Stuart Green Market Vendor Application
Located at 121 SW Flagler Ave, Stuart City Hall parking lot
(Not mailing address / Call for information)
By entering into this agreement, each vendor or purveyor of a market product agrees that he or she has the required regulatory licenses and permits and to waive any and all liability against the Stuart Green Market.
_____ (Initial) I have read the above and agree on behalf of anyone working for me at the market.
_____ (Initial) I acknowledge that weather can adversely affect sales and that my rental fee cannot be altered or waived as a result of weather conditions.
_____ (Initial) I acknowledge I have read the Stuart Green Market Procedures and Policies. I, as well as all my representatives, will abide by all that is outlined therein. [Contact Market Manager for copy of Policy Document.]
Business Name (print) ______
Vendor Name (print)______
Contact Phone______Email______
FL Dept of Rev Sales & Use Tax #______
Vendor Address______
City, State, Zip Code ______
Vehicle Tag#______Color______Make______Year_____
List all items to be sold at the Market (print & be specific). Use back page if needed.
FEES: The weekly vendor fee is $20.00 for each 10X10 ft booth space needed. The market is open Sundays 9 am – 1pm, year round, rain or shine. If a vendor should wish to stay for the Rock’n’ Riverwalk concert series (November-May), the vendor fee is $35.00 and entitles the vendor to stay until 4 pm.
The Market reserves the right to limit products and numbers of vendors for the benefit of the Green Market as a whole.
All vendors must have prior approval before attending the market.
Vendor Signature ______Date ______
Contact Natalie Parkell, Market Manager: 772-233-0297
See for more information, or email .
Rev. 9/14 (MGR USE - Date approved ______)