You are a court reporter at a trial involving a fairy tale. Your job during the case is to accurately report the case to your readers. Your story will summarize the events leading to the trial (the story), what the person is being charged with, who testified and to what for the plaintiff, who testified and to what for the defense including what was the basis for their defense, and finally what the judge’s decision was and why.

Required items:

  • Summary of the facts – Summarize the fairy tale that you are using, several fairy tales have been provided to you or you may use one you have.
  • Plaintiff’s case– Lawyer’s opening statement which includes what the defendant is being sued for, what remedy they are asking for and who will be testifying

- Minimum of three (3) witnesses including the victim assuming they are alive

- Testimony of each witness

  • Defense’s case– Lawyer’s opening statement including what is his/her client’s defense will be and how who will be testifying

- Minimum of three (3) witnesses including the defendant

- Testimony of each witness

  • Decision- Is the defendant liable, partially liable or not liable

- What remedy will be given if necessary

- Reasons for the decision made, why did you award the damages if any that you did


  • Typed, Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced, 1” margins
  • Cover page – Title, Full Name, Class, Teacher’s Name, Due Date
  • Use the following headings: Summary, Plaintiff’s Case, Defendant’s Case, Decision
  • Make sure that you are using proper formal English in the summary, you may be informal in the remainder but it must be school appropriate


  • 300 words minimum
  • 500 words maximum

Fairy Tales:

  • Three Little Pigs
  • Goldilocks
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Jack and the Beanstalk

Name: ______Mark: ______/ 95

Exceptional / Good / Adequate / Limited / Poor

Cover Page

/ 5
Title centered and near top of page
Has student full name, class, teacher’s name and due date all in bottom right corner of page / 4
Has all required information but not located properly / 3
Has title but is missing one piece of information / 2
Has title but is missing two pieces of information / 1
Is missing title
Is missing three pieces of information
Spelling & Grammar / 10
Few or no spelling or grammar errors including informal English / 8
Some spelling or grammar errors including informal English but does not impact on reading / 6
A large number of spelling or grammar errors including informal English but does not impact on reading / 4
Spelling or grammar errors including informal English are having a noticeable impact on reading your essay / 2
Spelling or grammar errors including informal English are making your essay very difficult to read
Organization / 10
Effectively organized in logical and creative manner;
creative and engaging intro and conclusion / 8
Strong order and structure; inviting intro and satisfying closure / 6
Organization is appropriate, but conventional; attempt at introduction and conclusion / 4
Attempts at organization; may be a “list” of items; beginning and ending not clear / 2
Lack of coherence; confusing; no identifiable beginning or ending
Positions / 35
Two or more positions thoroughly presented; comprehensive, relevant and accurate explanation of positions / 28
Positions presented; relevant, accurate, clear explanation / 21
Positions presented to some extent; some imbalance in positions; some information missing or gaps in explanation / 14
Positions partially presented; weak information; shows lack of relevant detail / 7
Positions incomplete; ineffective explanation (minimal information)
Analysis and evaluation / 35
Demonstrates thorough examination of data; shows advanced degree of comparison and contrast. Thorough evaluation follows logically from analysis of two positions / 28
Skillful examination; shows strong degree of comparison and contrast. Evaluation follows logically from analysis of two positions. / 21
Adequate examination of data; adequate degree of comparison and contrast. Evaluation adequately follows from analysis of two positions. / 14
Some examination of data; some comparison and contrast. Evaluation somewhat follows from analysis of two positions. / 7
Minimal examination of data; minimal comparison and contrast. Evaluation does follow from analysis of two positions.

Case Studies that are less than 300 words will be docked 20 marks after the assignment has been graded for content.