Orchard Pest Management Planning

NRCS Responsibilities

Using the standard UWEX Orchard Scouting Protocol NRCS will provide the following assistance to complete the pest management plan.

Introduction – NRCS will complete this statement based on information provided by the grower.

Orchard Maps and Descriptions – NRCS will provide the IPM consultant with aerial maps with legal description for each orchard enrolled in EQIP. NRCS will create Conservation Plan/Soil maps of the orchard. Grower/IPM Consultant will provide detailed explanations on these map(s) regarding orchard blocks by variety, age and any other specific management activity.

Environmental Assessment –NRCS will complete environmental assessments based on an in-field site evaluation, this will include soil types, waterways, etc..

IPM Pest Management Concerns – NRCS will enter into the plan the information provided by IPM Consultant and/or landowner based on pests and diseases to be monitored and prior pest history.

Pest Management Strategy – NRCS will enter into the plan the information provided by IPM Consultant regarding the pest management strategy based on process that has been agreed to by the landowner.

Pesticide Storage, Mixing and Container Disposal – Completed by NRCS based on interview of client and on-site walkover.

Pest Management Scouting List – NRCS will enter into the plan the information provided by IPM Consultant containing a detailed list of current monitored pests and diseases.

Insect and Disease Monitoring Schedule – NRCS will enter into the plan the information provided by IPM Consultant regarding the monitoring schedule.

End of Season Summary – NRCS will enter into the plan the brief summary of plan implementation supplied by the IPM Consultant. The summary will include changes to the initial plan that occurred and also, highlight any issues that need to be addressed in the next years plan.

Orchard Pest Management Schedule – IPM Consultant or grower shall provide a record of all pesticide product applications for the season.

WIN-PST Rating – NRCS will complete the WIN-PST rating based on the planned pesticide products and pesticides actually applied.

Grower/IPM Consultant/Consultant Responsibilities:

Orchard Maps and Descriptions – Grower/IPM Consultant will provide detailed explanations on NRCS created soil/aerial map(s) regarding orchard blocks by variety, age and any other specific management activity.

IPM Pest Management Concerns – IPM Consultant and/or landowner will provide the prior history of pests and diseases to be monitored to NRCS.

Pest Management Strategy – IPM Consultant will provide a pest management strategy based on process that has been agreed to by the landowner and will be entered into the plan by NRCS.

Pest Management Scouting List – IPM Consultant will provide to NRCS a detailed list of current monitored pests and diseases. NRCS will enter the information into the plan.

Insect and Disease Monitoring Schedule – IPM Consultant will provide a monitoring schedule to NRCS, who will enter the schedule into the plan.

End of Season Summary – IPM Consultant will provide a brief summary of plan implementation to NRCS. This plan will include changes to the initial plan that occurred and also, highlight any issues that need to be addressed in the next years plan.

Orchard Pest Management Schedule – IPM Consultant or grower shall provide a record of all pesticide product applications for the season.

Recommended Orchard IPM Consultants for Wisconsin

1.  John Aue, Threshold IPM Services -- Statewide IPM Consultant

608-538-3192 (office)

608-604-0234 (cell)

2.  Eric Carlson, Horticulturalist – Bayfield County IPM Consultant


3.  Tom Green, IPM Institute – Statewide IPM Consultant

608-232-1528 (office)

4.  Matt Stasiak, UW- Peninsular Ag Research Station – Door/Kewaunee County IPM Consultant

920-743-5406 (office)

920-559-1030 (cell)