arthurian Legend Unit Test Study Guide

The test will consist of

·  Multiple choice questions about both stories.

·  Two short answer questions.

·  A new Arthurian Legend and multiple choice questions about that story.

Le More d’Arthur

·  What were Arthur’s dreams & what purpose do they serve as a literary device?

·  What does it mean to search for a grail?

·  How is Arthur a romance hero in this story?

·  How does this story meet the requirements for an Arthurian Romance?

·  Use your study guide for more!

Sir Gawain & The Green Knight

·  What are the different ways Gawain is tested?

·  How is Gawain a romance hero?

·  How does this story meet the requirements for an Arthurian Romance?

·  Use your study guide for more.

Arthurian Legend

·  What are the rules of Courtly Love? The Code of Chivalry for a knight?

·  What are the elements of an Arthurian Romance?

Arthurian Legend Unit Test Study Guide

The test will consist of

·  Multiple choice questions about both stories.

·  Two short answer questions.

·  A new Arthurian Legend and multiple choice questions about that story.

Le More d’Arthur

·  What were Arthur’s dreams & what purpose do they serve as a literary device?

·  What does it mean to search for a grail?

·  How is Arthur a romance hero in this story?

·  How does this story meet the requirements for an Arthurian Romance?

·  Use your study guide for more!

Sir Gawain & The Green Knight

·  What are the different ways Gawain is tested?

·  How is Gawain a romance hero?

·  How does this story meet the requirements for an Arthurian Romance?

·  Use your study guide for more.

Arthurian Legend

·  What are the rules of Courtly Love? The Code of Chivalry for a knight?

·  What are the elements of an Arthurian Romance?