RockSat-C 2013

Intent to Fly (IFF) Form

DUE BY: September 17, 2012 at 5:00 PM MDT

PI Contact Information:
Name: / Last / Middle Init. / First
Address: / Street
City, State:
Experiment Name:
Experiment Description: (Brief description of purpose and scope of possible missions—if known at time of submittal)
Student Involvement: (Briefly describe student involvement with this project—Class? Senior design? Extra Curricular?)
Do you plan to have faculty, industry, or government involved with your
project (Check yes or no)? / Yes / No
If yes, please explain:
Do you anticipate the need for high voltage (Check yes or no)? / Yes / No
If yes, please explain:
Port Request:
As is described in the RockSat User’s Guide, there are a limited number of ports (atmospheric and optical). What type of port(s), if any, would your experiment require (Check all that apply)?
*If other, please specify and note that this request cannot be guaranteed:
As is described in the RockSat User’s Guide, there are options for sharing a canister with other customers. It is highly recommend that customers pair themselves, but it is not required. Colorado Space Grant Consortium can pair teams that do not have partners that are not occupying an entire canister. Please indicate below the status of your canister sharing needs.
Entire Canister
Share (but can fill a can with partners) / My Fraction
Share (need to be paired) / My Fraction
Costs and Acknowledgement of Understanding:
We, the above mentioned team have read and fully understand the costs, requirements, and selection process associated with the RockSat payload canister as outlined in the RockSat Payload User’s Guide. We also understand that the User’s Guide was under revision at the time of the IFF submittal, and we will review the next revision in no longer than one week from its release. We understand that a fully refundable $1,000 earnest deposit is due on October 17, 2012 if we are initially selected. Additionally, the undersigned understands that if selected as a primary customer after final down selections that the team will be responsible for the remaining sum of the total bill as outlined in the User’s Guide. The total bill covers: costs for launch, mission management support, and other amenities provided at Wallops on the week of launch. The final two installments will be due on 1/30/2013 and 4/8/2013.
Name (print): / Signature: / Date:
Name (print): / Signature: / Date:
Name (print): / Signature: / Date:
Name (print): / Signature: / Date:
Name (print): / Signature: / Date:
Name (print): / Signature: / Date:
Name (print): / Signature: / Date:
Name (print): / Signature: / Date:
Name (print): / Signature: / Date:
Name (print): / Signature: / Date:

Please send this form via email to or fax to 303-492-5456 by September 17, 2012 at 5:00 PM MDT. If you have additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact either Chris Koehler or Emily Logan.

Chris Koehler


Emily Logan



RockSat-C - 1 - August 17, 2012

Colorado Space Grant Consortium Rev B