Course Syllabus
Spring semester 2017/18
Course: BTAN37018BA Arts and
the Media(Information and
Communication Design and
Technology specialisation)
3rd year – BA specialization, seminar, 3 credits
Course code: 01
Time & Place: Mon, 2.00-3.40 p.m.; Rm 54
Instructor: Gabriella Moise
Office Hours:
Mon, 1.00-2.00 p.m., Tue, 2.00-3.00 p.m.; Main Bldg, Rm 116/4
Course Requirements
Class attendance: no more than three missed classes can be tolerated.
PARTICIPATION: Students are expected to read the assigned texts for each class, as this is the basis of classroom participation and it is also a compulsory component of the grade.
Brief evaluations, i.e. response papers, based on targeted questionsclosely related to the assigned materials have to be written and sent via email weekly, prior to the time of the class (app. 100-150 words, that is, one paragraph). Response papers are also part of the final grade (see “Grading policy”).
NB. If one does not prepare at least 70% of the response papers—once again, sent before the time of the class, not afterwards—the grade cannot be obtained, the course is failed. There is no make-up possibility for the response papers. It is the duty and responsibility of the student to keep a record of the sent (or missed) evaluations.
All assigned materials will be compiled in a folder that will be sent electronically at the beginning of the semester via Neptun.
Students are expected to bring the assigned texts to class, either as print outs or digital copies. Occasionally, some images or extra material will be uploaded onto the “Course Materials” site, yet in such cases the instructor lets the students know about this through email via Neptun.
Presentationsare also integrated into the participation component. In case you cannot come to the class of the presentation you are expected to send your work via mail by the time of the class the latest, not afterwards!
MID-TERM PAPER: an in-class essay. Students will get two topics and have to select one on which they have to evaluate their arguments. Secondary material cannot be used for the essay.
End-term test:objective test concerning all the previously covered material of the whole semester. Failure of coming to class at thetime of the end-term test results in failure of the course. There is no possibility for re-scheduling the test unless the student has a serious reason for that e. g. unexpected hospital treatment or official leave, and the fact of this must be proven by documentation.
Mid-term paper35%
End-term test40 %
Participation25 %(including response papers [10]and presentations; 7,5 points/presentation)
Week / Date /Assignment
1 / 12Feb / Orientation
2 / 19
Feb / Definition(s) of Art I
Mulholland, Neil. “Definitions of Art and the Art World” in Exploring Visual Culture: Definitions, Concepts, Contexts. Ed. Matthew Rampley (18-33)
3 / 26
Feb / Definition(s) of Art II
Students’ presentations
4 / 05
March / The Museum as Media
Henning, Michelle. “Media: Materialist Media Theory; The Mediatic Museum” in Museum, Media and Cultural Theory (70-82)
5 / 12
March / Art vs Advertising I: Art Incorporated
Gibbon, Joan. “Art Invades and Appropriates” in Art and Advertising (38-61)
6 / 19
March /
Art vs Advertising II: Art and advertising Collide – Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Keith Haring, Richard Hamilton
James, Jamie. Pop Art. (5-26)7 / 26
March /
Art vs Advertising III:
Students’ presentations
8 / 02Apr /
(No class!)
9 / 09Apr / MID-TERM
(in-class essay)
10 / 16
Apr / Music and Media
Alexander Styhre, “Music: Auditory Perception and Organized Sound” in Perception and Organization Art, Music, Media
11 / 23
Apr / New Media Art
Sylvia Martin, “Moving Pictures” in Video Art
12 / 30 Apr / No class!
National Holiday!
13 / 07 May /