February, 2011

ADDRESS Sociology and Social WorkPHONE: (928) 523-9412

PO Box 15300

Northern ArizonaUniversityEMAIL:

Flagstaff, AZ86011-5300


Ph.D. 1981 Sociology, ArizonaStateUniversity

Dissertation: Battered Women and the Shelter Movement

M.A. 1976 Sociology, ArizonaStateUniversity

Thesis: A Cultural Index of U.S. SMSAs

B.A. 1972 Sociology (Cum Laude), CaseWestern ReserveUniversity


1981-1984Instructor, Justice Studies, Arizona State University

1984-1990 Assistant Professor, Justice Studies, Arizona State University

1990-1994 Associate Professor, Justice Studies, Arizona State University

1994-1998Associate Professor, Associate Director, Women’s Studies, ArizonaState

1998-1999Associate Professor, Acting Director, Women’s Studies, ArizonaState

1999-2000Associate Professor, Associate Director, Women’s Studies, ArizonaState

2000-2003Associate Professor, Director, Women’s Studies, ArizonaState

2003-2004Associate Professor, Director, Martin-Springer Institute for Teaching the Holocaust, Tolerance, and Humanitarian Values, Northern Arizona University

2004-2005Associate Professor, Sociology, Northern ArizonaUniversity

2005-presentProfessor, Sociology, NorthernArizonaUniversity


1. Books

2006 Neither Angels nor Demons: Women, Crime, and Victimization. Boston: Northeastern Press.

Selected as a Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2007.

2008 Women’s Lives. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

2. Refereed Articles and Book Chapters

2010 “Mutual Battery,” pp 577-78 in Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention, Bonnie S. Fisher and Steven P. Lab, eds. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

2009 “The Use of Expert Testimony on Intimate Partner Violence,” with Noël Bridget Busch-Armendariz, VAWNET, electronic resource on violence against women.

2008 “Invisible or Pathologized? Racial Statistics and Violence Against Women of Color,” Critical Sociology, 34(2): 193-211.

2007 “Criminalized Mothers: The Value and Devaluation of Parenthood from Behind Bars,” with Angela M. Moe, Women and Therapy,Volume 29/30: 135-164. Simultaneously published in Inside and Out: Women, Prison, and Therapy, Elaine Leeder, ed, pp. 135-164. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.

2005 “The Culture of Social Problems: Observations of the Third Reich, the Cold War and Vietnam,” Presidential Address to Society for the Study of Social Problems, Social Problems 52(1):1-14.

2003 “Jail Culture: Women’s Stories of Survival and Resistance,” with Angela M. Moe. Pp. 65-95 in B. Zatzow and J. Thomas, eds. Women in Prison: Gender and Social Control. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner Press.

2003 “Malign Neglect or Benign Respect: Women’s Health Care in a Carceral Setting,” with Angela M. Moe, in Women and Criminal Justice 14 (4):53-80.

2003 “Mothering, Crime, and Incarceration,” with Angela M. Moe in Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 32(1):9-40.

2003 “The Words Change, but the Melody Lingers: The Persistence of the Battered Woman’s Syndrome in Criminal Cases Involving Battered Women,” Violence Against Women 9(1):110-129.

2002 “Women’s Involvement in Serious Interpersonal Violence,” Candace Kruttschnitt (primary author), with assistance of Rosemary Gartner and Kathleen Ferraro, Aggression and Violent Behavior 7:529-565.

2000 “Research on Domestic Violence in the 1990s: Making Distinctions,” with Michael P. Johnson in Journal of Marriage and the Family 62 (November): 948-963.

2000 “Woman Battering: More Than a Family Problem,” pp. 135-153 in Lynne Goodstein and Claire Renzetti, Eds., Women, Crime and Justice: Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Roxbury.

2000 “Domestic Violence Case Processing,” pp. 53-55 in Nicole Hahn Rafter, ed. Encyclopedia of Women and Crime. Phoenix, AZ.: Oryx.

1997 “Battered Women: Strategies for Survival,” pp. 124-140 in A. Carderelli, Ed., Violence Between Intimate Partners: Patterns Causes and Effects. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

1996 "The Dance of Dependency: A Genealogy of Domestic Violence Discourse," Hypatia


1993 "Irreconcilable Differences: Police, Battered Women, and the Law," with L. Pope, pp.

96-126 in N.Z. Hilton, ed., The Legal Response to Battering. NewburyPark: Sage.

1993 "Cops, Courts, and Battering," pp. 165-176 in E. Moran, P. Bart and P. Miller, eds., Women and Male Violence.NewburyPark: Sage.

1992 "The Court's Response to Interpersonal Violence: A Comparison of Intimate and Nonintimate Assault," with T. Boychuk, pp. 209-226 in E. Buzawa, ed., Domestic Violence: The Criminal Justice Response. Westport: Greenwood.

1989 "The Legal Response to Battering in the U.S." pp. 155-184 in M. Hanmer, J. Radford, and E. Stanko, eds., Women, Policing and Male Violence: International Perspectives. London: Routledge. Reprinted 1990 in Opposing Viewpoints, San Diego: Greenhaven.

1989 "Policing Woman Battering," Social Problems 36(1):61-74. Reprinted 1998 in Criminology at the Crossroads, K. Daly and L. Maher, eds. New York: Oxford.

1988 "An Existential Approach to Battering," pp. 126-138 in G.T. Hotaling, D. Finkelhor, J.T.

Kirkpatrick and M.A. Straus, eds., Family Abuse and Its Consequences. NewburyPark: Sage.

1988 "Battered Flesh and Shackled Souls: Patriarchal Control of Women," pp. 81-101 in P.C.

Higgins and J.M. Johnson, eds., Personal Sociology. New York: Praeger.

1988 "Domestic Violence in Arizona" with J.M. Johnson, pp. 68-101 in H.A. Furnish, ed., Arizona Women and the Legal System. Phoenix: Third Arizona Women's Townhall.

1985 "The New Underground Railroad," with J.M. Johnson, Studies in Symbolic Interaction 6:


1984 "The Victimized Self," with J.M. Johnson, pp. 119-130 in A. Fontana and J. Kotarba, eds.,

Existential Theory of the Self. Chicago: University of Chicago.

1983 "The Rationalization Process: How Battered Women Stay," Victimology 8 (34): 203-214.

1983 "Negotiating Trouble in a Battered Women's Shelter," Urban Life 12 (3): 287-307.

Reprinted, 1987 in M.J. Deegan and M. Hill, eds., Women and Symbolic Interaction. Boston: Allen & Unwin.

1983 "How Women Experience Battering: The Process of Victimization," with J.M. Johnson, Social Problems 30 (3): 325-339. Reprinted in numerous anthologies.

1983 "Problems of Prisoners’ Families: The Hidden Costs of Imprisonment," with F.G. Bolton, J.M. Johnson, and S.R. Jorgenson, Journal of Family Issues 4 (4):575-591.

1981 "Processing Battered Women," Journal of Family Issues 2(4): 415-539.

1981 "Of Women and Men: Sexism," pp. 162-192 in A. Fontana and R. Smith, eds., Social

Problems: Societal, Institutional, and Role Perspectives.New York: Holt, Rhinehart, and Winston.

1979 "The Divorce Process," with P.K. Rasmussen, Journal of Alternative Lifestyles 2 (4): 443-60.

1979 "Physical and Emotional Battering: Aspects of Managing Hurt," California Sociologist 2 (2):134-49.

1979 "Hard Love: Letting Go of an Abusive Husband," Frontiers 4: 16-19.

2. Book Reviews

2008 Taken By Force: Rape and American GIs in Europe During World War II, J. Robert Lilly, Contemporary Sociology 37(6): 585-86.

2005 Laughter Out of Place: Race, Class, Violence, and Sexuality in a RioShantyTown, Donna M. Goldstein, American Journal of Sociology 111(2).

2003 Ordinary Violence, Mary White Stewart, Contemporary Sociology 32(4):481-2.

1999 Battered Women’s Justice: The Movement for Clemency and the Politics of Self-Defense, Patricia Gagné, Contemporary Sociology 28(4):268-69.

1997 Punish and Critique: Toward a Feminist Analysis of Penalty, Adrian Howe and Gender,

Crime and Punishment, Kathleen Daly, Signs 22 (3):784-787.

1995 Review essay, Battering of Women, Larry Tifft; Legal Responses to Battering, N. Zoe Hilton;It Could Happen to Anyone, Ola Barnett and Alyce LaViolette, Contemporary Sociology, July.

1990 Review Essay: "Culture, Feminism and Male Violence," Social Justice 17 (3): 70-84.

1987 Intimate Intrusions: Women's Experience of Male Violence, by Elizabeth Stanko and Private

Violence and Public Policy, edited by Jan Pahl, Sociology of Health and Illness 9 (1):88-90.

1986 "Opening Closed Doors," review essay of Family Violence by Mildred D. Pagelow and The

Battered Woman Syndrome, by Lenore E. Walker, Contemporary Sociology, 15 (1): 50-52.

3. Commissioned Reports, Notes and Newsletters

2010 Personal Reflection, pp. 286-87 in Sourcebook on Violence Against Women, Claire Renzetti, Jeffrey Edelson, Raquel Bergen, eds., Sage.

2010 “Neither Angels nor Demons: Women, Crime and Victimization,” National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative Newsletter. Spring issue, pp. 6-8.

2008 Agenda for Social Justice 2008, Robert Perrucci, Kathleen Ferraro, JoAnn Miller, Glen Muschert, eds., Society for the Study of Social Problems. Available @

2006-08 Editor, National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative Newsletter.

2005 “Sociology, Women’s Health and a ‘Culture of Life,’” Social Problems Forum, Summer, 32 (2): 6-8.

2004 Agenda for Social Justice 2004, Robert Perrucci, Kathleen Ferraro, JoAnn Miller, and Paula C. Rodríguez Rust, eds., Society for the Study of Social Problems.

2002 “Female Perpetrated Domestic Violence Homicides, Part 2,” Fatality Review Bulletin 1(3): 7-10.

2002 “Female Perpetrated Domestic Violence Homicides, Part 1,” Fatality Review Bulletin 1(2):1-4.

2000 Women and Violence. Candace Kruttschnitt, Primary author, also with Rosemary Gartner. Report prepared for NSF’s National Consortium on Violence Research.

1995 Domestic Violence and the Criminal Justice Response. Report prepared for inclusion in the

American Society of Criminology Task Force on Domestic Violence for U.S. Attorney General

Reno. February.

1994 Reflections on Homelessness in MaricopaCounty: Report of the Research Project for

Homeless People. Project Director, with contributions from M.A. Bortner, Katherine Miller, and

JamesRidingIn.College of Public Programs, ASU.

1994 Homeless Job Training Survey, with Lucille Pope, for Downtown Phoenix Partnership.

1993 Violence in Arizona. Arizona Townhall. M.A. Bortner, Project Director. Contributing editor.


1. Paper Presentations

(2011) “The Role of Mental Illness in Intimate Partner Violence: The Case of Violent Female Victims and Offenders,” with Carrie Danielson, Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 19-21, Las Vegas.

(2011) “Gender Matters in Intimate Partner Violence,” with Michael T. Costelloe, Pacific Sociological Association, March 10-13, Seattle.

2008 “The Case of Familicide by Arson,” with Neil S. Websdale, Society for the Study of Social Problems, July 31-August 2, Boston.

2007 “Thy Will be Done: The Role of Faith in Christian Women’s Response to Domestic Violence,” with Neil S. Websdale, Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 10-12, New York City.

2005 “The Role of Intellectuals in the Era of Empire: Historical Lessons and Contemporary Challenges,” International Studies Association, March 2-6, Honolulu.

2004 “The Culture of Social Problems: Observations of the Third Reich, The Cold War, and Vietnam,” Presidential address to the Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 13-15, San Francisco.

2002 “Gender and the Multiple Meanings of Violence: A Social Problem’s Complexity,” with Jennifer K. Wesely, Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 13-18, Chicago.

2002 “Malign Neglect or Benign Respect?: Women’s Health Care in an AdultDetentionCenter,”

with Angela Moe Wan, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, April, Anaheim, CA.

2001 “Mothering From the Inside: Incarcerated Women’s Relationship with Children” with Angela Moe Wan, American Society of Criminology, November 6-10, Atlanta, GA.

2001 “Battered Women as Offenders: In Their Own Words,” with Angela Moe Wan, American Society of Criminology, November 6-10, Atlanta, GA.

2001 Examining the Impacts of the Violence Against Women Act, Townhall Participant, American Society of Criminology, November 6-10, Atlanta, GA.

2001 “Guilt by Association: Women’s Violent Offending as an Outcome of Battering” Pacific Sociological Association, March 29-April 1, San Francisco, CA.

2000 “Jail Culture: Women’s Stories of Survival and Resistance,” with Angela Moe Wan. American Society of Criminology, November 15-18, San Francisco, CA.

2000 “Resistance, Compliance and Battered Women’s Participation in Violence,” with Angela Moe Wan. Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 11-13, Washington, D.C.

2000 “Domestic Violence.” Panel presentation at 5th Annual Summer Workshop, National Consortium on Violence Research. June 20-22, St. Petersburg, Fla.

1998 “Women, Violence and Welfare Reform in Arizona: A Collaborative Feminist Action Research Project,” with Sharon Chanley and students of WST 498. Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 20-23, San Francisco.

1997 “The Social Construction of Harm in the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act,” with Manuel Pino, American Society of Criminology, November 19-22, San Diego.

1997 “The Impact of Welfare Reform on Battered Immigrant Women,” Society for the Study of Social Problems, Aug. 8-10, Toronto.

1996 "Feminism in the Public Eye" Society for the Study of Social Problems, Aug. 15-18, NewYork.

1993 Critic in Author Meets Critic session with R. Emerson and Russell P. Dobash on their book, Women, Violence and Social Change. American Society of Criminology, Oct. 27-30, Phoenix, AZ.

1993 “Power Poetics and the Transformation of Feminist Responses to Battering,” American Society of Criminology, October 27-30, Phoenix, AZ.

1993 “Community and Self Sufficiency Among Homeless People,” American Society of Criminology, October 27-30, Phoenix, AZ.

1993 “Bureaucratic Hyper-Reality and Self-Sufficiency Among Homeless People,” Society for the Study of Social Problems, August 17-20, Miami, FLA.

1992 “Crazy Bilagaana and Spider Woman Visit the Land of White and Black,” Society for the Study of Social Problems, Pittsburgh, PA., August 18-21.

1991 “The Impact of Colonization on Violence Against First Nation Women: The Hopi and Pima,”with Lynelle Blackwater, International Conference on Feminist Criminology, Montreal, Quebec, June 23-27.

1991 “The Erosion of Jouissance: Sexual Abuse and Child Development,”SSSI-Stone Symposium, San Francisco, February 7-9.

1990 “Children's Accounts of Sexual Victimization,” with Tascha Boychuk, American Society of Criminology, Baltimore, MD, November 7-10.

1988 “Prosecution of Felony Assaults Against Women,”American Society of Criminology, Chicago, Illinois, November 8-11.

1988" ‘and the law doesn't protect me’: the disjuncture of legal rationality and the lives of women,” Law and Society Association, Vail, CO.

1987 “Noncoercive Strategies for Controlling Pornography,” American Society of Criminology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

1987 “The Legal Response to Woman Battering in the U.S.,” Third International Congress on Women, Dublin, Ireland.

1987 “Dilemmas of Feminist Jurisprudence: Battering and Pornography,” Pacific Sociological Association, Eugene, OR.

1986 “Women and Social Control,” with Nancy Jurik, American Sociological Association, New York, New York.

1985 “Police Membership and the Observer's Role,” American Society of Criminology, San Diego, California.

1985 “Formal Legal Sanctions as a Deterrent to Woman Battering,” American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C.

1985 “The Police Response to Domestic Violence,” American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C.

1985 “Observing Cops: Situated Membership and the Role of Field Observer,” with D. Altheide and J. Johnson, Pacific Sociological Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

1985 “Domestic Violence in the Southwest,” Pacific Sociological Association, Albuquerque, NM

12 papers presented in U.S. and Italy at refereed conferences between 1978 and 1985.

2. Workshops, Roundtables, Session Organizer and Session Discussant

2010 Workshop organizer and presenter, “Female Perpetrated Intimate Partner Homicide,” New Directions in Domestic Violence Fatality Review National Conference, Phoenix, August 16-17.

2009 Critic in author meets critic session, Stephen Morowitz, Death Threats and Violence. Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, August 7-9.

2006 Introduction to Claire Renzetti’s Presidential Address, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, August 10-12.

2006 Grassroots Organizing for Social Change, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, August 10-12.

2006Agenda for Social Justice 2008: Open Forum Call for Papers, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, August 10-12.

2006Speed Mentoring, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, August 10-12.

2005 Thorny Issues in Domestic Violence Fatality Reviews, organizer and panelist, National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative Conference, Phoenix, August 15-16.

2005 The Unintended Consequences of the Violence Against Women Movement, organizer & discussant, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Philadelphia, August 12-14.

2005 The Role of Scholarly/Activist Organizations: Collaborative Potential Between ASA, SSSP, SPSSI, ABS and SWS, organizer and discussant, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Philadelphia, August 12-14.

2004 Grassroots Organizations and Domestic Violence Fatality Review, National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Conference, Del Ray, Florida, Sept. 19-21.

2004 The Role of a Scholarly/Activist Organization in the 21st Century, organizer, Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, August 13-15.

2004 Developing Discourse: “Lies and Truths of Racial Data: The Deracialization of Racial Statistics,” panel discussant, Association of Black Sociologists, San Francisco, August 13.

2003 Expanding the Scope of Domestic Violence Fatality Reviews. National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Conference, San Diego, CA. Oct. 20-21.

2002 Criminal Courts, Criminal Justice Policy, Chair, American Society of Criminology, November 13-16, Chicago.

2001 Theoretical Work on Violence Against Women, Session Chair, American Society of Criminology, November 6-10, Atlanta, GA.

2001 Women Prisoners. Discussant, American Society of Criminology, November 6-10, Atlanta, GA.

2001 Intimate Violence, Discussant and moderator, Pacific Sociological Association, March 29-April 1.

2000 Intimate Violence, Discussant and moderator, Pacific Sociological Association, March 23-26, San Diego, CA.

1999 Intimate Violence, Discussant and moderator, Pacific Sociological Association, April 18, Portland, OR.

1998 Intimate Violence, Discussant and moderator, Pacific Sociological Association, April 17, San Francisco.

1997 “The Social Construction of Environmental Harm,” panel organizer, American Society of Criminology, November 19-22, San Diego.

1997 Panel discussion leader, “Welfare Reform and Immigrant Battered Women,” at Trapped by Poverty/Trapped by Abuse Conference, NorthwesternUniversity, September 24-26.

1993 Critical Perspectives on the Body, Discussant, Pacific Sociological Association, Portland, OR

1993 Session organizer, Ethnographic Work on Homelessness, American Society of Criminology, October 27-30, Phoenix, AZ.

1991 Panel presenter “Teaching a Course in Family Violence: Issues, Resources and Strategies,”

American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, November 20-23.

1989 Data Analysis in Qualitative Research, Discussion Leader, Gregory Stone Symbolic

Interaction Symposium, Tempe, Arizona.

1988 The Prosecution of Intimate Violence, panel chair, American Society of Criminology, Chicago.

1988 Language, Law and Silence, panel chair, Law and Society Association, Vail, CO.

1987 Women and the Law, Roundtable organizer, annual meetings of the American Sociological

Association, Chicago, Illinois.

1986 Women and Social Control, Roundtable co-organizer with N. Jurik, annual meetings of the

American Sociological Association, New York, New York.

1985 Protecting Women: Policing and Battering, Roundtable participant at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Diego, CA.

1985 The Police Response to Domestic Violence, Roundtable organizer, annual meetings of the

American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C.

1985 Self, Health Care and Aging, Discussant, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Washington,D.C.


2005 “Intimate Terrorism and Women’s Criminality,” Institute for Regional Analysis and Public Policy, Morehead State University, KY. April 14.

2003 “The Hidden Injuries of Domestic Violence: Social Reproduction of Pain,” Sociology, UC Berkeley, CA. November 4.



1999 Planning Grant, Women’s Experience of Violence: Victimization and Offending in the Context of Women’s Lives, National Consortium on Violence Research, with Julie Horney (PI), Candace Kruttschnitt, Rosemary Gartner and Sally Simpson, $61,492.

1998 Research Initiation Grant, Women and Violence, National Consortium on Violence Research, with Julie Horney, Candace Kruttschnitt, Rosemary Gartner and Sally Simpson. $5,000.

1993 Battered Women Who Kill, ASU Faculty Grant in Aid, $2,500.

1991 Feminism, Culture, and Male Violence, Dean's Summer Incentive Grants, COPP, $4,000.