LLM Postgraduate Welcome Week 2016


Monday 19th September
10:00 / Welcome and Introductions
The welcome and introductions will be given by Professor Toni Williams, Head of the Kent Law School and Co-Directors of Graduate Studies (Dr Simone Wong, Dr Sinéad Ring and Dr Emily Haslam) and Co-Deputy Directors of Graduate Studies (Dr José Bellido and Dr Sophie Vigneron).
A short administrative introduction will then follow given by the Postgraduate Administration team Lynn Risbridger, Karen Finch and Siân Robertson.
Followed by refreshments in the Foyer outside ELT2
11:00 / Student Opportunities
Reconvene in ELT2 for the student opportunities introduced by Dr José Bellido and Dr Sinéad Ring:
·  Research Centres at KLS, Workshops and Guest Seminars and Lectures
·  Postgraduate Conference
·  Mastering Law Blog
·  Student Law Review
·  Graduate Studies Initiative Fund
·  Employability and Career Development (Mrs Jayne Instone)
·  Kent Law Clinic (Professor John Fitzpatrick)
·  Kent Skills Hub (Mr Jonjo Brady and Mr Callum Borg)
·  Kent Union elections for Student Representatives (Ms Lucy Curry and Mr Chris Mattinson)
12.00 / Legal Treasure Hunt
Ms Lisa Dickson and Dr Sophie Vigneron will explain about the Legal Treasure Hunt, a new initiativeto enable LLM students to learn about law, about Canterbury and about eachother.
Monday 19th September continued …..
14:00 / Pathways and Modules – Part 1
Back in ELT2 with Dr Emily Haslam for the introduction of the pathways and modules:
·  Criminal Justice (Dr Nayeli Urquiza Haas)
·  International Criminal Justice (Dr Sara Kendall)
·  Human Rights (Ms Siân Lewis-Anthony)
·  International Law/International Relations (Dr Sara Kendall)
·  European Law (Mr Martin Hedemann-Robinson)
Tuesday 20th September
10:00 / Pathways and Modules – Part 2
Reconvene in ELT2 with Dr Simone Wong for the introduction of the pathways and modules:
·  Environmental Law and Policy/International Environmental Law (Professor William Howarth)
·  Intellectual Property (Dr José Bellido)
·  International Commercial Law (Dr Alex Magaisa)
·  Law and the Humanities (Professor Maria Drakopoulou and Mr Connal Parsley)
·  Medical Law and Ethics (Dr Karen Devine)
11:30 / Compulsory Module LW919: Legal Research and Writing Skills Training
An introduction to the compulsory module by Dr Sophie Vigneron.
14:00 / Film Screening and Discussion: Woman in Gold
Reconvene in ELT2 with Dr Sophie Vigneron and Dr Emily Haslam as discussants.
Wednesday 21st September
13:00 / Graduate School Welcome and Introduction - Woolf College
Thursday 22nd September
10:00 / Kent Law School Research Culture
Introduction by Dr Jose Bellido and Dr Sophie Vigneron to staff research at the Kent Law School with presentations from :
·  Dr Iain Frame
·  Dr Hyo Kang
·  Dr José Bellido
·  Dr Sophie Vigneron
11:00 / Library Presentation
Introduction to the library and presentation by Theresa Thurston, the Law Librarian.
11:30 / Moodle and Electronic Submission
An introduction to Moodle and a guide to electronic submission by Mr Miles Coulling.
12:00 / Timed Written Exercise
A short written exercise to assess the language and writing skills of all new students.
17:00 / Kent Law School Drinks Reception – Eliot College Staff Common Room