East Junior High – PTO Minutes

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Attendees: Heather Black, Tami Casper, Holly Setian, Molly Harder, Julie Conroy, Stacy Rocklein, Christy Babcock, Melanie Simboli, jessica Abbott, David Greene.

Meeting called to order at 1:06pm in Room 110 by Molly Harder.

Approval of September meeting minutes by Holly Setian. Motion to approve the Sept minutes with noted correction of meeting start time of 1pm, not 12pm by Heather Black. Motion passes.

Treasurer’s Report by Tami Casper

Review of current financial accounts. Noted that the +$3,000 bill for the poinsettias ordered by Intermountain Imaging has not been paid yet. Jessica explains that they pay after they receive flowers. Tami notes that our projected income is projected to be above the amount budgeted, once all poinsettia monies are deposited. Tami informs the board that because the Boise Public School Foundation was audited, they will be unable to accept fundraiser money in the future. This affects East accounting in the upcoming school year in regards to poinsettia orders will need to make their checks directly to East PTO, not BPSF as historically has been done.

Committee Reports

Poinsettia- Jessica Abbott informs the members that sales are approximately $1,100 above budget. Delivery day is set for December 2nd at 9am and she’s had ample delivery volunteers sign up to help.

Brick Sales- Molly mentions that she asked Gayle Verschoor to include dates of service on bricks for retired teachers/staff. There’s no additional cost.

Staff Appreciation- Molly mentions, on behalf of Danette Kuecks, that there will be holiday cookies for the staff December 16th.

New Business by Molly Harder

“Teacher Wish List” expense item to be addressed by Mr. Greene.

“Holiday Wish List” expense category is set up to give holiday gifts for East students that come from financially underprivileged homes.

STEM camp letter (attached) asking for feedback about a summer camp for junior high girls at the Idaho Botanical Gardens.

Principal’s Report by David Greene

Mr. Greene will submit a “Teacher Wish List” in January. The East website is up and running again.

Mr. Biggs’ courses are benefitting greatly from 2 grants awarded along with the PTO monies given. The number of girls in the Tech classes has improved over the last year as well.

Teachers have started using a website, donorchose.org, to assist them in reaching their class goals.

Discussion over a concession stand punch card has led to the decision to sell at the next registration.

Staff and parents would like to see the school start a Spirit Day tradition more regularly.

Current student enrollment is 654 (not including 6th graders that attend for specific classes). The pattern for enrollment has been an addition of 2-3 new students each week since school began. The current East structure capacity is 725 students. Mr. Greene will not be accepting open enrollment transfers in the spring. Due to the student population growth, new staff will likely be added next year.

Regarding road closures that affect our routes to school, Mr. Greene suggests parents communicate suggestions/complaints to ACHD and the Boise Valley Neighborhood Association.

Meeting adjourned at 2:18pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Holly Setian, PTO Secretary