Essex Hunt North Branch of the Pony Club
Sunday 2nd July 2017
To be held at Berwick Farm, Stanford Rivers, Ongar CM5 9PY
By kind permission Mrs J Pearl
Class 1AClass 1B / Tiddler Girls 7 yrs & under
Tiddler Boys 7 yrs & under / Beanbags throwat target approx 3m
Swim 1.5 mins (armbands allowed)
Run 500 metres
Ride 45cms XC course in restricted area lead rein allowed
Class 2 C
Class 2 D / Mini Girls 9 yrs & under
Mini Boys 9 yrs & under / Shoot 7m two handed fixed targets
Swim 1.5 mins
Run 750 metres
Ride 55cms XC course in restricted area
Class 3 E
Class 3 F / Minimus Girls 11 yrs & under
Minimus Boys 11 yrs & under / Shoot 7m two handed fixed targets
Swim 2 mins
Run 1000 metres
Ride 75cms approx XC course
Class 4 G
Class 4 H / Junior Girls 14 yrs & under
Junior Boys 14 yrs & under / Shoot 7m single handed turning targets
Swim 3 mins
Run 1500 metres
Ride 90cms approx XC course
Classes 1 A - 2 D will be held in an enclosed area over a mini rustic course.
Classes 3 E - 4 H will jump a hunter trial course.
Age to be taken as at 1st January 2017. Min age to shoot is 8 yrs on that date.
Rosettes 1stto 6th place overall in all classes for individuals in tetrathlon & triathlon 1st to 3rd for best shoot, swim and run in each class and clear round in the riding section.Team rosettes to 6th place – a team to be comprised of 3 or 4 competitors from the same Pony Club in the same age group (best three scores to count). Teams can be mixed.
ENTRY FEES (Cheques payable to EHNPC)
Tetrathlon all classes£25.00 per individual
Triathlon only £16.00 per individual
Teams £4 per team.
Entries close28th June 2017 and will be strictly limited and on a first come first served basis.
ENTRIES TO: Mrs Sharon Caton,Goddards Farm, Thaxted, Great Dunmow, Essex. CM6 2RF Tel No. 01371 830266 email:
- The Judges decision is final.
- All hats comply with the current Pony Club rules.Pony Club Tetrathlon Rules 2017 will generally apply, but may be varied at the organiser’s discretion.
- An outline of the Law Relating to Air Weapons will be found at Appendix C in the rule book, together with Safety Precautions. Contravention by a competitor will result in elimination.
- When shooting competitors must wear long trousers and shoes that cover the whole foot, but do not reach the ankle bone.
- Guns must be kept in boxes until instructed otherwise by the shooting steward. No person under the age 18 years may carry an air pistol in a public place.
- Any competitor may load their pistols themselves but must be supervised by an experienced person over 18 years of age.
- Scored targets must be checked and signed for before being taken away. No queries can be upheld once they have been removed.
- Competitors may ride in the class below but will incur 500 penalties.
- In the riding phase the gate and slip rail will be timed according to the rules.
- Medical arm bands must be worn for the riding phase.
- Horse/pony may be shared by two competitors without penalty if riding separate courses. If riding the same course, the second competitor will incur a 200 point penalty.
- Competitors must be at the start of each event at least 15 minutes before they are due to compete.
- Only one person per competitor poolside.
- Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the organisers, or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of this event or The Pony Club nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, nor the landlord or his tenant, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories, or any other personal property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever. Entries are only accepted on this basis.
- The organisers of this event have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present at this event. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents. They must obey the instructions of the organisers and all officials and stewards.
- All non Pony Club competitors are not covered by The Pony Club insurance and must have their own third party cover. The Essex Hunt North Branch of The Pony Club and the organisers of this event are not legally responsible for non Members and their insurance will not cover you.
- Entry to the competition is dependent upon and deemed as acceptance of these rules
- The age of competitor on the entry form is at 1.1.17.
Please note: FOR THIS EVENT WE WILL BE PROVIDING PAPER NUMBERS TO PUT IN YOUR OWN NUMBER BIBS. A limited number of bibs will be available for purchase on the day but we recommend that you obtain one before the event.
Entries may now be made online via the following link:
Class / Rider / Age / Horse/Pony / Branch / Gun hire (tick) / FeeTetrathlon Individual Entry £25.00 Triathlon only entry £16.00 Team Entry at £4 per team
Gun Hire £1.00 per competitor if not EHNPC member
Essex Hunt North members must attend at least one shoot practice session before entry if entering classes 2-4
Please circle either: Tetrathlon/Triathlon
Details of shared ponies: ......
Address ......
Tel: ...... Email ......
Times will be published on our website 2 days beforehand
ENTRIES TO: Mrs Sharon Caton,Goddards Farm, Thaxted, Great Dunmow, Essex. CM6 2RF Tel No. 01371 830266 email:
Refreshments will be available on the day
Team form below. Team Name……………………………………………………
Class No. / Team Member Name / Pony Club