Chapter 11

Illustrative Behavioral Contracts

(Footnote 2, p. 210)

Behavioral Contract for Excessive Class Period and Full-Day Truancy

NAME: Bill C.

PROBLEM: Excessive class period and full-day truancy.

BACKGROUND: Bill has consistently missed part or all of his school day for the past year and a quarter. He has been counseled regarding his truancy, his mother has been contacted, and he has been somewhat restricted at home. Due to her work schedule, his mother seemed to be unable to help him.

BEHAVIORAL TARGET: Bill will attend all his scheduled classes every day

IMPLEMENTATION:. (1) Bill will ask each of his teachers to initial an attendance card at the end of each class period. (2) Bill will have his counselor initial his attendance card at the end of each school day. (3) Bill will exchange the completed attendance card with his mother in accordance with the reward schedule stated below, (4) Bill will chart the cumulative frequency of period attendance on a graph in the counselor’s office at the end of each school day. (5) Bill will attend a group rap session once each week.

REWARD SCHEDULE: Successful completion of the above implementation will be rewarded in the following manner:

1. Bill will exchange the signed attendance card with his mother and will receive ten cents (lO¢) for each class attended. This money will be saved for a trip to Disneyland on December 31st. (Note. Bill can hold the money himself or have his mother hold itfor him.)

2. Bill will be allowed to go to Disneyland on December 31st for the New Year’s Eve party.

When school resumes in January, a conference will be held to determine any need for a new contract.


I agree to follow the provisions of the contract and to dispense the rewards only if the provisions of the contract are met.


Mrs. C.

I agree to follow the provisions of this contract:



Bill C.

I agree to monitor this contract and to make a verbal progress report to Bill and his mother at the end of each week.



Source: Brooks, B.D. (1974). Personnel and Guidance Journal, 52, 316-320. Reprinted with permission In First Edition[1]????.

Behavioral Contract in a Sheltered Workshop

Client ______Jim______Work Supervisor _____Mrs. Swenson______

Advocate ____Mike Monahan______Building Supervisor ___Mr. Taylor______

Psychologist __Dr. Farmer______Effective Dates __April 10 to April 24______

Long-term goals: Placement in a wage-earning job in the community.

Short-term goals: Hold down full-time job within sheltered workshop.; complete one assigned job in workshop each day; reduce number of fights and arguments with staff and co-workers; maintain own performance records.

ResponsibilitiesPositive RatingsPoints/Day

Job: Jim will arrive at work on time.
Give his job-evaluation from to Mrs. Swenson. Earn positive ratings for attendance, punctuality, and job performance as specified on evaluation form and rated by Mrs. Swenson. / 90-100%
80-89 %
70-79% / 10
Sheltered Workshop SiteJim will give his job-evaluation form to Mr. Taylor by 5:30 P.M. each work day.
He will perform job as specified. He will keep daily records of points earned and spent, and check them with Mr. Taylor. / 1
No reported fights or arguments with residents or staff (any disagreement to be settled by Dr. Farmer).
Perfect day: 10 job pts; 8 points; no fights or arguments / 10
Fighting or verbal abuse or running away:
Argument continuing after a warning:
(Points to be exchanged for privileges at the standard rate.) / Loss of 5 pts. and evening’s social activities
Loss of 1 pt. and evening’s social activities


Client Workshop Supervisor





This contract will be reviewed: April 23

Modified from: Sulzer-Azaroff, B., & Reese, E. P. (1982). Applying behavior analysis: A program for developing professional competence. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.


4/21/11 1:59 PM

October 3, 2018 12:30 PM

October 3, 2018 12:30 PM

Beth Sulzer-Azaroff October 3, 2018 12:30 PM

Are you referring to the permission for reprinting in S-A & M??) YES

do we need to get permission again?