Ref: AB
Application No: / 3/2015/0380
Site: / 37 Whitecroft Lane, Mellor, Lancashire, BB2 7HA
Development Proposed: / Roof raised to allow for loft conversion. New staircase with dormer window. Extensions to side and rear of premises
Target: / 8th July 2015

CONSULTATIONS: Town/Parish Council

Parish Council: No objections

CONSULTATIONS: Highway/Water Authority/Other Bodies

LCC Highways: The proposal raises no highway concerns and I would therefore raise no objection to the proposal on highway grounds.

CONSULTATIONS: Additional Representations

No representations have been received
Ribble Valley Core Strategy
Policy DMG1 – General Considerations
Policy DMH5 – Residential and Curtilage Extensions
National Planning Policy Framework
Section 7 – Requiring Good Design
This application proposes the remodelling and extension of an existing dwelling at 37 Whitecroft Lane, Mellor. The application dwelling is located on the edge of the settlement of Mellor in an area characterised by bungalows and 1 ½ storey dwellings. The application property is a gable fronted detached bungalow with gardens to the front and rear and is faced with red and buff brickwork, concrete roof tiles and white UPVC window frames and doors. There is a small flat-roofed extension to the rear.
The application seeks consent to raise the roof of the property in order to provide first floor accommodation. The eaves and ridge height of the existing property would be raised by 0.45m to provide two first floor bedrooms with en-suites. A single storey side extension measuring around 5.9m x 3.1m would be erected on the south side elevation to provide a second garage and would have a hipped roof extending from the roof plane of the main dwelling. A small single storey extension measuring 4m x 2.7m is proposed on the south side of the existing flat-roofed rear extension and erection of a dual-pitched roof. A dual-pitched gable dormer faced with render would be erected on the north-facing roof slope to provide a first floor landing. Alterations to the fenestration are proposed including first floor openings in the front and rear apex.
The main issues to be considered as part of this application include the design of the proposals and its impact on the visual appearance of the surrounding area, its impact on neighbouring occupiers and its effect on protected species.
The dwellings in the surrounding area are constructed from a range of materials and are of a variety of designs including gable-fronted and side-gabled properties. Whilst most of the properties are uniform in height the area experiences a change in levels resulting in an undulating roofscape. Taking this into account, it is considered that the proposed increase in roof height at the application dwelling would not be unduly prominent and would not harm the character of the area. The proposed single storey side and rear extensions would be clearly subservient to the main dwelling and the garage roof would be built in order to match the pitch of the main roof. Alterations to the fenestration including the introduction of new window openings does not present any design concerns nor does the use of k-rend on the proposed additions and existing dwelling given that it can be widely seen in the locality. Whilst dormers are not common features in the locality the proposed dormer would be subordinate to the main roof, would be located on the side of the dwelling and would have a gable roof to complement the host dwelling. Taking into account the above, the proposal accord with Core Strategy policies DMG1 and DMH5.
With regards to the potential impact on the residential amenity of the occupiers of nearby dwellings, there are no dwellings to the front of the application property. To the south, the nearest dwelling is located at a distance of around 40m. No.35 Whitecroft Lane is located to the rear of the application property. The proposed development would be located 1.9m from the common boundary with this dwelling. There are first floor habitable room windows proposed on the rear elevation of 37 Whitecroft Lane facing this neighbouring dwelling which would provide unrestricted views of the rear garden from a distance of 5.5m. As such, the proposed development would have a significant impact on the amenities of the occupants of No.35 Whitecroft Lane through loss of privacy. Accordingly, the applicant has removed the first floor windows and introduced roof lights on the south-facing roof slope.
The nearest dwelling to the north is no.39 Whitecroft Lane. The common boundary with this property lies around 1.75m from the application dwelling. There is a ground floor window proposed on the side elevation facing this neighbouring property and, whilst a 1.5m high close boarded timber boundary fence provides some screening, it is considered that this window should be obscured glazed. Furthermore, the dormer windows would provide unrestricted views of this neighbour’s rear garden and should be obscure glazing in order to protect the privacy of this occupier.
A protected species survey has been submitted which found no evidence of bats using the property and concludes that the proposed works are unlikely to cause disturbance to bats, result in the loss of a bat roost or cause injury or death to bats. Furthermore, it is considered that the proposed development will not be to the detriment of highway safety.
In conclusion, it is considered that the proposed development would not result in harm to the appearance of the existing building nor the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers. Accordingly, it is recommended that the application be approved.
RECOMMENDATION: Permit Full Planning Permission