River Ridge Theatre Rental Form
This form must be turned into the THEATRE facility manager TWO WEEKS prior to the EVENT. Confirmation of the event is based on the correct forms being turned in on time. Help us to meet your needs with as much information prior to the event as possible.
Organization: ______Phone number: ______
Name of Contact Person: ______Type of Event: ______
Address: ______City ______Zip ______
EMAIL ______
Date of EVENT: ______Number of people backstage: ______Expected Audience: ______
TIME: Enter Facility: ______Event Begins: ______Event Ends: ______Exit Facility: ______
PLEASE turn the form over DRAW and LABEL so that we know how you would like things set up
Rooms Required: 0theatre (80 seats) 0Extended Seating (350 seats) 0Orchestra Room* 0Commons*
General Equipment Needs:
0Podium 0 Chair(s) # ___ 0Table(s) #___ 0Stool(s) # ____ 0TV/DVD 0Movie Screen 0LCD/DOC Camera
0Music Stands #____ 0Grand Piano* 0Spotlight* 0Platform(s)* #____ 0Choral Risers* 0Choral Shell*
Sound Needs:
0Microphone(s) # ___ 0Microphone Stand #___ 0Monitor 0CD Player 0Mini-disk Player
Lighting Needs:
0Work lights and House lights on NO changes in light (no light crew needed)
0General lighting plot on stage without cues, house lights up and down only
0General lighting plot on stage with less than 10 cues plus house lights*
0General lighting plot on stage with more than 10 cues plus house lights*
0General lighting plot on stage with more than 10 cues, house lights and special lights hung*
0Custom lighting plot on stage – lighting designer must be hired*
*Personnel Costs: All state crew members receive minimum wage. The lead on a rental will receive an additional .50/hour. The organization is charged for prep and clean-up time prior to and following the rental. There may be additional unpaid stage crew in training assigned to your event. Some events are simple, others are extremely complex. The more complex the event, the more crew required, the greater the cost to the organization. The number of crew members assigned to an event is based on the degree of complexity (equipment use, number of performers back stage, etc.) and is decided by the theatre facility manager.
River Ridge Theatre Department 350 River Ridge Dr. SE
Leslie Van Leishout, Theatre Manager Lacey, WA 98513