Honors Algebra II 2017-2018

ArizonaCollege Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!

Teacher: Robert MontanoRoom: C103Phone: (480) 424-8043Email:

ArizonaCollege Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!

Arizona College Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!


Completion of Algebra 1 and Geometry is required.

Course Description:This course is designed for the college-bound student. In this course, the basic concepts from Algebra I are enriched. Topics studied include graphing, analyzing, and interpreting functions including polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; systems of linear equations and inequalities; matrices; conic sections; exponents and radicals. Graphing calculators will be used when appropriate to enhance instruction.

Algebra II is an honors class; therefore we will be challenging our students at a higher level than a regular class. It is important for us to maintain very high expectations, so students that choose to move on to Dual Enrollment and AP classes in high school will be well prepared.


Coming to class prepared is essential. DO NOT THROWAWAY ANY MATH PAPERS!!! These are the things you will need EVERY DAY:

Arizona College Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!

A three inch 3 ring binder (used for all classes)

Loose leaf notebook paper/Graph Paper

Pencils, Erasers

Graph Paper Composition Book (two for each semester)

Calculator: A TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator isrequired.

Arizona College Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!

Arizona College Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!

Classroom Expectations:

Arizona College Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!

  • Be prepared for class.
  • Use your class time wisely.
  • Have a positive attitude.
  • Note: ACP school policy says no food or drink (except water) in the classroom. No exceptions!
  • If your behavior prevents our class from functioning, I will first talk with you privately. If unacceptable behavior continues, I will: 1) Contact your parent or guardian 2) Referral to the principal

Arizona College Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!

Semester Grade:

  • 80% - Assessments
  • 10% - Warm-Ups
  • 10% - Homework Quizzes

Semester grade calculation:

  • 80% - Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 Cumulative Grade (2nd semester: Quarters 3 and 4 Cumulative)
  • 20% - Semester exam score

Arizona College Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!

  • The following grade scale will be used: A = 90-100%; B = 80-89%; C = 70-79%; D =60-69%; F = 0-59%


It is essential that you come to class each day and that you are on time. When you are absent, it is your job to find out what you missed, including copying notes or class work results, and completing homework. If you miss the day of a test or quiz, you will take it upon your return.


Students must be in their seats when the tardy bell ringsor they will be considered tardy.

  • Assessments:
  • Unit Tests:Tests are given at the end of each unit.Tests are designed to last the entire 57-minute period. Unless pre-arranged, and for acceptable reasoning, no extra time will be allowed.
  • Quizzes: Quizzes will be given at the end of most weeks.
  • Assessment Corrections: Any students who scores below a 70% on an assessment will be allowed to do corrections to bring their grade up to a maximum of 70%. Students will be required to redo any missed problem, showing all work, and writing a brief explanation of went wrong or why the problem was missed.
  • Homework Quizzes:
  • Most Friday’s a Homework Quiz will be given. This quiz will be made up of a few problems that are taken directly off of that week’s homework assignments. Therefore, if students keep up with homework and make sure everything is correct and understood, they should perform well. These quizzes will reflect 10% of the quarter grade.
  • Warm-Ups:
  • Warm-Ups will be given out each Monday and collected the following Monday. Select problems will be graded for accuracy and this grade will reflect 10% of the quarter grade. Students can seek help on the warm-up problems and work with others but they must show all work to receive credit. The purpose of the warm-up is to both reinforce current material and review relevant past material. Students should work on a few problems each day at the beginning of class and pace themselves throughout the week.
  • Homework: Homework is meant to be a meaningful extension of the concepts covered in class. The problems assigned are meant to give students additional practice in order to help them master the mathematical concepts. Students are asked to do the homework assignments and then bring in any questions the next day for discussion. Homework in this class is not intended to take more than half an hour per night, nor should it prevent students from participating in other activities.

Cheating:Cheating means, but not limited to: copying homework, tests and quizzes, or using electronic devices during tests and quizzes. These behaviors are unacceptable. You will be written up with a conduct referral and also receive a zero for any assignment for which you are caught. I will monitor all students to ensure this is not happening while taking tests and quizzes.

Electronics:As stated in the student handbook electronic devices are not to be evident in class. Please turn off cell phones and/or music players and keep them in your bag. Any electronic devices that are in violation may be confiscated and taken to the front office.

Extra Help:I feel strongly about helping each of my students succeed. Please ask questions during class when you don’t understand something. You are responsible to come in for help when you do not understand something.

Keep this in your notebook for future reference. Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have!

Honors Algebra 2: Semester 1 Course Overview

Arizona College Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!

Unit 1 Functions (16 days)

Module 1 Analyzing Functions (8 days)

1.1Domain, Range, and End Behavior

1.2Characteristics of Function Graphs

1.3Transformations of Function Graphs

1.4Inverses of Functions

Module 2 Absolute Value Functions, Equations, and Inequalities (8 days)

2.1 Graphing Absolute Value Functions

2.2 Solving Absolute Value Equations

2.3 Solving Absolute Value Inequalities

Unit 2 Quadratic Functions, Equations, and Relations (16 days)

Module 3 Quadratic Equations (6 days)

3.1 Solving Quadratic Equations by Taking Square Roots

3.2 Complex Numbers

3.3 Finding Complex Solutions of Quadratic Functions

Module 4 Quadratic Relations and Systems of Equations (10 days)

4.1 Circles

4.2 Parabolas

4.3 Solving Linear Quadratic Systems

4.4 Solving Linear Systems in Three Variables

Unit 3 Polynomial Functions, Expressions, and Equations (18 days)

Module 5 Polynomial Functions (4 days)

5.1 Graphing Cubic Functions

5.2 Graphing Polynomial Functions

Module 6 Polynomials (8 days)

6.1 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

6.2 Multiplying Polynomials

6.3 The Binomial Theorem

6.4 Factoring Polynomials

6.5 Dividing Polynomials

Module 7 Polynomial Equations (6 days)

7.1 Finding Solutions of Polynomial Equations

7.2 Finding Complex Solutions of Polynomial Equations

Module 11 Radical Expressions and Equations (8 days)

11.1 Radical Expressions and Rational Exponents

11.2 Simplifying Radical Expressions

11.3 Solving Radical Equations

Arizona College Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!

Unit 9 Statistics(16 days)

Module 22 Introduction to Probability (4 days)

22.1 Data-Gathering Techniques

22.2 Shape, Center, and Spread

Module 23 Data Distributions (6 days)

23.1 Probability Distributions

23.2 Normal Distributions

23.3 Sampling Distributions

Module 24 Making Inferences from Data (6 days)

24.1 Confidence Intervals and Margins of Error

24.2 Surveys, Experiments, and Observational Studies

24.3 Determining the Significance of Experimental Results

Honors Algebra 2: Semester 2 Course Overview

Arizona College Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!

Unit 6Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and Equations (26 days)

Module 12 Sequences and Series (6 days)

12.1 Arithmetic Sequences

12.2 Geometric Sequences

12.3 Geometric Series

Module 13 Exponential Functions (8 days)

13.1 Exponential Growth Functions

13.2 Exponential Decay Functions

13.3 The Base e

13.4 Compound Interest

Module 14 Sequences and Series (4 days)

14.1 Fitting Exponential Functions to Data

14.2 Choosing Among Linear, Quadratic and Exponential Models

Module 15 Logarithmic Functions (4 days)

15.1 Defining and Evaluating a Logarithmic Function

15.2 Graphing Logarithmic Functions

Module 16 Logarithmic Properties and Exponential Equations (4 days)

16.1 Properties of Logarithms

16.2 Solving Exponential Equations

Unit 7 Trigonometric Functions (14 days)

Module 17 Unit-Circle Definition of Trigonometric Functions (6 days)

17.1 Angles of Rotation and Radian Measure

17.2 Defining and Evaluating the Basic Trigonometric Functions

17.3 Using a Pythagorean Identity

Module 18 Graphing Trigonometric Functions (8 days)

18.1 Stretching, Compressing, and Reflecting Sine and Cosine Graphs

18.2 Stretching, Compressing, and Reflecting Tangent Graphs

18.3 Translating Trigonometric Graphs

18.4 Fitting Sine Functions to Data

Unit 8 Probability(18 days)

Module 19 Introduction to Probability (6 days)

19.1 Angles Probability and Set Theory

19.2 Permutations and Probability

19.3 Combinations and Probability

19.4 Mutually Exclusive and Overlapping Event

Module 20 Conditional Probability and Independence of Events (6 days)

20.1 Conditional Probability

20.2 Independent Events

20.3 Dependent Events

Module 21 Probability and Decision Making (6 days)

21.1 Using Probability to Make Fair Decisions

21.2 Analyzing Decisions

Unit 4 Rational Functions, Expressions, and Equations (12 days)

Module 8 Polynomial Functions (4 days)

8.1 Graphing Simple Rational Functions

8.2 Graphing More Complicated Rational Functions

Module 9 Rational Expressions and Equations (8 days)

9.1 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

9.2 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions

9.3 Solving Rational Equations

Unit 5 Radical Functions, Expressions, and Equations (14 days)

Module 10 Radical Functions (6 days)

10.1 Inverses of Simple Quadratic and Cubic Functions

10.2 Graphing Square Root Functions

10.3 Graphing Cube Root Functions

Arizona College Preparatory- Erie

Strive for the impossible and be extraordinary!