Members Present BVCOG Staff
Dawn Marie Baletka, Citizen Roger Sheridan
Brandon Borski, Cen-tex Juvenile Probation Rebecca Hill
Karen Box, Robertson County Sheriff’s Office
Jade Bracewell, Citizen, Madison County
Irma Cauley, Brazos County Commissioner
Donna Gomez, Washington County Sheriff’s Office
Herbert Gilbert, Madisonville Police Department
Todd Greene, Grimes County Sheriff’s Office
Chris Kirk, Brazos County Sheriff
Robert Meyer, TAMU Police Department
David Patterson, Bryan Police Department
Fredrick Webber, Justice of the Peace Pct 4, Robertson County
Brenda Williams, Victim Coordinator, Grimes County
I. Call to Order and introductions – Meeting called to order at 2:15 pm by Ms. Baletka. Chairperson Barratt was out sick. Introductions were made by all members and staff present.
II. Approval of January 29, 2016 meeting minutes – Minutes for the January 29th meeting were reviewed. Commissioner Cauley moved to approve the minutes as presented. Sheriff Kirk seconded. Motion carried.
III. Action and/or Discussion Items:
Item A - Consider for approval funding recommendations for FY 2017 JAG applications – Commissioner Cauley made a motion to accept the subcommittee’s recommendations ranking Texas A&M first with an award of $84,987, City of College Station second with an award of $42,855, City of Bryan third, Washington County fourth and Grimes County fifth. Sheriff Kirk seconded. The motion passed.
Item B - Consider for approval funding recommendations for FY 2017 Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention applications – Ms. Bracewell made a motion to accept the subcommittee’s recommendations ranking BVCOG first with an award of $23,000, Bryan ISD second with an award of $38,488, Robertson County third and Burleson County fourth. Commissioner Cauley seconded. The motion passed.
Item C - Consider for approval funding recommendations for FY 2017 General Victim Assistance applications – Ms. Gomez made a motion to accept the subcommittee’s recommendations ranking Focusing Families first, Grimes County second and Brazos County third with full funding for all applicants. Ms. Bracewell seconded. The motion passed with one opposed vote (Mr. Patterson)
Item D - Consider for approval funding recommendations for FY 2017 Violent Crimes Against Women applications – Sheriff Kirk made a motion to accept the subcommittee’s recommendations ranking Brazos County Rape Crisis Center first with an award of $52,725, Brazos County second and Robertson County third. Commissioner Cauley seconded. Motion passed.
IV. Public Comment. Mr. Sheridan shared that there is an opportunity for a local high school to get CPR dummies and education for students through the Be the B program with BVRAC. If anyone knows a school that may be interested, please let Roger know.
V. Important Dates
A. April 13, 2016 – BVCOG Board of Directors Meeting
B. April 19-20, 2016 – Every Victim Every Time Conference, Brazos County Expo Center
VI. Adjourn – Commissioner Cauley motioned that the committee adjourn. Mr. Borksi seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 2:23 PM
Approved by:
Sherrie Barratt, Chairperson
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