[Diagnostic Outcomes Monitoring Executive Summary (DOMES) – Quarter 2 2015-16] /

Performance & Intelligence Team

S. Hammersley

Diagnostic Outcomes Monitoring Executive Summary (DOMES) – Quarter 2 2015-16
This report highlights the key outcomes from the DOMES report for quarter 2 2015-16.




1. Measures of Recovery

PHOF Indicator 2.15 – Successful Completions of drug treatment


2. In Treatment

Treatment Completed / Retained for 12 weeks or More

Early Unplanned Exits

Time In Treatment

Living with Children

3. Clients in Contact with the Criminal Justice System

Numbers in Treatment

Appendix 1


The National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) provides access to national statistics about drug and alcohol misuse treatment, including the quarterly Diagnostic Outcomes Monitoring Executive Summary (DOMES) report. The DOMES report presents local statistics on recovery, treatment and contact with the criminal justice system. This report highlights the key outcomes from the DOMES report for quarter 2 2015-16.


The key outcomes from the quarter 2 DOMES report are as follows;

  • Successful completions of drug treatment improving from baseline and better than the national outcome.
  • Average time in treatment is 4.2 years for opiate clients and 0.9 years for non opiate in Bury
  • 29% of clients in treatment in Bury are living with children under the age of 18.
  • 20% of clients in treatment in Bury are in contact with the criminal justice system.

The outcomes reported in the quarter 2 DOMES report are explored further below and a copy of the full report is attached under appendix 1.

1. Measures of Recovery

PHOF Indicator 2.15 – Successful Completions of drug treatment

Locally the proportion of opiate clients that have successfully completed treatment (did not re-present in 6 months) has reduced from last quarter by 0.9% but is still improving from the baseline period and is better than national results. The proportion of non opiate clients to have successfully completed has increased from last quarter by 2.6%, continuing to improve upon the baseline and perform better than national.


From last quarter the proportion of re-presentations has decreased for alcohol and non-opiate users and increased for all other users. Compared to our baseline for Bury, the outcomes reported at quarter 2 are improving for all user groups.

2. In Treatment

Treatment Completed / Retained for 12 weeks or More

For all types of clients the percentage in quarter 2 to have completed treatment or been retained for 12 weeks or more is below the national average. Non-opiate clients to have completed or retained has increased from last quarter.

Early Unplanned Exits

The proportion of clients in Bury who had an unplanned exit during quarter 2 is above the national average for all user groups. The greatest deviation from the national average is found amongst opiate users, with 33% having an unplanned exit this quarter.

Time In Treatment

The average time in treatment (years) for clients in Bury at quarter 2 is below average for opiate clients and above average for non-opiate clients.

Living with Children

Of the 985 clients in treatment in Bury, 29% are living with children under the age of 18. The greatest proportion of clients living with children is found amongst the opiate user group.

3. Clients in Contact with the Criminal Justice System

Numbers in Treatment

20% of clients in treatment in Bury are in contact with the criminal justice system. The greatest prevalence is found amongst alcohol and non-opiate users.

Appendix 1

Performance & Intelligence Team | Communities & Wellbeing | Bury Council
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