Scholarship Determination Criteria
Scholarships are based on the student’s ability to pay. Award amounts are determined by comparing the student’s annual gross income (AGI) with the current Federal Poverty Level. Applicants earning less than 150% FPL qualify for a $35 scholarship and those earning less than 100% FPL qualify for a $75 scholarship. (see chart below)
Mercy Corps Northwest requires proof of a student’s gross annual household income in order to award scholarships for course fees. Please provide us with at least one of the following items to document all sources of household income. (A household being all persons who live together and/or share finances)
- It you are currently employed… the most current pay stub which indicates your gross amount of pay (either dollar amount per pay period or hourly rate) the number of hours you work per pay period, and how often you are paid.
- If you are self-employed… the most current income tax return
- If you are retired… the most current amounts you are receiving as indicated on Social Security statement, 1099, or other document
- If you are receiving assistance… whether it is your primary source of income or in addition to your income, from agencies such as SSI, Disability, Unemployment Compensation, Social Security, etc., or receiving income from other sources such as child support, we need documentation reflecting the most current amounts you are receiving and the providing agency
- If you are unemployed and not receiving any form of income or assistance… please provide us with a letter explaining your situation and the need for scholarship assistance
I agree to provide Mercy Corps Northwest with all amounts of household income in order to be considered for a scholarship. I certify the information will be current and accurate.
Participant:______Date: ______
Please fill out both sides and submit with attachments to:
Mercy Corps Northwest
Attn: Randhi Wilson
43 SW Naito Parkway
Portland, OR 97204
Business Foundations Course Enrollment
To enroll in the Business Foundations Course, please return this completed form by mail or in person with payment enclosed. Enrollment is confirmed upon receipt of your tuition and space availability. Enrollment is limited to 26 people per session. Enrollment is first come, first serve based on receipt of tuition.
Address ______
City ______State ______ZIP ______
Phone # ______Email:______
Household Size (# of persons supported by household income) ______
Estimated Annual Gross Income ($):______
How often do you receive income? Weekly ____ Bi-Weekly ___ Monthly ____ Other _____
If available, enroll me in class starting: (date) ______
Second Choice ______
______Check is enclosed (Please make payable to Mercy Corps Northwest)
______I am applying for a scholarship* and have included the necessary income documents
Note:Tuition fee is non-refundable unless enrollment is cancelled at least two weeks before the first class meeting. (After which you may credit your tuition towards another course upon request).
Our address:
Mercy Corps Northwest
Attn: Loren Guerriero
43 SW Naito Parkway
Portland, OR97204
*Scholarship application on back of this form. Please wait to send tuition until after scholarship has been approved. Scholarships submitted after payment will be assessed with a $5 administrative fee.