August 14-25, 2017

*August 15th SISD Math Benchmark

*August 16th SISD Reading Benchmark

*August 17-18th and 21st 3rd Week Checkpoints

*August 30th Students have early release

*September 4th Labor Day Holiday

*September 27th Students have early release

Others to come in two weeks

*Parents please read about “No Zero Zone” for 6th grade!!

*Attached you will find the Library Agreement and the 6th Grade ELAR Syllabus for your information.

*Birthdays for June, July and August are included!!

*Parents keep up with our class news every two weeks.

*Parents please have your children show you their agendas so you know what they are doing in class. -Thank you to those of you that have been signing once a week! Let’s keep communicating!!

Please contact my via email if you would like to meet with me, so I can be available to you. My email is .

(Continuation) What we are learning this week:

ELAR: We will be analyzing poetry by understanding figurative language used in poems. We will also learn how sensory details can help the author tell a story. To continue we will analyze the elements of Fiction and literary nonfiction. Students will write poetry and memoirs as well as review grammar, punctuation skills, capitalization, handwriting, and written conventions such as parts of speech.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Students will learn about different types of maps, elements of maps, and how to read maps. Additionally students study how geography influences settlement patterns, about defining characteristics of culture, cultural celebrations, and about how geographers divide the world into culture regions.

Academic words:

climaxdenouement falling actionrising action

turning pointnarrator’s inner conflict point of viewplot development


other words:

associated author summary conclude

described, descriptionelements event experiences

explainsfiction illustrate infer

leads logical order narrator paragraph

qualitiesreason related reveals

sentence story summary textual evidence

N Zero Zone

We are excited about the implementation of our initiative to eliminate “zero(s)” in our grade book! As you know one zero can drive a students’ average down resulting in a failing grade, which could possibly place your child on the retention list if the “zero(s)” are not rectified.

Any student who receives a zero due to a homework assignment not being turned in on time will be required to stay after school to complete that assignment from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. Your child will call to notify you of the referral to the No Zero Zone by their teacher(s) and that he/she will be staying after school.

Points of interest:

  • The No Zero Zone is for middle school students ONLY
  • The No Zero Zone is NOT for making up assignments due to absences.
  • The No Zero Zone is NOT for “redo(s)”.
  • The No Zero Zone is NOT a tutorial or homework lab.
  • If your child is recommended to No Zero Zone more than 3 times within a 9 week period. He/ She will be issued an office referral and will have 1 day of SAC (in school suspension).

We look forward to working with you, and we appreciate your support in the effort of eliminating “zero(s)” from our grade books. We share the same goal for our students, your children, and that is to achieve the success we know they are capable of achieving!

Library Contract for 6th Grade

Your child will be able to check-out books from the library. He/she is able to check-out two book(s) at a time.

My child and I agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • We will treat the book(s) with care and respect, and will find a safe place to keep the book(s) until it is returned to the library (backpack).
  • My child will read one of the books chosen by him/her everyday from Monday thru Thursday for 20 minutes and complete any assignments that go along with the book.
  • My child will return the book(s) on time. If my child forgets to bring any books on Library daytwice during the 6th grade school year my child will no longer be allowed to check-out books from the library. Instead, other arrangements will need to be made with the teacher in order to complete work assignments that will be assigned to accompany the book that was chosen to read.
  • Library Day will be announced and written in agenda prior to our visit.
  • While the student has a book(s) checked-out no other books will be able to checked-out by that student until it is turned in.
  • IF the book is damaged or lost, we (parent or guardian) will pay for the book replacement and student will lose library privileges for the year.

Happy Reading!!

From Mrs. Aveytia

PS Only library books will be allowed to participate in any incentive program that I will be using (coming soon) so don’t lose your library privileges!!

ELAR and Social Studies Syllabus:

John Drugan

12451 Pellicano, El Paso, TX 79928 Phone: (915) 937-6800 Fax: (915) 921-6815

August 2017

Aveytia/ELAR and Social Studies:


PHONE: 915-937-6800

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will provide the student with a well-rounded approach to learning about reading, writing, and social studies.

During the course of the year students will learn the Texas Essential Knowledge Standards pertaining to all three subjects.

ASSIGNMENTS: In class and homework assignments must be turned in on time. If the student has earned a 70 or below and the assignment has been completed on time, the student will have the opportunity to better their grade before the end of the eighth week of the nine week section by redoing or improving the assignment. The grade earned when redoing an assignment shall be averaged with the grade earned on the first attempt, and the averaged grade shall replace the failing grade.

If work is turned in, incomplete, the maximum the student will receive is 50 points. Student’s name will also be submitted to NO ZERO ZONE*. The student will then have an opportunity to finish and turn in completed assignment within one school day.

*NO ZERO ZONE is an in-school discipline program. The student is required to stay after school. At this time the student is given the opportunity and time to complete assignments.

MAKE-UP WORK: The teacher will provide make-up work for excused and unexcused absences. It is the student’s responsibility to complete make-up work within a reasonable time determined in conference with the teacher. A minimum of two-day make-up time is allowed for each absence.

ATTENDANCE and PARTICIPATION POLICY: In order to receive full benefit for the course, students are encouraged to actively participate in class, this includes having their supplies to complete assignments. Per the student handbook, compliance with school attendance and tardy policy is expected. Middle School students who enter after 7:45 am bell rings will be counted tardy and will be sent to the front office to obtain a tardy slip.


60% Daily Average90-100

30% Tests/Projects 80-89

10% Tests/Notebook check70-79


TEST: Students will be taking 3rd, 6th, and 9th week’s District checkpoints.

NO NAME: If first and last name is missing on work being turned in, the first nine weeks will be minus 5 points on grade given, the rest of the 2017-2018 school year it will be minus 10 points. Students are encouraged to please put their first and last name on all work being turned in. All writing must be legible. If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it.

HONOR CODE: John Drugan demands the highest degree of personal integrity at all times. Students must complete their own work. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Students will automatically receive a zero for the assignment or notebook check if caught turning in someone else’s work or notes. Plagiarism of any printed, drawn, or online material sources will also receive a grade of zero.


  • Be ready! Be prepared!
  • Bring All needed materials to class.
  • Participate in class discussions and listen at all times.
  • Behave in a responsible manner, exercising self-discipline and control.
  • No profanity, rude gestures, cruel teasing or put downs.
  • Follow the directions/instructions of any adult working at this school.
  • Respect yourself, others, and property.
  • Throwing, tossing, and flinging of any object is strictly prohibited.
  • Return materials and clean up at the end of class.
  • Complete all assignments.
  • Adhere to library contract
  • Absolutely no cell phones are allowed in the classroom. Cell Phones must be off and put away in backpack.
  • Observe ALL rules in the student handbook.


  1. Verbal redirection
  2. Parent contact; no rewards
  3. Parent contact; detention
  4. Parent conference
  5. Parent contact; office referral