Title:Raízen Social Responsibility: energy for a better future

Duration:2 minutes and 4 seconds

Description:The area of Social Responsibility of Raízen works to encourage the development of the communities in which we are present. Watch the film and find out more about our activities and results.


[video]The video starts with planet Earth near the Sun. The planet appears illuminated on the left side of the screen and focus is on South America. The focus getting closer and closer of Brazil.

[audio] Have you ever stopped to think about how changes are important in life?

[video]An airplane appears landing at dawn

[audio] They created the world like we know it today,

[video] Hands type on a type writer in a scene in black and white

[audio] enabling our evolution / sound of the typewriter in the background.

[video] There is a passage of time for hands that type words in a word editing file in a notebook. The image returns to color.

[audio] and presented new possibilities

[video] You see a machine operating in a sugarcane plantation

[audio] And do you know what is
[video] You see a Shell service station with cars filling up

[video] You see a factory with its chimneys working

[audio] the fuel for these changes?

[video] Children run using the Raizen Foundation uniform on a sunny day.


[Soundtrack] Happy and emotional soundtrack

[video] lowers and approaches the camera

[video]Three children, two girls and a boy, of different ages walk hand in hand. The camera closes in and shows the two youngest.

[video] A girl goes down a slide.

[audio]With energy,

[video] A group of children appear on top of a toy of the small park.

[audio] we believe in the children,

[video] Two women appear in uniform in a classroom smiling.
[audio] in the youth and adults

[video] Hands type on a black keyboard of a computer and, as the camera pans out, reveals it is a young adult.

[audio] contributing to a better future.

[video] The front of the Raízen Foundation appears with people in uniform entering the unit. Now we see the entrance of the Raízen Foundation from a different angle with children and adolescents walking and holding a yellow notebook.

[audio] It is our responsibility.

[video]You see the map of Brazil in grey and focused on the southeast and central east regions, the states of Goiás and São Paulo are highlighted in purple and drawings of the Foundation start to show in which cities they are present. In addition to the company mobile training vehicle present in Sao Paulo.

[audio] The changes created opportunities.

[video] The map stops focusing on these states and shows the whole of Brazil and it is all colored purple (the main color of Raízen).

[audio] they made us go further.

[video]Again, you see the children, now from infant education, with a drawing on the floor. The image moves to from left to right and we see a girl, in elementary school, on a computer pointing at the screen of the monitor. The image advances and we see more children around also on computers. Follow the movement of the image and we see adults, employees of Raízen, working on their computers.

[audio] Each step made, a new path for life begins. Turning development into experience, and our

[video]The mobile training vehicle drives on a highway.


[video] Adults are in a classroom of the Foundation copying what the teacher writes on the board. From a new angle, the students of this class appear to be paying attention to the lesson. Sat in pairs, students, young adults, learn to use tools.
[audio] runs through communities and transforms knowledge into opportunities.
[soundtrack] Changes to a more active soundtrack, with a stronger beat.

[video] Again we see the young person from the start of the video on their computer.

[video] Children join together on a porch reading their yellow notebooks.

[video] A teacher smiles to her nursery school students around her while they play.

[video]A girl smiles with her Santa hat on her head.

[video] A small girl of the Raízen foundation sends a kiss while on a swing.
[video]Adolescents from the Foundation appear playing flutes

[video] A child looks through an empty circle of their toy.

[video] A hand holds a pen and writes in a notebook.


[video] A music teacher instructs his class following scores in an outside environment with a lake in the background while others watch the presentation.

[soundtrack] you hear the sound of a flute in the background of the main soundtrack.

[video] A well-dressed girl is highlighted playing the flute.

[video]The Raízen Foundation logo appears in focus on the shirt of the student who plays the instrument.

[audio]the cultural initiatives are also an important part of the training of young people

[video]A piece of theater unites students while the actresses, also students, play characters that represent famous princesses and women from children’s books.

[audio]transforming culture into civic consciousness

[video] Women in their white lab coats decorated with animal designs ride in a small train very happily. Those who have their faces painted like clowns, smile for the camera.

[audio]And from inside to outside,

[video] Students of the Foundation fold clothes and deposit them in a box.
[audio]the social Responsibility of Raízen also marks a presence.

[video]Raízen employees choose cards on a line full of Santa dolls, while one of Santa’s elves comes to greet them.

[video]Students of the Foundation deliver bags for people, with their Santa hats.

[audio]We motivate our employees to engage in campaigns that transform team work into solidarity.

[soundtrack] Highlight for the soundtrack: more emotion and with a strong beat.

[video]With the subtitle “Actions in the Community” Raízen employees set up rubberized mats in the form of a jigsaw puzzle on the floor. Another team in uniform paints the walls.

[video] The subtitle of the video announces Recycle Fashion. In the images, a competition with several girls with dresses made from recycled materials, highlighting the winner who parades with her trophy.

[audio]Let’s go beyond!

[video] Back to the Community Actions, employees pose for a photo with red hats while holding a Raízen sign.

[audio] We carry out projects so that the community

[video] Educar na Praça brings an event in which the people are united close to big inflatable toys for children.

[audio]develops completely,

[video]EMP shows a presentation of children dancing with ribbons in typical European dress

[audio]transforming our energy into a better future

[soundtrack] calmer soundtrack.

[video] Soon after, the video fills all purple, the main color of Raízen, and an image of children starts appearing. Overlaying them in a spiral the following numbers are shown in animation
Students of the Foundation 3,300

Internal Campaigns: 159,056

Community: 200,000

Incentive laws: 1,689,923

2,052,279 beneficiates/years

[audio]Our responsibility is present in the lives of many people.

[video] Two children from the nursery play on the floor with their toys.

[audio]We offer the children,

[video] The kids from elementary school appear in a classroom raising their hands to respond to the teacher’s question.

[video]The adolescents are in a room with their notebooks watching a lesson.

[audio] the youth and the adults, opportunities

[video] Focus on a Raízen employee on their computer.

[audio] to become better citizens,

[video]Adolescents in uniform walk on the grass. First, with focus on their feet showing their steps, and them their smiling faces.

[audio]because our commitment is to wake up the desire to grow together.

[video] They stop and start to sit on the grass, each one in their own spot.

[audio]This is the energy that generates a better future.

[video] The camera is now focused on the grass, and opens up to reveal the adolescents; students of the Foundation are forming the z of Raízen, colored purple and the other letters form “Raízen”.

[audio] Here, there is always lots of energy, if there is energy, there is transformation.

[video] The video ends with the white screen written “Social Responsibility - Raízen”.