2012 Spring Survey Cycle Elevator Pitch
The Numbers:
· 750,000 surveys launched
· 11% response rate nationally
o Council high = 21%
o Council low = 5%
o 19 units out of 111,000 had 5 or more responses providing adequate feedback to allow evaluation of unit program
· Net promoter Score range -100% to +100%
BSA = 46% national average
Boy Scout parents = 63%
District/cncl vols = 56%
Charter org = 52%
Youth-facing vols = 43%
Cub Scouts = 39%
Boy Scouts/Venturers = 34%
Cub Scout parents = 31%
· 53 councils JTE Gold
· 18 Elite councils (JTE Gold + 11% response rate)
Main Story:
The Scouting program was viewed positively, but inconsistent or poor delivery of the program is frequently mentioned as the cause of a negative experience.
Program Feedback:
• Parents & volunteers believe worthwhile values are being reinforced and it is the best program around to become successful in life.
• Scouts’ perception is that they learn life skills, advancement aspects are great and they resonate with feeling as if they are part of something bigger.
Delivery Feedback:
• Better organization and general improvements in troop and den meetings.
• Improved leadership through better support, simplified steps, and more leaders are recommendation made by all groups.
• Provide relevant and improved training to volunteers.
• Cut the paperwork and red tape in program administration.
Key Findings/Learnings By Group:
• Scouts overwhelmingly enjoy their experience, citing it is fun, life skills learned are very valuable and activities are of interest. However, the way in which the program is delivered is not consistently hitting the mark. The two themes are meetings are boring and unit leadership is not strong. More great outdoor activities is a strong request by a majority of respondents.
• Parents echo their sons' sentiments: Scouting is a critical part of developing character, but the meetings are not always a good use of time. Parents’ number one area for improvement is better trained adult leaders.
• Volunteers completely embrace Scouting, but are challenged to support delivery because the organization has too much red tape, inconsistent rules and excessive paperwork. Cost to be a volunteer and a shortage of leaders were top areas for improvement.
• Charter Orgs are sold on the benefits of Scouting, but find the chartering process cumbersome. They also are asking for a stronger, reciprocal relationship with their Council.
Comment themes
· Many parents and Scouts see the value of what Scouting teaches and the opportunities to do things they or their son would not have done otherwise
· Bullying by youth and adults needs to be looked into at the council level
· 50/50 - adults agree with stand on constitutional issues
· Roundtables are “hit or miss”
· Support from district/council staff is “hit or miss”
· Lots of criticism about YPT training and having to re-take it due to computer issues
· CS parents would like more variety of activities plus they do not think there are enough physical activities in the program