NAMES: ______PERIOD: ______DATE: ______


1. Draw the following pedigree in the empty space below. Brown eyes (B) are dominant to blue eyes (b). Shade in blue eyes on the chart.

2. Label the generations and each individual in the pedigree.

3. Determine the genotypes of as many individuals as possible. Use the letter ‘b’ for eye color trait.

Damian’s Party Pedigree Chart

Hello, my name is Damian and today is my tenth birthday and all of my family is here. My parents, Nicole and Pete, are throwing me a party and my Aunt Melissa (Melissa is my mom’s older sister) is helping out also. Grandma Sarah and Grandpa Eric, my mom’s parents, are all coming to my party. Grandpa Eric had two other siblings named Alan and Dee. Grandpa Eric is the middle child and Dee is the eldest. Their parents are great grandma and grandpa Louisa and Charles and they both have blue eyes and all of their kids have blue eyes also. My great uncle Alan married a beautiful lady named Debbie who has brown eyes. Debbie and Alan have three kids: Ed, Eric, and Zach, (in order of highest age to lowest age) all boys and none of them have blue eyes. My great aunt Dee married David and he has blue eyes. Its weird all of their kids have blue eyes; Savannah who is 8, Tabitha is 6, and David Jr. is 3 years old. Savannah is my favorite. When David married Dee, David’s siblings all wanted to come to my party, Daniel, Doris, and Danny Jr. (also in order of oldest to youngest). Only Danny Jr. has blue eyes. Daniel married Vivian and they had one son named Eric. Eric’s cousins, Rafael, Jamie, Alex, Jessica, and Veronica have brown eyes (also in order of oldest to youngest). Their parents are Jose and Doris who have brown eyes. Doris loves her parents and they are coming too. Their names are Danny and Susan. Danny has brown eyes, but Susan has blue. I can’t wait until my party starts.