Musq. Harbour Board Meeting. January 20, 2013

Present – Bill, Lorna, Christine, Maureen, Caryl, Judd, Dwayne, Kelti, Herb, Jim.

Guests: Doug McEwan, and Gary from the Old School.

1)  A discussion on space, ramp, roof, maybe the registration of the Old School as a Heritage Building.

2)  There will be a tour of the Old School after the next Market. Our guests left the meeting.

3)  Minutes of Nov 18/12 meeting approved as presented.

4)  Kelti – Create a spread sheet of how her hours are spent, etc. Kelti could use the computer supplied by the JCP program. Look into creating a back up system for the market computer.

5)  Kelti will be paid the balance (3%) of her wages although she still has some attachments to submit.

6)  A discussion on winter hrs. for Kelti in preparation for the summer market.

Judd – motion “That we allocate $75 per week to pay Kelti for 5 hours a week ( during the winter)”. 2nd by Christine. Passed.

7)  Jim presented his financial report. Caryl – motion “Accept Jim’s report”. 2nd by Judd, accepted and passed.

8)  Bill will set up a time for the tour of the Old School and will also be meeting with the Railway Museum to discuss their vision for the future, etc.

Bill had a discussion with David Hensbury regarding the Bingo Hall. He will be altering the Bingo Hall. Modifications will include Municipal offices, and the possibility of alterations to the Bingo Hall to create a Farmer’s Market space. There is no time line at the moment. Bill contacted Serena (JCP) regarding Dwayne’s job reports, etc. - some misunderstanding regarding how or if this is necessary.

9)  Theresa has stepped down from the board. Jim moved the motion “That Herb be nominated to replace Theresa.” Judd 2nd motion. Passed.

10)  Winter market – create more traffic? Judd will make some additional flags to attach to market signs.

11)  Dwayne – a). If we get 1500 likes on the FaceBook page, we will give a $100 gift certificate and Judd will also donate $100 dog treats.

b). Mad Science Event in July – will see if Colin will loan his tent.

Jim motioned that Dwayne continues with the Mad Science event. Christina 2nd. Passed.

12)  Seedy Saturday – Kelti will look into it. Holli will be approached by Caryl to see if she’s interested in catering the event. Carla will be asked by Jim if she will organize the “Seedy” part. Caryl will check with the Yacht Club – date, $$.

13)  Christine will take training to write articles, Caryl will overlook training for website. Bill will take on website when he steps down from the board.

14)  Hardy and Wolf – no evidence of $25 extra paid to bring it up to $50. We will honour the old agreement and the $25 is non-refundable. AGM will be held April 28 after market. Judd, Christine, and Bill will plan the AGM. The rink has confirmed Bingo Hall is available.

June – Dec. 15 / 2013 9am -1pm

Feb 17, 2013 next board meeting.

Meeting adjourned.