China’s GB standards translated on demand

There are a number of regulations and practical processes involved in exporting food and drink to China. CBBC urges companies to research the relevant policies before dispatching products to market.

All imported food and drink products need to be compliant with China’s national food safety GB standards and the relevant inspection and quarantine requirements. GB stands for 国标(guobiao) and translates as “National Standard”.

CBBC and China Certification and Inspection Company (CCIC) London offer a service where companies can order the relevant translated GB standard(s) for their products and an initial GB compliance consultation.

CBBC and CCIC London can help you –

If you would like to commission this service please complete the data on the attached form and return it to Antoaneta Becker ().

The list of some of the most frequently asked for GB standards is available on the form priced between £80 and £600. If the relevant GB standard is not on the current list but you would like to commission it for translation you can place an order with us and we will deliver it once the translation is completed.

Please note that we require payment in advance for delivering this service. Payment should be made by credit or debit card. Prices vary depending on the length and technicality of the standard. We will notify you of the price once your expression of interest has been received.

On receipt of payment, we will send you the PDF version of the translated standard.

If you have any queries please contact Antoaneta Becker () or Ariel Liang ()

Expression of Interest:

China GB standards for food and drink translated on demand

I’m interested in purchasing a translated GB standard.

Title / First Name / Surname / Position
Company Name:
Address & Post Code:
Telephone No: / Fax No:
Mobile No:
Email Address:
Type of business (Manufacturing, services etc):
Company Size/No of Employees:

GB Standards available to purchase:

GB 2760-2014 / Standard for uses of food additives
GB 7718-2011 / General Standard for the labeling of prepackaged food
GB 28050-2011 / General Rules for Nutrition Labeling of Prepackaged Foods
GB 5749-2006 / Standards for Drinking Water Quality
GB 8537-2008 / Drinking Natural Mineral Water Standard
GB 13432-2013 / Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods for Special DietaryUses
GB 16740-2014 / Health Foods

Note: if the GB standard you are looking for is not listed above you can commission it

for translation

GB Standard

Payment information:

CBBC requires full payment in advance for this service. Once you have submitted your completed form and we have confirmed that we have all required information, payment can be made directly by credit card to the CBBC accounts department in London. Please call 020-78022000 and ask to speak to our accounts team.

Signature / Date