GSP – Grammar, Vocabulary, Punctuation

Formal and Informal Writing

Activity 1: Language features of Formal and Informal Writing

Tick the appropriate column.

Language features / Formal writing / Informal writing
  1. Contractions, e.g. I’d, He’s

  1. Phrasal verbs, e.g. get on with

  1. Passive voice, e.g. The price has been increased

  1. Adjectives, intensifiers, extremelanguagee.g. absolutelyunbelievable

  1. Using a lot of the following punctuation marks: ! - ?

  1. Linking words like, e.g. nevertheless, furthermore, conversely, at present

  1. Leaving out words in short phrases, e.g. Just read your note

  1. Linking words like, e.g. I mean, so, by the way, at any rate, talking about, and, but…

  1. Single word verbs e.g. to retain, to depart

  1. Starting a sentence with ‘And’ or ‘But’ or ‘Because’

  1. Colourful language for expressing opinions and emotions e.g. To be quite honest, Believe it or not, Guess what?

  1. Phrases for shared knowledge, e.g. as you know, Just like you said, If you know what I mean

  1. Personal pronouns, e.g. I, you, me, they

  1. Complex sentences, i.e. sentences using a number of clauses linked by linking words

  1. Vague language, e.g. thing, stuff, it, this, those

  1. Rhetorical questions, e.g. Did you know that…?

  1. Expressing ideas strongly, e.g. Nuclear power is the only way forward.

  1. Using tentative / hedging language e.g. It is possible that nuclear power… / It seems that…

Activity 2: Formal / Informal Language: Practice activity

Fold this piece of paper in half longways so that you cannot see the right hand column. Now read the informal statement in the left hand column and try to think of a formal alternative. There are many possible altervatives, read the right hand column for some suggestions.

Informal Statement / A possible formal alternative
I think that…
Tip: Be tentative (soft language) when giving your judgement. / from the evidence presented above,
it seems that… OR
itcould be argued that…
Finding enough water for everyone in the world is still a huge problem...
Tip: Use formal nouns and adjectives not emotional or extreme language. / Finding sufficient water for the global population remains a significant challenge.
Nobody can say how climate change will affect water supply.
Tip: Don’t use words which refer to people informally (I, you, them, everyone, nobody) / It is impossible to predict how climate change will affect water supply.
They did a survey on the way people use water.
Tip: Try the passive voice. / A survey on water usage was conducted.
And us? We should use water more carefully at home.
Tip: Don’t start the sentence with ‘and’, don’t ask the reader questions and take the personal pronoun out (we). / Domestic water usage should be more carefully monitored.
Because the world’s water supply is finite…
Tip: Don’t start a sentence with ‘and’, ‘but’ or because. Use formal linking words instead. / Due to the fact that the world’s water supply is finite
In this essay, I will look at.....
Tip: Get rid of ‘I’, formal verb for ‘look at’ / In this essay, x y z will be discussed / analysed / evaluated etc.

Answer KEY for Activity 1:

1. Inf, 2.Inf, 3. For, 4. Inf, 5. Inf, 6. Form, 7.Inf, 8. Inf, 9. Form, 10. Inf, 11. Inf, 12. Inf, 13. Inf, 14. Form, 15. Inf., 16. Inf, 17. Inf, 18. Form.


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