24th of July of 2015
The feast convokes us to this Eucharistic celebration at the beginning of the Triduum to our Patron Saints Anne and Joachim.
Joachim and Anne are the names that a tradition, which starts in the 2nd century, gives to the parents of the Virgin Mary.
They are two names filled with greatness in God’s eyes, a greatness hidden in simplicity and humility.
They believed in God against all hope and placed their whole trust in Him. Their “Let it be” to God’s will made germinate the plenitude of grace in Anne’s womb: The Virgin Mary, being, in this way, mediators of the Promise, vital link of the history of salvation.
From the origin, our Congregation has taken shelter in their protection. Their humble and simple lives are a call for us to revitalize the values of the congregational spirit, which we share with the Laity of St. Anne’s Family.
In this Year of Consecrated Life and in which our congregational name of Sisters of Charity of Saint Anne is 150 years old, we make grateful memory of St. Joachim and St. Anne, people who were bearers of the joy of God’s salvation in their daily journey.
As Pope Francis says, we are not called to carry out epic gestures or to proclaim bombastic words. As Anne and Joachim, we are called to witness to the joy that comes from the assurance of feeling ourselves loved by God, bringing for all his Embrace of Good Father, “with the greatest care, with every detail, with full love”.
24th of July of 2015
We pray for the Pope Francis, our Bishop … , all the priests and deacons. May the joy of the Gospel overflow their lives and they may be, in this way, Good News of Gos’d love.Let us pray to the Lord
We pray for peace in the world, in our Communities, in our families. May we be makers of peace, reflection of God’s smile.Let us pray to the Lord
We pray for those who suffer. May they experience God’s consolation through people who go to meet them and accompany them in their pain.Let us pray to the Lord
We pray for the youth.May they know the joy of believing, the deep joy of hoping and the passion of loving, and may some of them answer God with generosity in the priestly, consecrated and missionary life.Let us pray to the Lord
We pray for each Sister of our Congregation. We pray for the Laity of St. Anne’s Family. May, in this Year of Consecrated Life and always, we be witness to the joy of knowing ourselves loved by God and walk “with the greatest care, with every detail, with full love”.Let us pray to the Lord
We pray for those we serve and the people who share with us life and service. May they live every day the joy of God’s blessing through our being and doing. Let us pray to the Lord
We pray for the Sisters, benefactors, collaborators, relatives and friends that already enjoy God’s Presence and who accompany, in one or another way our congregational journey. Let us pray to the Lord
We pray for all of us. May, as St. Anne and St. Joachim, we may be mediators of the joy of God’s salvation in our daily path.Let us pray to the Lord