Maryland Occupational Therapy Association’s

Annual Conference

November 21, 2014

Sheraton in Towson, Maryland

Maryland Occupational Therapy Association Conference

Call for Presentations

Title of Presentation:

Type of Presentation: Poster* Session (1.5 hours)

Roundtable (1.5 hours) Institute (3 hours)

*Poster sessions will Friday afternoon

Topic of Presentation: Children and Youth Productive Aging

Mental Health Health and Wellness

Work and Industry Rehabilitation and Disability


Level of Presentation: Entry(1-2 years experience) Intermediate(2-7 years experience)

Advanced(7+ years experience)

You must choose a level for your presentation. Levels will be printed in the conference brochure.

Maximum number of participants (if applicable):

Are you submitting more than one presentation for consideration? Yes No

Any other considerations:

Audio Visual Needs: For presenters (excluding posters) a screen and LCD projector will be provided.

Presenters will need to bring OWN laptop

Apple laptops will require the presenter to bring their own VGA 1510 Adapter

Any additional equipment needs must be supplied by the presenter

Please note: The advertisement and/or sale of items or business during conference presentations is prohibited.

Typed proposals MUST include this cover letter and the following:

A 250 word or less abstract of the presentation with learning objectives, methods of presentation (examples: handout, video, discussion), and a bibliography with 3-5 references

One copy of each author’scurriculum vitae

A one paragraph biographical sketch of each author for use as an introduction

A 30-40 word synopsis of the presentation to be used in the brochure

Bulleted objectives to be met during your session

First Author:


Title & Affiliation:


Phone (home and work preferred):

Email Address:

Second Author:


Title & Affiliation:


Phone (home and work preferred):

Email Address:

Third Author:


Title & Affiliation:


Phone (home and work preferred):

Email Address:

**Additional authors should include the same information on a separate page. All authors must have an email address listed.

Proposals must be postmarked by August 1, 2014.

Proposals will not be accepted after the above date. Please send to:

Kate Heyman

16 Beaver Pond Circle

Parkville, MD 21234

Email submissions can be sent to:

Questions ???


*Submissions will be reviewed based on accuracy, completeness, currency of topic and currency of evidence based references.

* Submissions will be reviewed and all presenters will be notified of their presentation status by August 22, 2014

*After submissions are accepted for presentation by the conference committee, presenters will receive a contract to sign and return by a specified date in order to confirm participation and agreement with the terms and conditions of the 2014 MOTA conference.