Principal’s message

Welcome to the 2008-09 school year at Slinger Middle School. The atmosphere we have created here has proven to be a tremendous place for middle school kids. You will be able to have a specific area of the school set aside for students from only your grade level. In addition, we have the most advanced technology, classrooms, gymnasium, library, art room, computer labs, music rooms and science labs in the area. You will be able to have an enjoyable time with your friends and classmates while you learn. We also have an excellent staff of teachers and aides who know middle school students well. Everything is in place for an outstanding school year. We hope you are able to take advantage of what we have to offer.

At Slinger Middle School we are proud of many things. Our schools have a high rating and a statewide reputation for excellence. However, what we have been most proud of over the years is the quality of our student body. Our kids are special. We hope you will be able to continue the tradition by giving your best effort in all you do.

Telephone Directory

Main Office 644-5226

Attendance Office 644-6204

Principal 644-5226 ex. 2810

Associate Principal 644-5226 ex. 2790

General School


7:30am – 2:38pm 7:00am – 4:00pm



Each student is expected to be present on all regularly scheduled school days unless:

Þ  He or she is sick with a confining illness.

Þ  There is a death in the immediate family.

Þ  An extended absence has been arranged with school officials.

If a student is absent, the parent/guardian is to call school no later than 9:00 a.m. to notify the office of the absence and reason by calling the attendance line at 644-6204.

By state law, students may only be excused from 10 days of school per year. This includes family vacations. Any students who have not been excused by a parent phone call or a written excuse will be considered to be unexcused and may be subject to the following measures:

1.  School officials will notify parents that there is a concern regarding their student’s attendance record.

2.  Parents will be asked to come to school to discuss the poor attendance record and to try to reach an understanding on how to improve it.

3.  Student will be referred for school disciplinary action.

4.  Written notification will be sent to parents informing them as to the possible consequences for further unexcused absences as set forth in Wisconsin Statutes 118.15 and 118.16.

5.  School officials may require a doctor’s excuse for health related absences whether or not a parent’s excuse has been submitted.

6.  The student may be referred to the Washington County Department of Social Services for truancy in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes.

7.  In extreme cases, a habitually truant student may be ticketed by the Slinger Police Department.

Early dismissal requires a written note from a parent to be submitted to Student Services before 8:00 a.m. so that information may be included on the daily attendance sheet. The reason for the early dismissal must be stated in the note.

We discourage the practice of students leaving the building during the school day for doctor and dentist appointments, shopping, and for work at home, except in the case of emergency. Appointments should be scheduled after 3:00 p.m. whenever possible. All students leaving the school building are to sign-out in the Student Service Office.

Homework will only be gathered for students who are gone for more than one day. This needs to be requested early in the morning (9:00 a.m.) in order for teachers to be able to get it ready during their prep periods. The standard rule for making up the work is that one day will be given to complete work for each day gone. When pre-arranged absences are set up (such as vacations) and the homework is given to the student before he/she leaves, it is expected that the homework will be handed in upon the student’s return.


If a student is late to school in the morning, he or she should bring a written excuse signed by a parent or guardian. Late students are to sign in at the Student Services office and get a tardy pass for class. Persistent tardiness, despite notes, will result in a detention.


Our health room facilities are limited, and students are kept in there only, (1) while receiving emergency treatment prior to returning to the classroom, or (2) while waiting for transportation home.

If a child feels ill, he/she should report to the office with a pass. Generally, if you are well enough to be in school, it is assumed that you will participate in physical education classes. If you are not in school because of an illness, you are not eligible for after school activities.


Each student will have a 30-minute lunch period. Students will report directly to the cafeteria. All lunches must be eaten in the cafeteria during the assigned lunch period. Slinger Middle School uses a “debit-card” type system. Your child will need to have money credited to his/her account. Children are not allowed to buy items for other students.

Debit card replacement is $5.00


Students will:

1)  Follow all directions given by the cafeteria supervisors.

2)  Walk to the cafeteria, line up in an orderly manner, and maintain your own place in line. (No skipping/no saving places-in line or at tables)

3)  Use the lavatory before and after the lunch period.

4)  Refrain from tampering with another student’s food.

5)  Refrain from throwing food.

6)  Take only the amount of food that they will eat.

7)  Use conversational tones of voice.

8)  Food should not be taken out of the cafeteria; it is not to be stored in lockers.

9)  Be responsible for keeping the place at their table clean (this also includes the floor).

10)  Stack trays neatly and put silverware in the appropriate containers.

11)  Wait to be dismissed from the cafeteria and push in chairs as they leave.

12)  Refrain from dangerous or hurtful activities while on the playground.

13)  Be able to use juice and milk machines responsibly.


1.  Special seating assignments.

2.  Suspension from cafeteria/recess.

3.  Long detention.


The school district provides a supplementary accident insurance for all students enrolled in the school. This is a supplemental coverage designed to pick up eligible balances left by the family or employer group insurance plan and, if no other coverage or plan is available, to pay the medical/dental expenses incurred to the limits stated in the policy. First Agency, Inc provides this coverage.


Fire and tornado drills should be regarded seriously by both students and faculty as precautionary training in case of an emergency. Directions for fire and tornado drills are posted in conspicuous places in all rooms, and drills are held frequently. At such times, each student is expected to leave the building for fire drills quickly and quietly and to follow the evacuation route for the tornado procedure.


The Library Media Center (LMC) supports the educational curriculum of Slinger Middle School and encourages lifelong reading and learning habits.

The LMC is open from 7:15-3:15 daily. Students may search the library’s catalog using the OPAC stations in the library, or the catalog may be accessed via the Middle School website on the Internet. Students are responsible for all items they check out of the LMC. The circulation period for library books is 3 weeks; renewals are available depending upon demand. Overdue books are subject to fines of 5 cents per day per book.

Reference books, books placed “on reserve” by teachers, back issues of magazines, and pamphlets may be checked out for 24 hours.

The LMC Research Lab has computers with Internet access. Students regularly use online encyclopedias, Badgerlink, and other resources. Following School Board policies, we encourage responsible use of technological resources. Personal email to or from school is not allowed.


People finding lost items should bring the articles to the office where the rightful owner may reclaim them by proper identification.


Students may use the pay phone to call home before or after school and during the lunch period. A calling card is a good idea since many students forget their money to make these calls. Because the phone serves the needs of 600+, remember that it is not there for “visiting”. Daily phone use by students will be discouraged as this can interfere with class attendance. Using the phone in the office has the same charge as the pay phone: $.50.


Grade reports will be issued on a quarterly basis, four times a year. A grade point of 3.0 or above will qualify a student for the Honor Roll. Students who maintain a 3.5 average or above will have their names placed on the High Honor Roll.


Our lockers are designed for use by one student only. Keep your things in your locker; do not allow others to share your locker. Report any difficulty in opening or closing your locker to the office immediately.

Student lockers are equipment of the school and directly controlled by the school authorities. Only school related materials and wearing apparel are to be kept in lockers. Locker contents will be supervised periodically in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the entire student body.

All lockers have combination locks that lock automatically when closed. Combinations may be changed at the request of the student for a service charge of $1.00.

If all students will obey the following rules most of the problems concerning both regular and gym lockers will be eliminated:

1.  Get study materials needed for the morning when you arrive. During lunch period get all materials needed for the afternoon.

2.  Do not leave your locker unlocked - check to see that it is securely locked.

3.  Do not tell others your combination.

4.  No food in locker, other than lunches.

5.  Your combination is also the password to your computer files. Keeping it private avoids many problems.

Decorating Lockers

Occasionally students like to decorate others’ lockers for birthdays. This should be done after school only (while teachers are still here to monitor). It should not include confetti or balloons, but should be restricted to signs on lockers and streamers. No student should go into another student’s locker to decorate. Decorations may remain on lockers for one week.



Boys or girls participating in team sports must have physical exams to meet WIAA requirements for their first year of participation and a parent signed waiver for their second year of participation. Athletes also need to pay $40.00 athletic fee and sign the athletic code each year.

Slinger Middle School includes many activities in addition to classes. Watch and listen for announcements regarding various athletic teams, club meetings, music performances, and school dances. A brief outline follows:

Nat’l Junior Honor Society September to June

Student Council September to June

Student Ambassadors September to June

Girls Track September to October

Girls Basketball October to December

Wrestling Late October-January

Knowledge Master Competition December & April

News Bowl January to March

Boys Basketball January to March

Forensics January to April

Girls Volleyball March to May

Boys Track April to May

If you elect to join a team, or other group, be sure you are aware of the responsibilities you assume in joining. Be the kind of member your schoolmates, coach, or activity advisor can count on. Be aware of the athletic/activity code and follow it.

Listed below are SMS sportsmanship and dance rules.


1.  Students are expected to be in the gym at all times once an event starts. Breaks are available at half time and between games. Once you leave the building you are not allowed to return.

2.  Food or soda is not allowed in the gym. All snacks should remain in the cafeteria.

3.  Students not playing in the game are not allowed in the locker rooms.

4.  Bring your coats and books to the game. Students will not be allowed to return to their school lockers after the game starts.

5.  Be sure you have your ride scheduled in advance. Do not plan on calling to arrange a ride during the school day or once the game starts.

6.  Treat all our guests respectfully. Do not boo visiting teams or intentionally distract other players.

7.  Cell phones should not be used in the gym at any time


1.  Dances are from 3:00-5:00 and held in the cafeteria.

2.  Dances are for current SMS students only. Former students and students from other schools are not invited.

3.  All books, band instruments and coats are to be kept in the locker room. The locker room will be locked at 3:15 and not re-opened until the dance ends at 5:00.

4.  Students who leave the dance will not be allowed to re-enter.

5.  Doors close at 3:30. No one will be allowed to enter after 3:30 without prior approval from the office.

6.  The dance will end at 5:00. Inform your ride to be here at 5:00. Do not plan to use the school phone to call for your ride.

7.  Students will not be allowed to go to their school lockers after the dance.

8.  Any food or soda at the dance must be kept in the cafeteria.

9.  Cell phones should not be used at any time during the dance.


The step from elementary school to middle school can often be a confusing and sometimes even a frightening experience. The middle school counseling staff understands these feelings and is prepared to offer assistance. The primary purpose of Slinger Middle School is to help you acquire the skills, knowledge, and values, which will cause you to succeed in today’s world. Such learning cannot take place while personal and academic problems are foremost in your mind. The counseling staff is here to help deal with the concerns you might have as a middle school student. They will not make decisions for you, but will help you get information and to think through your decisions. Following are some areas of concern that you will be dealing with in middle school: