Knolls Estates Monthly Board Meeting

September 21, 2016

Minutes of Meeting (Approved 10/19/16)

The meeting was called to order by Joe Groussman at 6:01pm

1.) In attendance: Joe Groussman, Patricia Klassen, Rick Thigpen, Donna Pagel, and Jennifer Young (Centerpointe).

2.) The Housekeeping Rules were not read. Housekeeping rules will always be printed on the back of the agenda going forward.

3.) Approval of Minutes from September 24, 2016 Meeting: Patricia Klassen made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the September 24, 2016 meeting. Rick Thigpen seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Motion was carried to approve the September 24, 2016 meeting minutes by unanimous vote.

4.) Reports from Officers, Administrators and Committees:

A.) President – Administrator – Joe Groussman

I.) Greg Henderson has resigned from the board due to career obligations. We will announce at annual meeting that a new position is needed for the board.

II.) Joe read the thank you card the board received. Jon and Tracey Martz thanked the board for the welcome basket. They also expressed they have met a lot of nice neighbors.

III.) Annual Meeting Update:

● Patricia Klassen suggests we purchase 40 sandwiches from Subway this year (last year 50 were purchased). Joe and Sierra will be making lemonade and coffee. Chips will be picked up from Costco.

● No word to date as to whether Sharon Troxel will be helping with set up. If she is not available someone from the committee should.

●Donna and Joe will meet at the school at 3pm on Friday to start setting up tables and chairs. Rick will come early on Saturday. It is the association’s responsibility to return the furniture to its original position for Monday’s school.

●Rick inquired into the necessity of reading last year’s minutes at the annual meeting. Patricia states if it is requested, they are required to read it.

IV.) Patricia Klassen made a motion to withdraw the availability of the judicial committee regarding the dispute on lot #20 – Karen Adams, and turn it over to the attorney. Donna Pagel seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Motion was carried to have the attorney handle the dispute with lot #20 – Karen Adams, withdrawing the judicial committee in any involvement.

Joe Groussman suggests offering lot #20-Karen Adams, a settlement for 75% of the total fees and 100% of attorney fees at final distribution. No negotiating settlement. Patricia Klassen made a motion to offer lot #20 – Karen Adams, to pay a minimum of 75% of total fees and pay 100% of attorney fees at final distribution. Rick Thigpen seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Motion was carried to offer lot #20 – Karen Adams a settlement to pay a minimum of 75% of total fees at final distribution and pay 100% of attorney fees by unanimous vote.

V.) Discussed procedures on notification and water shut off for owners with delinquent water bills.

B.) Treasurer Report: Open position, read by Joe Groussman

I.) August Revenue and Expense Report

Total Revenue $12,297.12

Total Expenses $52,583.87

Net Revenue ($40,286.75)

It was noted that the large Capital Expense invoices for KEOA’s Asphalt Sealant was paid this month. The End-of-Year outstanding balance will be transferred from the Reserve Acct- if required.

Total Net Worth $337,518.39

II.) Patricia Klassen is requesting clarification on the deposits from Johnson and Zenchenko for settlement payments. They are not reflecting in the Revenue breakdown on the monthly financials. Jennifer will ask Kathy to email the board with this information.

C.) Service/Welcome Committee Report: Sandra Moulton

I.) Welcome baskets were delivered in August to lots # 6, 71, & 72. Still trying to deliver to #51.

II.) A sympathy card was accidentally sent to Donna and Doyle. They have had no loss in their family recently.

III.) Sandy turned in receipts for reimbursement which were approved by Joe and submitted to Centerpointe.

IV.) Sandy will not be attending the annual meeting. She will write up a report for Donna Pagel to read at the meeting.

V.) Patricia Klassen would like the Board to make a personal phone call to the new owners to invite them to the meeting. In addition they can have their own table. Sandy will provide information pamphlets from the Visitors Center.

D.) Social Committee: Sharon Troxel (not in attendance)

I.) Comments received from the board and other owners is that the Hot Topics are too small on the monthly invoices. People are not noticing them. Board suggested color, but that would be an additional charge per sheet. Other suggestions- maybe asterisks or box it; something to make it stand out. Jennifer will let Kathy at CPM know about the boards concerns /suggestions. The board will make a point to mention at the annual meeting for owners to look for the Hot Topics on their monthly invoices.

E.) Design Committee: Ben Fry (not in attendance)

I.) Harjit Singh (not in attendance) lot #62 would like to extend the Golf Safety Net to go across his entire back yard. Sandy reports the golf balls are being lobbed on to his property, they come in sideways across the course at full speed. Mr. Singh reported to her when they hit the house it sounds like a bomb. Additionally he is worried about the safety of his small kids playing in the back yard. Board members discussed the issue, but were unable to come to a decision. This discussion is tabled for this meeting and will be revisited at October’s meeting. Joe will talk to the owner to get more details for next month’s meeting.

F.) Maintenance Committee Report: Joe Groussman

I.) Freedom Lawn Maintenance will perform the last grooming for this year on September 23rd.

II.) C&R Striping submitted a bid of approximately $703 to put reflective stripe on Scardi Blvd. Patricia Klassen made a motion to approve the bid and authorize the work to be done. Donna Pagel seconded the motion. A vote was taken. Motion was carried to approve the bid from C&R Striping in the amount of $703 to put reflective stripe on Scardi Blvd and authorize the work by unanimous vote.

III.) C&R Striping is scheduled to do reflective fog line stripe in phase 1 and along Scardi Blvd. on September 27th. Donna Pagel will call all the inquiring residents and let them know.

IV.) No update on water at the entrance sign. Joe Groussman still waiting on the responses from the City of Sutherlin to taping into the water main and install a meter.

V.) Update on not groomed yard at lot #99, David Thomas: Board would like CPM to start fining him. If he argues about the fines at all he is to be referred to the attorney.

VI.) The board is in need of some “as-needed” individuals to help with maintenance. The following options were discussed:

●The board could hire someone that would be supervised by Joe. He is going to contact the insurance company to see if there is a clause that can be added to the policy to cover something like this.

●Would CPM hire someone as an employee of CPM, but would be supervised by Joe and do work for Knolls PUD only? Jennifer will take proposal to Carol at CPM and we will get back to him.

● option to inquire into handyman services or temporary employment agencies.

G.) Memorial Bench Committee: Patricia Klassen

I.) The excavator is coming out tomorrow – Thursday Sept 22. Patricia and the excavator will decide on the final pattern. There will be no fill dirt needed. Donna Pagel suggests they put one bench to start, to see if it is going to be used. Patricia says they will be doing two benches. Joe said the company that did the bench downtown costs about $1000 for manufacture and shipping. Patricia is going to look into different type benches and other vendors.

H.) Centerpointe Property Management: Jennifer Young

I.) 8/30 Drive-Thru Report:

2293 Eagle Loop, Anderson: for sale sign is down

--Donna Pagel reports there is a new sign up, different realtor

#92 Culver Loop – building site being prepared

#99 Thomas – yard in same condition as when last contacted

1764 Scardi – utility trailer in driveway

--trailer has since moved

II.) CPM asked the board if the landscaping between lots 123 & 124- 716 Sandpiper is acceptable after utility digs. Lot 123 owner is complaining that her landscaping is still torn up. Joe will do a drive by and let Kathy know.

5.) Unfinished Business:

A.) Workshop for Rules and Reg’s has been postponed to first quarter- 2017

6.) New Business

A.) Need volunteers for annual meeting for set up on Friday and tear down for after the meeting.

B.) Sign-up sheet for administrator and committee volunteers

7.) Owner Comments

A.) Patricia Klassen would like to open the discussion about how the board will deal with wheel chair ramp requests. Patricia expressed concerns of them bringing down the value of the properties. Can ramps be limited to not be built at the front door entrance? After discussions, Joe and other board members to do further research into answers for this question. Jennifer will also look for any information she can find.

8.) Meeting was adjourned by Joe Groussman at 7:30pm.