Linn-Benton Fire Training Council Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2015

Called to Order at 1335 by President Doug Lilja.

Present: Doug Lilja, Gary Price, Chris Hunt, Zack Lincoln, Cary Vonasek, Michelle Deazley, Bryan Schiedler, Dan Hartman, John Tacy, Estelle Henderson.

Minutes for November: approved as written.

President Lilja’s Report: No report.

Vice President Hunt’s Report: No report.

Treasurers Report: reports for October, November and December distributed. The current balance is $4327.96.

DPSST Report: Please see document attached.

DLO: no report.

LBCC Liaison Report: The LBCC bond measure passed with support from Benton county.

Special Presentation: Gary Price and Bryan Schiedler talked about working together to train first responders and others on alternative vehicles. They have the specialist vehicle instructors and vehicles for hands-on training when combined with LBFTC fire training instructors. To check out the Advanced Training Technology Center (ATTC) go to

Old Business

Recent Training:

The Basic Irons class was held Dec. 5 & 6 at Corvallis Fire and went well.

Fire Fighter I Academy: completed in December. There was an injury and Doug reminds of instructions on the back of the coordinator guide. There is also an insurance claim in progress for damaged SCBA bottles belonging to Tangent. Doug will follow up on claim. Otherwise the training went well.

Active Shooter Drill has moved into planning stage with multiple agencies. LBFTC will be actively involved when drill is set.

Federal grants for Responder training, DPSST-$2000: the consensus was not to move forward with the trainings offered for grant dollars because there is no overwhelming need at this time.


Upcoming Training:

Training chiefs register students with Estelle at

NFPA Pumper Operator will be held March 7, 8, 28 and 29 at the Tangent Fire Department. More information will follow shortly.

Basic Auto Extrication is scheduled for May 2 & 3. More information available shortly.

Haz Mat Awareness & Operation is tentatively scheduled for April.

Farmedic and Aerial Operators are currently being planned. Chris is looking into offering 1403, a live fire class, and will see if we can get an OFIA grant. Timelines are not yet confirmed for these classes.

DLO: Larry Allen has stepped down as DLO and Doug asked for volunteer nominees to forward to Julie. Chris volunteered.

Pumper Operator Instructors: There is a concern this might be the last Pumper that Dan teaches and that LBFTC needs to prepare for future classes. Chris suggested perhaps a 2-3 hour instructor academy; Doug suggested having potential instructors accompany this training. Doug will follow-up with Dan. Pumper Operator will transition coordination from Cary to Doug.

Meeting Adjourned: 1525

Next Meeting Scheduled: February 10, 2015


Willamette Hall-120

LBCC Albany

Respectfully Submitted,

Estelle Henderson