1. Matching

Act of AdmissionConcurrent PowersEnabling Act Federalism

Expressed PowersReserved Powers Privileges and Immunities Clause

____10. This was an act that directed people of early U.S. territories to frame

(create) a proposed state constitution

____11. Powers that are specifically spelled out and delegated to the National

Government, they are often called “enumerated powers

____12. This means that no state can draw unreasonable distinctions between

it’s residents and those persons who happen to live in another state

____13. An act creating or admitting a new state to the union

____14.. Powers that both the National Government and the States possess

and can exercise

____15. These are the powers that the Constitution does not grant to the

National Government but does not at the same time deny to the states

____16.. A system of government in which a written constitution divides the

powers of government on a territorial basis. This is done between a

central government and several regional governments.

17.) Which of the following is a power specifically held by the states?

a.To borrow money

b.To ratify amendments to the Constitution

c.To conduct foreign relations

d.To admit new states to the union.

18.) The Constitutional principle by which the powers of government are divided into three

branches is called ______.

a.Separation of powers

b.Popular sovereignty

c.Representative democracy


Chapter 3 and 4 Test

Form B


Exclusive Powers Extradition Grant-in-aid Program

Inherent PowersInterstate Compact Supremacy Clause

____1. The powers that belong to a National Government because it is the

national government of a sovereign state

____2. Under this a state can with the consent of congress enter into an

agreement with another state

____3. In the Constitution it states that the laws and treaties of the United

States are the “supreme law of the land”

____4. Funding given for a specific, closely defined purpose ex. School

lunch programs

____5. The legal process by which a fugitive hiding in one state can be

returned to the state in which their crime was committed

____6. Powers that can only be exercised by the National Government;

they cannot be exercised by the States under any circumstances

7.) The case of Marbury v. Madison is important because it established the constitutional

precedent of ______.

a.National Supremacy

b.Civil Rights

c.Judicial Review

d.Executive Privilege

8.) Article III of the Constitution establishes ______.

a.The Bill of Rights

b.The process of how a bill becomes a law

c.The system of election

d.The judicial branch of government

9.) The First Ten Amendments to the U.S. Constitution are generally called the:


b.Bill of Rights

c.Civil War Amendments

d.American Creed.

31.) Formal Amendments to the Constitution may be ratified by:

1.Three-fourths of the state legislatures

2.Referendums of the people in two-thirds of the states

3.Special conventions called in three-fourths of the states

4.A three-fourth vote of both Houses of Congress and approval of the president.

a.1 and 2

b.2 and 3

c.1 and 3

d.3 and 4

32.) ______is established in Article II of the U.S. Constitution.

a.The requirements for becoming President

b.The implicit powers of the national government

c.The process of admitting new states to the union

d.The executive branch of government

Directions: Use your knowledge of the powers defined within the Constitution of the United States to answer questions 21-22 based off the primary source below.

33.) “We, the People . . .” in the introduction of the U.S. Constitution refers to ______.

a. The men who signed the document

b. Members of the U.S. Senate

c. Citizens of the United States

d. The House of Representatives

Short Answer:

34.Describe Federalism and why the Framers chose this type of government. (2 points)

35.Explain how the Constitution functions as the supreme law of the land. (2 points)

36.Describe in as much detail as possible the process for admitting new States to the Union. (5 points)

19.) According to the 3rdAmendment, No soldier shall be quartered in a house ______.

a.Except during wartime.

b. Without the consent of the owner.

c.Except during time of peace.

d.Without paying the owner.


Bill of Rights Checks and BalancesExecutive Agreement Formal Amendment Judicial Review Limited Power Rule of Law Treaty


  1. Changes or additions that become part of the written language of the Constitution.

21.A formal agreement between two or more sovereign states.

22.The belief that governments are not all powerful and may only do what the people have given them the power to do.

23.The Presidents power to reject any act proposed by Congress.

  1. The policy where each branch of government is subjected to a number of constitutional checks or restrictions by the other two branches.
  1. The judicial power to declare an act of government illegal, null and void, of no force or effect if it violates any provisions of the Constitution.
  2. The first ten amendments of the United States Constitution that lays out the freedoms and rights guaranteed to each citizen.
  3. The power of a court to determine the constitutionality of a governmental action.
  4. The policy that holds that the government and its officers in all they do are subject to and never above the law.
  5. A pact (agreement) made by the President directly with the head of a foreign state.

30.) The Constitution of the United States contains ______.

a.A preamble, 3 articles, and 26 amendments

b.An introduction, 5 articles, and 23 amendments

c.A preamble, 7 articles, and 27 amendments

d.A Bill of Rights, 4 articles and 25 amendments