FL Unit 5 Study Guide (Infant Nutrition)
Name: ______Date:______Period: ______
Infant – ______
•Growth is ______during infancy than any other time of life.
•The muscles, bones, and other tissues grow and develop at dramatic rates.
•An infant’s healthy weight ______during the first year.
•Infants need the ______variety of nutrients as adults
•Infants who are ______have greater nutritional needs than adults.
•Infants require more nutrients per pound of body weight.
•Infants who are born to healthy woman who consumer ______amounts of Iron should have iron stored in their body until they are ______months.
•It should be enough last them until they begin to consume Iron from ______.
•Infants need ______protein
•Supports the growth of ______and other body ______.
•Excess Protein:Can ______the growth of the brain.
•Inadequate Protein:
Stresses the ______&______
Both ______and ______the excess nitrogen
Not ______but when nonfat milk or concentrated formula is used.
Some Signs: ______, Diarrhea, elevated blood ______, ______.
Calcium & Phosphorous
•Infants need an______of amount of both.
•Essential for the development of ______&______
•______And______are designed to meet these and other nutritional needs.
Vitamin D
•Recommendation is ______each day
•This includes infants who are ______or on ______.
•Discuss vitamin D ______with your pediatrician.
Feeding Schedules
•Proper feeding is essential to ______growth for infants.
•First few weeks baby’s need to feed every ______hours
•Just learning to eat
•Digestive Tracts are ______.
•After the first few weeks baby need to be fed at regular times.
•______feedings a day
•______hour intervals
•Around ______months you can feed ______times a day
•By the infants ______birthday they can join the family for ______meals a day with nutritious snacks.
Feeding Schedule Tips for Caregivers
•Be ______
•Baby might be hungry at ______times
•Look for signs the infant is ______
•Avoid ______feeding when they are not hungry
______Out food or ______head away.
Environmental Factors
•Regular Feeding Times
•______expectations from caregiver
•______Foods – don’t be upset this is one way baby’s show ______.
Wait a few days and try to feed that food again.
•______eating conditions help children form ______feelings towards food and eating.
•Infants don’t have food ______& ______
They learn them when ______express their like and dislike for foods.
•______food for an infant
•Nutrient composition that is ______to nourish humans.
•The first few months breast milk ______to meet the infants changing needs.
•The ______of breast milk is very different from that of cow’s milk or formula.
Stages of Breast Milk
-______: First 3-5 days following birth.Creamy, yellow, thick milk
High in protein, vitamins, minerals and antibodies.
-______:Lasts about 2 weeks. Thinner, whiter milk
High in fat, Lactose and vitamins.
-______:Until baby is weaned. 90% water for hydration
Carbohydrate, protein and fat needed for growth and energy
•Formula has ______of some nutrients than breast milk.
•The only ______approved formula is ______fortified.
•More of these ______are not necessary
______Amount of protein in breast milk is easier for infants to digest.
Infants absorb the smaller amount of ______in breast milk more fully than the ______amount in formula.
Breast milk contains ______(protect against disease) that ______doesn’t.
Digesting Solid Foods
•Infants ______have solids before they are ______months old.
•Infants younger than ______months have trouble ______solid foods.
•Infant’s ______are ______and can’t handle the increased load of ______wastes generated by solid foods.
Waste includes: ______& ______
Infants excrete these wastes through their ______and eating solids before ______months due to this can cause ______.
•Infants have an______GI tract and will digest the protein but not the ______.
This can increase their risk of developing ______.
Introducing Solid Foods
Signs an Infant is ready for solid foods
Should be able to ______with support (provides a straight passage for solids to travel)
Infant should no longer ______(control of mouth & tongue)
______Birth Weight
Show interest in ______(practice chewing when they see others chewing)
1. ______are usually the first solid food added to the infant’s diet.Iron is in a form infant’s can absorb.
2.Strained ______
3. ______:Many parents introduce fortified apple juice at this time as a source of Vitamin C.
4. ______– this is the last solid food introduced (digestion)
- Only introduce ______solid food at a time
•Wait ______days before introducing another solid food.
Food Allergies
Food Intolerances
•______is usually first because it is the least allergenic.
•______is introduced later on because it is more allergenic.
•______can cause allergens if introduced too early. (wait till after 1st birthday to introduce)
•______introduce new foods to help grow flavors and texture
•Long Shelf Life
•Just as nutritious
•Less Expensive
Preparing Foods at Home
•Prepared and stored using ______food practices
•An ______texture for the child
•Prepared ______added sugar, salt or spices
1. Select good ______, fresh food. Avoid using leftover foods.
2. Wash, ______, seed or trim foods as needed. Remove fat from meat.
3. Cook food until ______. Cook protein foods until ______
4.Use a food ______or ______to process foods to appropriate textures. Foods can also be pushed through a fine mesh strainer with a spoon.
5. Add ______liquid, water or fruit juice to thin pureed food if needed.
Foods that are not eaten immediately after cooking should be stored in ______or ______. Do not let the food sit at ______temperature.
Refrigerating Homemade Baby Food
1. Place food in ______container with lid.
2. Label and ______food
3. Refrigerate ______.
4. Discard food after ______hours
Freezing Homemade Baby Food
- Place baby food into clean container. (Clean ice cube trays can be used to freeze food into baby-size portions) Cover ______with lid, plastic wrap or foil.
- Label and date food
- Place in freezer immediately
- Discard food after ______month.
Feeding Tips
•Avoid ______to prevent the development of ______fat tissue
•Amounts of food Infants are ______to accept varies
•______consumed is based on age, sex, size, state of health & ______characteristics.
•______months they can begin to ______foods with their fingers.
Holding food with fingers prepares them to hold a ______.
Foods Not Allowed
•Low ______formulas
•______, herbs, spices, or botanicals
•Oral dehydration fluids or ______solutions
•Flavoring or ______agents
•Sports or ______drinks
•Infant cereal with added infant ______, milk, fruit, or other non-cereal ingredients
•Fruit-nut mixtures
•______, salt, sugar, ______, fish, raw eggs.
•Goats' and ______milk (under a year old)
Timeline for Feeding
–The baby should be eating breast milk at least 8 times a day or 18-40 ounces of iron fortified formula a day.
–The baby should be eating breast milk every 2-4 hours or 24-45 ounces of iron fortified formula. Your baby may also need 1-4 Tbsp. of dry cereal mixed with breast milk or formula. You can tell if your baby is ready for cereal if she's between 4-6 months old, holds her head up, can sit with support, acts interested in foods you're eating, doesn't push food out with her tongue, and can give you satiety cues.
–The baby should be eating breast milk at least 5 times a day or 24-37 ounces of iron fortified formula a day. Also included in their diet should be iron fortified infant cereal, fruit juices, vegetables and fruits, and small servings of finger foods.
–The baby should be eating breast milk at least 4 times a day or 24-31 ounces of iron fortified infant formula. The baby should also experience a number of other foods such as: iron fortified infant cereal, fruit juices, vegetables and fruits, finger foods, legumes, egg yolks, meat, dairy foods.
How to Feed a Baby
•Hold the baby ______while feeding.
•Hold the baby's ______higher than the body keeping it supported, to make ______easier.
•Hold the bottle so that most of the ______nipple is in your baby's mouth and the formula fills the ______. This will prevent the baby from swallowing ______.
•The baby will ______be able to support the bottle alone during the first year.
•Let the baby ______the pace. Do not rush feeding.
•______the baby after each feeding. If the baby has a lot of gas, burp halfway through the feeding.
•Never ______the bottle in baby's mouth. This could cause ______or ______decay.
How to Breastfeed
–Position the baby on her ______so she is directly facing you, with her belly touching yours. Next, prop up the baby with a pillow if necessary, and hold her up to your breast; don't lean over toward her.
–Place your ______and fingers around your areola.
–Tilt your baby's head back slightly and tickle her lips with your nipple until she opens her mouth ______.
–Help her "______" the breast into her mouth by placing her lower jaw on first, well below the nipple.
–Tilt her head forward, placing her ______deeply on the breast. Make sure she takes the entire nipple and at least 1 1/2 inches of the areola in her mouth.
•The process of gradually introducing infants to an______diet and withdrawing the supply of their mother's milk.
•Weaning should start when the baby is ______months old.
•Never put ______food in the baby's ______.
•The first recommended solid food is ______.
•Infant ______cereal is easy to digest and unlikely to trigger an allergic reaction.
•Introduce ______after the baby gets used to vegetables.
•At ______months, the baby's diet will begin to resemble that of the rest of the family’s, with ______meals and ______snacks a day along with ______feedings of breast milk or formula.