Summary of the situation of the Amazigh in the Morocco and their claims:

Attached to the alternative report and addressed to the Committee on Civil and political rights

Towards the end of the sixties of the last century, after independence, and following the introduction of a racist speech at the same time in political parties and the representatives of the State who did not see in Moroccan culture that a Muslim component, some activists decided to create associations for the defense of Amazigh language and culture. They suffered all-round in order to demonstrate that Aboriginal culture existed on this land before the arrival of the other populations and colonialism. These associations have suffered all kinds of pressure on the part of the State, political parties which have been influenced by their eastern counterparts and on the part of the Islamists who revere Arabic language carrier of the sacred texts.

So, we understand well that the tension was at its worst when the King Mohamed VI gave his speech of 17 October 2001 at “Ajdir”, in the Middle Atlas, announcing the creation of the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture (RIAC) and with it the end of the altercations with opponents who saw Amazigh as a sort of Folklore. So it has turned the page on our origins and a new debate opened, particularly on the integration of Tamazight in the teaching process and other aspects of public life.

The role of (RIAC), the associations considered, at first glance, a watchful eye view as long as it is a State institution created by the King, also was prominent especially at the level of scientific research and standardization of the language.

Another milestone is the constitutional review of the first July 2011. It is the first Moroccan constitution to recognize “Tamazight” as an official language. Although the latter does not have the same rank as Arabic language because according to article 5 in Moroccan constitution:

"Arabic is the official language of the State. The State works to the protection and the development of the Arabic language, as well as the promotion of its use.

Similarly, the Amazigh is an official language of the State, as a heritage common to all Moroccans without exception... ».

It shows a linguistic hierarchy and lack of equality between Amazigh and Arabic languages.

The organic law likely to spread the process of implementation of the official character of that language, as well as the modalities of its integration in education and other areas of public life, in order to enable it to perform its function of official language, adding to this law another one about the creation of a Council of languages and the Moroccan “culture” come to be ratified by Government in the last days at the end of his term. Unfortunately, these organic laws came to corroborate our doubts on a genuine will of this Government to kill our language and culture, because, first did not commit to take the Amazigh cultural decision, and arrives to complete the destruction of the Amazigh in education and other areas by canceling some achievements of the Amazigh People as to write by Tifinagh alphabet.

In Morocco, there are some assume that we can congratulate with the Amazigh People and their resistance to the put-downs of the State. However, much work remains to be done in order to rehabilitate the Amazigh culture on its own territory.

Therefore, we bring to your attention our demands which include the following:

§  The right of the Amazigh People to cultural and political self-determination as an aboriginal People guaranteed by international right;

§  The right of the Amazigh people to study its language and convey her as well in his private life than in Government;

§  Our right to choose Amazigh names to our progeny;

§  The right to sue any person who would have uttered racist comments against our language or our culture. Example: the case of Mr. Benkirane, head of the current Government;

§  The right to freedom of conscience and religion: the constitution guarantees freedom of worship, but only for foreigners, not for Moroccans. Furthermore, we will need jurisprudence in order to generalize this achievement;

§  Inequality of citizens before the law, because the Amazigh do not have the right to speak their language, or to defend himself in the courts of the Kingdom;