Hedgehog Class – Topic Planning – James and the Giant Peach – Spring 1

Week / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1 / PE –
Guided Reading – James and the Giant Peach / Topic – Geography – Into to grid references on a map, using grid references to identify places on a map.
Topic – History – Creating questions for Roald Dhal research. / Guided Reading – James and the Giant Peach
Art – Research the illustrator Quentin Blake / PPA – RE & PE / Science –Intro to fruig and veg – how it is sourced, grown and farmed.
2 / PE -
Topic – History – Using the ipads to research Roald Dhal and his books. / Topic – Geography – Collecting data, places we’ve visited around the country/world.
Geog – Plotting places we’ve visited on a map using grid references. / Computing – Researching food and veg – where is it most commonly sourced.
(ppa cover – MG – Music/Recorders)
Art – Looking into pictures from Quentin Blake, think about her style of drawing. Comparing differences and similarities between pictures. / PPA – RE & PE / Science – How is fruit and veg cleaned and packaged.
Spanish – animals
3 / PE –
Guided Reading – James and the Giant Peach / Topic – PSHE – Healthy eating and the effects of healthy/unhealthy eating on the body. / Guided Reading – Science – Fruit and Veg
Art – Evaluating pics from Quentin Blake. / PPA – RE & PE / Science – Begin to look at insects and their life cycle, and food chains of insects. Focus on insects seen within the story.
4 / PE -
Topic – PSHE – Overcoming fears – reference to James in the story. / Topic – DT – using recipes involving peach to create healthy food.
Topic – Write up recipes. / Computing – Plan a newspaper report on ‘Giant Peach arriving in New York’
(ppa cover – MG – Music/Recorders)
Art – Still drawing of fruit – sketching skills. / PPA – RE & PE / Science – Into to forces – what are forces, when are they used.
Plan investigation of forces on fruit.
5 / PE –
History – Researching the time period when Roald Dhal was a child, what was it like to go to school, write stories, how is it different or similar. / Topic – Research ashill fruit farm (possible write up from trip)
Science – weather – how does it hail, rain and how are rainbows formed? Reference to ‘cloud-men’ from the story. / Art – Design a Mola art piece.
(ppa cover – MG – Music/Recorders)
PSHE – Endangered animals – Research endangered animals, what makes them endangered and what are the risks created by humans. / PPA – RE & PE / Science – Forces experiment – what are the effects of forces on different objects including a peach.
Spanish – school
6 / PE –
Science – does the object float or sink, investigation about which objects will float or sink and why. / Topic – News events around the world. Watch news events and report on news events. / Computing – Record news report – ‘Giant Peach arriving in New York.’ / PPA – RE & PE / Science – Write up forces experiment, what were their predictions correct or wrong – cross curricular back to English – why did the peach roll?