Holyrood Secondary School


Date / Time: 07/03/17

Agenda Item
1. / Welcome and Introductions:
Pupils involved were given the opportunity to introduce themselves to each other and establish the aim of the focus group.
2. / Intro to GIRFEC/SHANARRI:
The GIRFEC power point delivered through PSHE was shown as an overview to the meeting.
It was noted not all pupils S1-3 had this delivered to them in PSHE.
DHT will follow this up.
3. / Proceedings:
The group discussed ground rules for the meeting so that pupils were aware of how a focus group works.
4. / Agenda:
Indicator –Healthy:
Pupils where asked ways in which the school helps them to improve their health?
  • Sports centre –pupils feel fortunate to have such good facilities.
  • Pupils appreciate that staff provide them with opportunities to take part in lots of extra-curricular clubs and activities – Fitness, Basketball, Football, Cricket, Dance, Netball, DofE, Public Speaking Club, Drama Club,Music clubs, Rainbow, etc.
  • Senior pupils think that a lunchtime/afterschool football tournament would be popular
Action : R Donaldson / L Kinnaird to take forward football tournaments.
SNAG Group –
  • No Shisha presentation helped raise awareness and dangers of using Shisha.
  • Pupils wanted more of a focus on the dangers and monetary costs.
  • Sound Sleep presentation – pupils felt this was beneficial in improving their knowledge of the importance of sleep and on how much sleep they should be getting for their age.
  • Feel that it would be beneficial for this info to be reinforced in PSHE classes rather than just being a one-off presentation.
  • Pupils liked the delivery of the 10 minute Sound Sleep presentation from their classroom teachers.
PE and Healthy –
  • Pupils like that in PE they are provided with the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sports and activities.
  • Pupils feel PE has a beneficial contribution to their health.
  • Like that if they pick PE, they have opportunity to take part 6 times per week and felt this was a great life skill.
  • 1st year pupils enjoyed ‘Healthy Body Healthy Mind’ IDL project.
  • Pupils described their PE teachers as helpful and motivational.
  • Pupils felt that National courses have helped them to develop their understanding of how to train and improve in their particular sport or activity.
  • Suggested that more time could be focussed on how to recover from injuries and that this could be done in core PE.
  • Pupils feel that CPR training is very beneficial as it has equipped them with an important life skill.
  • Pupils would like CPR training in 1st year, then again in 3rd year and again in 6th year to reinforce the skills and improve their confidence in it.
  • Pupils would like to be taught First Aid they feel that this is an important life skill and could help them with future employment.
Action: R Donaldson / L Kinnaird to feedback to PE department on pupil voice.
Nutrition –
  • Pupils like that Home Economics teaches them about healthy food choices and how to cook healthy foods.
  • Pupils feel food offered in lunch hall is healthy.
  • Pupils appreciate that the school cares for their health by not allowing 1st years to go out at lunchtime.
  • Pupils like that school helps them to be healthier with ban on fizzy drinks.
Sports Day –
  • Enjoy this and feel that it is well-organised.
  • Like the competition aspect of it.
  • Younger pupils liked bouncy castle and gladiator event.
  • Upper school feel left out due to sports day timing clashing with exams.
Mental health –
  • Pupils feel supported in their mental health by Pastoral Teachers, Year Head and their teachers.
  • Pupils feel that they arelistenedto and supported.
  • Pupils are aware of the school policy on bullying and this makes them feel safe.
  • In order to try to prevent bullying from happening, pupils feel that the emotional effects bullying can have on a person could be discussed more in PSHE.
  • Feel that 1st years having a 6th year mentor could help settle them in to the school quicker and could provide them with someone who they would maybe feel more comfortable with to talk to about any issues.

5. / Action points:
  • AD to encourage Sound Sleep to be discussed in PSHE.
  • RD/LK to put to PE PT pupil suggestion of how to recover from injury being included in core PE.
  • AD to speak to DHT’s about First Aid training.
  • AD to speak to Pastoral Team and B O’Shea regarding additional mentoring for S1.

Pupils involved:


Andrew Dale

Adelaide Cheung


Marek Devine

Kara Goucher


Asad Kahn

Jonathan Colrain


Nathan Smith



Ryan McGinlay

Jack Mortimer



Daniel Marshall

Staff Group:

A Dastey, R Donaldson, L Kinnaird