SAC East Resolution


WHEREAS, the University of Louisville’s Student Government Association (SGA) has engaged in a multi-year democratic process, beginning in 2009 with the SGA Task Force on the SRC, regarding the SAC East Renovation wherein 1) the SGA passed a resolution in January 2012 that turned down an offer by the U of L Athletics Association to purchase the SAC East for $2 million; 2) the SGA passed a resolution in 2013 that supported the Student Affairs plan for the utilization of the 50,000 square feet of space in the SAC East as newly renovated meeting space (this resolution also turned down again the offer of $2 million by the Athletics Association that would go “towards financing an $11.5 million expansion onto the SAC for new meeting space, the plan did not include money for equipping the new space, or for renovating the 25,000 square feet that would remain student space); and 3) the SGA organized a campus-wide petition campaign to retain the proprietary rights to the SAC East in 2014 rather than allow the Athletics Association to obtain three of the four basketball courts in the SAC East which resulted in a written commitment by the Provost that the SGA’s original plan to renovate the SAC East proceed as intended – “to create function spaces for student, faculty, and staff meetings (6 to 8 meeting spaces with a capacity of 75 or greater), improve meeting space for the entire University (increase the number of meeting rooms available for non-classroom functions, create more programmable activity space, create a living room for the campus ‘lounge’, ‘hangout’. ‘home’ both interior and exterior, make the building more than a ‘chute’ from parking to campus, create a better from door for campus, create an information desk to welcome people to the building, and provide a fitness area as outlined in the SRC report [made moot by the renovation of the Humana Gym for faculty use]”; and

WHEREAS, regarding the new 2015 plan for the SAC East presented by the administration, students have expressed concerns that the Athletics Association will be investing money already collected as part of the Student Athletics Fee, a fee that was created in 2002 and raised to $50 in 2007 to help the Athletics Association and, in turn, the University agreed to explore requests by students to extend library hours, expand spirit programs, and provide more basketball tickets to students – therefore, any investment gains from student fee money that would go against SGA wishes, such as a plan to privatize the SAC East, would be highly suspect; and

WHEREAS, it is the SGA’s sincere belief that the Student Senate must advocate for both the students’ right to honest, current information about how student fees are used (in this case the Student Building Fee, Student Recreation Fee, and the Student Athletics Fee) as well as the right to fair representation regarding the SAC East renovation especially when, regarding the rich history of democratic process, the integrity and united voice of the SGA is at stake; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Sand, et al’s request for a six-week extension to the plan to renovate the SAC East was out of order in that no legislative language was submitted 48 hours in advance or in writing during the meeting, that time for fair and informed discussion was both limited and bereft of useful information; and

WHEREAS, currently a bond of $9.4 million has been authorized by the State of KY for the SAC East renovation and a valid bid was received on 2/26/15 that falls within the approved budget and is good for 90 days making it possible to move ahead on the SGA’s SAC East current plan immediately;

WHEREAS, in June 2011, the Board of Trustees compelled the administration to consult the SAG regarding “best use” of the SAC East once the SRC was open.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the SGA commends past student representatives and administrators for their valuable work in negotiating the aforementioned SAC East Renovation Plan in good faith; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the SGA request that one of the following options for the SAC East Renovation be adopted by the admininstration: 1) that the original plan be moved forward without any delay so that the student body may begin to use the newly renovated meeting spaces as soon as the Fall 2015 semester; 2) (INSERT OPTION 2 HERE); 3) (INSERT OPTION 3 HERE); and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, if the original plan is reaffirmed for the fourth time, that the SGA be open to the administration’s plans and funding requests regarding all other areas of the SAC that do not include the SAC East with the hope of moving forward on good terms; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the SGA requests that any future requests or presentations by the university of administration follow protocol for legislative language as written in the SGA Constitution;

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that any plan offered by the administration be considered null and void if 1) any question goes unanswered regarding the new plan, 2) an update on the plan is not sent to the “top four” either by 3/22/15 or in writing by 3/24/15, or 3) the new plans are not emailed to the “top four” by 4/5/15 or presented in writing by 4/7/15.