CS 4110 Senior Seminar Spring 2018

Instructor: Yan Shi

- See the web page (http://people.uwplatt.edu/~shiy) for instructor information

Meeting times and classroom:

3:00 – 3:50, Monday, Ullrich 002

Course Objectives:

Written and oral presentation skills are critical for computer science and software engineering professions. In addition, critical and constructive peer reviewing techniques are also important. In this class each student shall:

1.  Explore a computer science (CS 4110) or software engineering (SE 4110) topic in depth.

2.  Prepare a formal oral presentation about the topic.

3.  Present the topic using various audio/visual/technological tools.

4.  Write a journal style paper that covers the material researched.

5.  Perform a formal review of two classmates’ papers.

6.  Revise your paper based on formal reviews.

7.  Discuss and question each other's presentations to clarify, learn more, and share knowledge.


·  CIS or CT major or CS minor with a junior or senior standing.

Grading: This is a Pass/Fail course. To pass, one must satisfy ALL requirements of this course. See Requirements below.

Important Information:

·  Course web site: http://people.uwplatt.edu/~shiy/cs411/

·  Read email on a regular basis; many important class-related announcements will be made by email and no where else.

·  Signup for topic/date is on a first-come first-get-it basis.


R-01: Each student shall research and prepare a 35-40 minute multi-media presentation on a pre-approved (by the instructor) computer science or software engineering topic. A topic shall not mimic or duplicate what is covered in a CS or SE course with the possible exception of including a brief amount of background material from the course. The CS4110 topics MUST have significant CS content and the SE4110 topics MUST have significant SE content. Topics MUST be cleared with the instructor!

R-02: All presentations shall be given in the designated classroom using PowerPoint or other pre-approved (by the instructor) technology.

R-03: All topics shall include at least four substantial references for your topic. These references shall come from computer technical books, journals, or conference papers. Popular trade magazines such as Byte and Computer World are NOT considered suitable. Material from the WWW can be used if the source is a reputable source and the URL is likely to be stable for at least the next 2 years.

R-04: A 100 to 200 word abstract describing your presentation along with your references shall be submitted no later than 12:00 noon, January 26, 2018 (Friday of Week 1). This will be forwarded to the class and CSSE faculty as well as published on our website. Look at journals in the library for examples of abstracts. Your abstract should include the title of your presentation and your name and it should be written to attract people to your presentation.

R-05: A journal style paper shall be prepared in accordance with a style guide. See Technical Reports.

R-06: All journal papers shall be submitted electronically to the instructor no later than 12:00 noon, February 5, 2018 (Monday of Week 3).

R-07: Each student shall complete the review of the assigned two papers in accordance with the style guide and a reviews guide. The reviews must be in hard copy or electronic format no later than 12:00 noon, February 19, 2018 (Monday of Week 5). You may use the review tool in Word to track changes and add comments to the document you review.

R-08: Each student shall revise their paper based on the peer reviews and common sense. If there are questions regarding the appropriateness of the review please see the instructor. The final version, publication ready, paper shall be submitted electronically to the instructor no later than 12:00 noon, March 5, 2018 (Monday of Week 7).

R-09: Each student shall submit a signed Copyright Permission Form signifying the following:

·  I will permit the publication of my paper in the UWP Computer Science and Software Engineering Technical Bulletin (UWPCSSETB).

·  If I have embedded an object copyrighted by a third party, permission was received by the third party to include the object with the understanding that the entire work may be included in the proceedings and that the copyright transfer applied only to my work but not to the third party's embedded object

·  I will be allowed to keep, distribute and point to electronic copies of the work.

·  The integrity of the content will be preserved and any reference to the UWP Computer Science and Software Engineering Technical Bulletin link will be credited as such.

R-10: Your papers shall be your work; plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in failing the course.

R-11: You shall attend the presentations. Attendance will be taken at each presentation, and more than one presentation without an excused absence will result in failing the course. Note 1: excused absence notification and acceptance must be done prior to the class starting time! Note 2: Excused absences shall include participation in religious functions, verified illness, verified job interviews, and UWP sponsored activities. Other than the above absence types must be cleared with the instructor.

R-12: Each student must ask a minimum of five questions about other people's presentations and shall complete presentation review forms that are provided.

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