‘It’ll Never Change…’

Screenplay By: Joshua Wilburn

Characters and Story created by: Melody Ackroyd & Joshua Wilburn

First Draft: 3/25/2012

Int. An upstairs apartment in the rough part of Huntington Beach. The apartment is home to two college dropout girls. Brittany, a blond sex addict who sells make up door to door, and Moni, our anti-hero. Moni is a tall, skinny, dark haired girl who whose a drug addict. She smokes pot, does heroin, drinks and sometimes take ecstasy when she can get her hands on it. Her spare time is becoming more common as she doesn’t spend time with many people. It opens to Moni in the small kitchen in the apartment. She’s wearing a black t-shirt and underwear cooking some eggs. Moni makes two plates worth and brings them both into the hall. As she walks up to Brittany’s room a guy walks out of the room. Moni and the guy make eye contact. He leaves while putting his shirt on. Moni goes into Brittany’s room and sets the plate of eggs on the dresser. Brittany, still asleep, looks like a real mess. Her make-up is all over her pillow and her hairs pointing in ever which direction. Moni leaves closing the door loudly on her way out which awakens Brittany. Moni walks into her room while eating her plate of eggs. She then sets the plate down so she can change. She puts her pants on and changes her top. She then grabs her keys, shoes and cigarettes. Then leaves the apartment. When she’s outside of her apartment she lights a cigarette and walks downstairs where some little Spanish children are playing. She walks up to her car and drives off.



It’ll never change. That’s what I’ve learned

in my life. People don’t change, places

don’t change and I can’t change. Some people

are born in wealth. Some people are born drop

dead beautiful. And some people… some people

are born without a fucking chance. I was born

in a shit home, my parents were assholes and

my siblings were far from perfect. In fact it

seemed like everyone in my life were fucked up.

The people I went to school with, the people I

spent my time with, the people I’ve fucked

with… I just attract the biggest dicks in

Huntington Beach I guess. It’ll never change.

The only way to get through it is with time,

alcohol and heroin… It’ll never change…

It’ll never change…

When the narration is over we still see Moni driving and see the people of the streets of Huntington Beach. Meredith Brooks’ ‘Bitch’ begins to play. As the song plays the opening credits play out. Moni parks on main street of Huntington Beach and walks into the “Rock n’ Roll Emporium”.

Title Card: ‘It’ll Never Change’

Int. The Rock n’ Roll Emporium. A music store where they sell records, posters, signed memorabilia, ect. This is where Moni works. At the front counter we see an older man with tats, this is Moni’s boss Lemmy. Moni walks behind the counter and puts her bag in the back room.


Look who decided to come to work.


Get off my ass Lemmy. Traffic here was a

fucking nightmare.


Look you don’t need to tell me how the

traffic here’s a fucking nightmare. I’ve

lived in this city for 48 years, I know how

traffic gets. What I need you to

do is leave earlier so you actually get to

work on time, god forbid.

Moni puts on her laminate.



That’s Lemmy. He’s my boss and one of the

coolest cats in these parts. He’s met some

of the best. Dead Kennedys, The Misfits,

Adolescents, Sid Vicious. He even legally

changed his name to Lemmy because he says

seeing MotorHead changed his life forever.

He acts like a dick but he’s one of the few

people I think actually gives a shit about me…

A middle aged man in a shirt and tie walks into the emporium.




Michael! How you doing brother?

They shake hands.


I’m doing just fine. More importantly how

are you doing?


I’m doing righteous brother.

Moni frowns when she sees Michael.



Lemmy use to be like me. A drug addict.

But then about two years ago he got caught

with coke and heroin in his Chevy. The

court sent him to rehab and gave him this

fuck head. Michael is his sponsor.

Apparently this pinhead used to tweak out and

now tries to keep Lemmy from falling off the

wagon. I think it’s total bullshit. How is

one druggy supposed to keep another druggy

from doing drugs that’s like trying to cure

cancer with even more cancer. Besides, this

old asshole keeps trying to have sex with me.

Michael looks over at Moni. Moni returns to organizing records. Michael walks over.


Hi Monica. How are you doing?

Moni doesn’t respond.


Do you have any Mojo Nixon? Or any old blues.

Still no response.


What would you recommend?

Moni turns to Michael.


I recommend you go fuck yourself.


I’m just trying to get to know you better



First off my name is Moni not Monica and

secondly why don’t you hit on women your own

age? What is it? Your dick so small you

try to get a girl who’ll be impressed by a

3 inch prick?


I’m just trying to get to know the people in

Lemmy’s life. Make sure no-one’s going to

push him off his course.

Michael takes out his wallet.


If you ever wanna talk, here’s my contact


Michael hands Moni his business card. She reluctantly takes it.


I’ll see you around.

When Michael walks away Moni flips him the bird and rips the card.


(To Lemmy) I’ll see you at the meeting

Thursday, right?


I’ll be there.

Michael leaves. Moni leaning on the counter next to Lemmy.


Why does that asshole have to keep coming



He’s my sponsor. He keeps me from fucking

dying, that’s why he comes here.


Well why does he have to keep annoying the

shit out of me.


He probably just wants to help you as well.


I don’t need help, and if I did I don’t need

to hear it from a dick-wad like him.


Did you hang up the new guitars?

No answer. Moni walks to the guitar section.


That’s what I fucking thought.

It cuts to Moni hanging guitars and doing other duties at the Emporium.



My job is just another example of how my life

is just a common routine. Don’t get me wrong,

I’ve had shittier jobs.

It cuts to Moni as a cashier at a fast food restaurant. She looks pissed, in a colorful uniform, looking at a customer who has an idiotic look on his face as he tries to figure out what he wants.


Now does your Big Stack Burger have

mayonnaise? Because I can’t have

mayonnaise. To me, mayonnaise sort of takes

the taste away from the burger, if you know

what I mean.


Of course sir, one Big Stack Burger with

no mayo.


Excuse me but I didn’t say that was my order.

Maybe if you would have actually listened to

what I said, you would have known that.


(Pissed) Of course sir, I’m so sorry.

The customer gives Moni a dirty look and looks back at the menu with the same stupid look on his face.



The worst part of the job wasn’t just how

stupid the customer was, it was the shitty

tips they give. They’ll spend a $50 bill

and put 70 cents into the tip jar if that.

The other cashier was three years younger

than me and pregnant. She gets 10 to 20

buck tips because of pity. It’s like,

‘Here, I’ll give you money for having sex’

… fucking whore.

It then shows Moni working at a Kohl’s.



I was never good with co-workers. At Kohl’s

there was this cunt who was always tried to

make everyone else look like shit.

Another employee walks up to Moni with a box of ladies underwear.


Moni, I just washed these panties like the

boss asked, do you mine bringing them to the

display table for me. Thanks… Oh and I’m

afraid were going to have to cut your hours,

sorry were making cuts in everyone’s time.


Yeah, no problem.

Emily gives a fake smile and walks away. Moni takes some of the ladies underwear and shoves them in the back of her pants wiping her ass with them and throwing them back in the box.



Okay, the customer might have gotten the shit

end of that stick but let’s be honest, if you

shop at Kohl’s you’ll be lucky to buy

something that didn’t have someone’s shit all

over it.

It cuts back to the emporium, Moni is labeling all the posters. Lemmy is at the counter reading a magazine.



When I met Lemmy I was buying some records

and after we talked he offered me a job. It

was obvious he didn’t need me. He lived at

this place, everything could have been done

by him. But he gave me the job. It’s good

money. It helps me buy food, clothes, rent,

drugs. But I think the reason I took the job

is because Lemmy was someone who seemed to

not be completely full of shit. You can’t say

that about many people.

Lemmy helps a customer out and the customer leaves.


Rock on, see you around. (To Moni) Hey Moni,

take the register, I need to take a leak.

Lemmy walks into the back room and Moni takes his spot at the register. After a little while a kid walks up with a CD. Moni rings it up. As Moni handles the order, Brittany, Moni’s roommate, walks in all almost looking like a new person. Her make-up is all fixed and her hair as well. She is wearing a cute, tight black dress with a short skirt. The kid leaves and Brittany walks up to Moni.


Hey Moni-Baby.


Hey Brittany, what are you doing here?


I wanted to thank you for the breakfast this



And you couldn’t do that by phone?


If I called I wouldn’t be able to your sexy




This is Brittany, my roommate. I found an

ad on Craigslist, 20 year old female looking

for new roommate. Taking the 50/50 chance of

it being a male rapist who’d use my skin as

a body suit, I checked it out and then I had

a home.

Brittany looking around the near empty store.


Have you seen any cuties come in here lately?



At times it wished it was the rapist.


No. What about that guy coming out of your

room this morning?


No that didn’t work out. He wouldn’t cuddle

with me afterword.


Maybe that’s because guys don’t cuddle with

girl who put out on the first date.


How about that guy?

Brittany refers to a skinny guy with glasses and a soul patch looking through CDs.


He seems like your type.


And what’s my type? Scumbag hipster with

a soul patch and thinks it’s cool to wear

shaded glasses indoors. He probably still

lives with his mom. No thank you.


I don’t know, he’s cute.


I’d fuck the Swedish Chef before I’d fuck

that guy.


No, he’s married.


The Swedish Chef?


No, the guy with the glasses. Check out

his ring finger. One circular piece of

metal causes clam jams every day.


Someone like that it’s more like Crab Jam.

Jesus, that guy is what, our age? A year

older? And he’s already fucking married?


A lot of people marry young.


Yeah trophy wives and dipshits. That guy’ll

probably be on his second marriage by the

time he graduates community college.

Lemmy walks up from the back room.


Thanks Moni.

Lemmy notices Brittany.


Hello, how may I help you?


Oh, I’m just talking to Moni.

I’m her roommate.


Moni, you never said you had such a lovely



Crist Lemmy, she’s old enough to be your



Well I’ll get out of you two’s hairs. I

just wanted to say you, me, Kelly’s

bar tonight.




Come on, you never go out.


Well there’s a perfectly good reason for

that. I hate people.


Come on Moni, you need to get laid.


I’m just going to check the guitars.

Lemmy leaves to avoid this conversation.


I’m serious Moni. When was the last time

you’ve even gone out.


I go to the movies. If a band I like are

playing, I go see em’.


Yeah but you go by yourself to the movies,

and you haven’t seen a show in months.


Some of us work.


What does that supposed to mean?


I mean a 9 to 5 job. Not a job where you

waiter for 10 hours a week.


Yeah, well it’s not healthy being alone all

the time. You need to spend time with people

every once and a while.


If I’m in the mood to go out and get crazy

and shit, you’ll be the first person I’ll talk

to. Now if you’ll excuse me I have customers.


Fine, I’ll see you at home.

As she begins to walk out she turns back to Moni.


Just ask a guy for a cup of coffee.

Moni just looks at Brittany. Brittany leaves. The hipster/soul patch guy walks up with a CD. He hands the CD and some cash.

Soul Patch

I like coffee.

Moni has a ‘really?’ look on her face. She hands him the CD and his change.


Fucking Crist.

Moni slams the register.

Ext. Outside of the Rock n’ Roll Emporium later that night. Moni walks out with Lemmy following. Lemmy locks the door.


I’ll see you tomorrow.


See you Lemmy.

Moni gives Lemmy a hug and they walk in separate directions. Moni walks up to her parked car in front of a bar. The car is a 66’ Chevy Nova. There’s a guy standing in front of the bar drinking. He notices Moni.


Is that your car?




What is it, 69 Chevy Nova?






You know you can’t drink in public.

James turns his bottle around showing the Coke-A-Cola logo.



Moni feels embarrassed, gets in her car and begins to drive away. James waves her goodbye.

Ext. Outside her apartment. As Moni walks up the stairs to her apartment we can hear the Hispanic family in the lower floor arguing loudly. There was a little girl crying under the stair way. Moni notices the child through the gaps in the steps. She avoids the situation by walking up the stairs and entering her apartment. She locks the door.

Int. Moni walks into her room and throws her bag in the corner of the room. She then walks to the kitchen and opens the fridge. Moni takes out some orange juice and drinks out of the carton. She takes the carton of orange juice to her room and almost closes the door completely. In her room, Moni takes out a box containing pot and heroin. Moni takes a small pipe from her counter and puts some pot in the pipe. Moni lights up one end and smokes from the other. She holds it in and then finally breaths out. The scene begins to slow down as Moni begins to get high. After a few more puffs, Moni is now completely stoned and is completely relaxed. She then takes some heroin in a spoon and heats it up. As soon as it becomes a liquid Moni takes a needle and inserts the heroin into the needle.



I always got stoned before shooting up.

It calms the nerves, it prepares my body for

the orgasmic feel I get. Heroin makes you

feel free but contained. Comfortable but

vulnerable. Dead but more alive then you’ve

ever felt in your life.

During the narration Moni used a belt to stabilize her blood flow, then takes the needle and injects the heroin into her system. Moni removes the needle and takes off the belt and begins to feel the effect of the drug.



Everything I touch gives off an orgasmic feel.

It was as if I was swimming in ecstasy. Your

heart slows down and your mind wonders off.

It’s as if you feel like you’ve never been

awake before.

It cuts to a flashback.

Ext. 4 years ago at a suburban apartment complex. Moni is 17 and rides her bike from school to her house. She rides with friends but they separate into different streets. Moni arrives at her house. She walks inside and her father is nearly falling sleep in a chair watching a soccer game on the TV. Moni walks up stairs and her mom walks up to her dad. As Moni walks up to her room we can hear her parents arguing in the background. When Moni gets to her room she closes her door and turns on the radio at high volume to drown out the fight. Moni looks out her window and notices a 20 something year old, smoking, getting out of his car and taking some boxes to the apartment house next to hers.