


Industrial Training programme (InTra) is a programme that is much similar to conventional industrial training in renowned universities. In UniMAP, every student has to undergo compulsory practical work in term of industrial training prior to the completion of their studies.


To expose the students to engineering practice and professional work style.

To introduce students the relationship between theory and real application.

To expose students to the actual working environment.

To expose students to build and improve creativity.

To provide a channel for sharing/exchange of ideas between the students and other staff of the industries.


The details of the Industrial Training (InTra) are as follows:

Date: 23thJune 2016 – 4th September 2016

Duration: 10 weeks

Attendance : Compulsory

(If there is any attitude problem, please contactprogrammecoordinator )

Program: Bachelor of Engineering (Biosystems Engineering).

Credit Hour: 4 credit hours.


If you have any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Mrs Samera Samsuddin Sah

Industrial Training Coordinator,

Biosystems Engineering Programme,

School of Bioprocess Engineering,

Universiti Malaysia Perlis,

Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Jejawi 3,

02600 Arau, Perlis, MALAYSIA

Tel (O) : 604-9798751 Tel (HP) : +6 016 414 4537

Fax : 604-9798755 Email :

The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Biosystems Engineering) Programme

UniMAP’s Biosystems Engineering is considered as a biology-based engineering program that evolved from the traditional agricultural engineering that “applies and integratesknowledge in sciences, mathematics, applied biological, environmental and agricultural sciences, and engineering to solve problems and innovate solutions involving biological systems including agriculture”.

The programme commenced in 2008 with its first intake of 36 students. At present, the programme is running at its full four-year enrolment of 171 students. The first cohort of the BSE students graduated in June 2012 and duely assumed various positions in different sectors of the biobased and related industries. The record on the first cohort’s employability, looks impressive. Like the sister program at UPM, the biosystems engineers of UniMAP find its place under the Agricultural discipline of both the BEM and IEM if they were accepted as a fullfled practicing engineer in their respective fields of work.

Biosystems Engineering graduates are envisioned to acquire knowledge and abilities to effectively work on and involved in

(a)design and management of life support systems for plants and animals (e.g. structures, machinery, elements of precision agriculture, processes, management models, energy systems or controlled environments),

(b)design processes and equipment for the production, storage, and processing of food and fibre,

(c)assessment of food quality and safety,

(d)expanding use of biological products and biomass and

(e)monitoring and assessment of environmental and pollution control of land, water and air resources,

(f)development and application of technologies concerning bio-fuels, bio-materials, biological waste processing and management,

(g)reclamation, restoration and remediation of environmental damages, and

(h)economics and management of agricultural and food production.

To affect those expected acquired knowledge and abilities, the curriculum structure of Biosystems Engineering encompasses courses and exposures related to disciplines in automation and emerging technologies, information technology, power and machinery, postharvest technology, structures and environment, soil and water, and sustainable agriculture.

Biosystems Engineering students have successfully undergone practical training and well received by established organizations such as IOI Corporation, Sime Darby, Perlis Sugar Factory, FELDA, MARDI, MPOB, Jabatan Kerja Raya, Jabatan Bekalan Air, Natural Resources and Environment Board, Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, Jabatan Pertanian, Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang, palm oil mills and many others companies.


As part of the effort to facilitate the process of nurturing highly-skilled human capital in support of the country's Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), TalentCorp, in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), has initiated a Structured Internship Programme in which a company that hires interns to undergo its structured internship programme endorsed by TalentCorp, is eligible for double tax deduction for all related expenses incurred on the interns.

The internship programme is designed to benefit two groups; the interns/students and the Companies/Employers. UniMAP is proud to announce that TalentCorp has endorsed UniMAP's Structured Internship Programme (SIP) for 2011, where almost 15 companies had benefitted from this incentive.

UniMAP will once again submit the SIP application for the year 2015, and we would like to invite all eligible companies to join us inmaking the internship experience for Malaysian graduates relevant to the industries and thus making them more employable to fill in the current talent shortage in corporate Malaysia especially in companies under NKEA sectors.



Eligibility criteria for the companies

  1. Participating companies can only claim double deduction tax incentive on SIP only for the following intern/ student,
  2. who is a Malaysian citizen
  3. who is pursuing degree programme (or *equivalent as defined by TalentCorp) on full-time basis in local local IPTA and IPTS.
  4. who completes the approved internship programme before completion of his final semester of his degree (and equivalent) programme
  5. Participating companies shall claim the tax incentive for the internship programme for the year of assessment in which the endorsement is issued.
  6. Participating companies shall provide each intern with a minimum of cash, or/and cash equivalent of RM500 monthly allowance
  7. Participating companies are also allowed to claim tax deduction on the following other direct expenses, limited to a maximum where the average total expenses is RM5,000 per student per year of assessment.
  8. Meals, transport and accommodation allowances
  9. Training offered during the internship programme
  10. Payment to the Third Party/ Outsourced Party running or administering the programme

Table 1: Suggested Internship Structure

Week / Activities
1 / Introduction
  • Company background
  • Procedure
  • System

2,3 / Technical Training
4,5,6 / Project Planning
7,8,9 / Project Management
10 / General Training


  1. Further information regarding SIP can be obtained from
  2. Kindly direct any inquiries regarding SIP to
  3. Eligible companies MUST provide UniMAP the following details: proof of payment to the student(s) during internship, person in charge of the internship programme at the company along with his/her contact details, and also company registration number. Without these evidences, UniMAP will not list the respective companies in the SIP application for 2015