March 2009
Series of Lenten Dramas at Mt.Joy – St. Paul’s
Ash Wednesday service of Holy Communion and imposition of ashes,St. Paul's, along withMaundy Thursday, with Holy Communion, and Good Friday Tennebrae service. All begin at 7:30p.m.
Five Wednesday evenings,March 4 – April 1,Mt.Joy.Soup n' Sandwich Suppers in Parish Hall at 6:30p.m.Worship service at 7:30p.m.includes hymn sing and
“THE VOICE OF GOD”dramatic readings.
Easter Sunrise service will be hosted by Mt. Joy at 6:30 a.m., with Easter breakfastfollowing in the Parish Hall. Palm Sunday and Easter Resurrection Celebration worship will be 9 & 10:30a.m, in each church, according to regular schedule, with Holy Communion on Easter Sunday.
Child Survival Program
“A Matter of Life and Death”
Nearly 27,000 children underage 5 die every day, mainly from preventable diseases and related causes. Through the Child Survival Program (CSP), Compassion is battling for the lives of vulnerable children and their caregivers, providing prenatal care,ongoing health screening, infant survival training for mothers and caregivers,spiritual guidance and education. See how you can help.
Parish Council Meets January 29, Elects Parish Officers
President: Glenn Fream
Vice President: Lee Ramsburg
Secretary: Judy Miller
Parish Copier purchased
Approved Parish Worship Services
Lent: Ash Weds, Maundy Thurs, Good Fri at St. Paul’s
5 mid-week Soup n’ Sandwich Suppers and Services at Mt.Joy
Pastor Faye will plan details with Parish Worship and Music Committees
Memorial Day: May 24 at Mt.Joy, with Ruthmary McIlhenny portraying
Mamie Eisenhower
Agreed to invite CarrollLutheranSchool (Our Conference –sponsored school) to speak, with students singing at a worship service, date to be agreed upon by their representative and Pastor Faye.
Next Parish Council Meeting: August 27, 2009 at Mt.Joy
DE/MD Synod Assembly Representatives
Accompanying Pastor Faye to the Synod Assembly May 28- 29 in Ocean City, MD: Amy Beall and Glenn Fream from St. Paul’s and Bonnie Brown and Lee Ramsburg from Mt.Joy. Thanks to these members for serving.
Lutheran Men Spring Dinner Meeting March 30
Spring Dinner Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Monday, (a fifth Monday), at GraceLutheranChurch, 21 Carroll Street, Westminster. Parking lots on two sides of the church and across Carroll Street in front of the church. Enter the sanctuary from Carroll Street.
Menu: Sliced Ham, Fried Chicken, Scalloped Potatoes, Baked Beans, Homemade Apple Sauce, Rolls and Butter, Iced Tea, Water, Coffee and Dessert. Free-will offering, $11.00 expected, as approved at the last meeting.
Program by Steven G. Hull, “The Least of These Ministries, in Los Robles, Dominican Republic.
Call Dan Keeney ( 410-756-2613) or Fred Kehne (717-337-3830) by March 22.
St. Paul’s Subs –Orders due March 1, Assemble and Deliver March 12.
New sign up sheets out Mar 29, orders due April 12. Make and Deliver April 23.
Youth Gathering Team SellingJoe Corbi’s Sale of pizzas, cookie dough, pretzels, pies and other delicious family foods ends Friday, March 6th. All orders and money due to Ruth Miller by Sunday, March 8th.Pickup after5:00pm Thursday, March 19th at Mt.Joy Parish House.
See any youth Gathering Team member or call the Church Office – 334-8585.
Zach Miller 337-0876, Catherine Nicholson 624-7102, Heidi Benner 337-1769.
Easter flowers order forms in narthex in Mt Joy and St. Paul’s.
SP Orders and money to Maud Weant by March 5.
MJ Orders and money to Arlene Hofe by 31.
LCW Hymn Sing at Green Acres Wed March 4 at 1:30 p.m.
Mt.Joy Sunday School AssociationMeeting March 30 at 7:00.
Prayer Requests - call Janet Maring (717-334-6439) or Shirley Staley (717- 334-1737). Request may be health matter or any concern, Please have address information ready, as a prayer card is sent. Please advise when to remove names.
New prayer chain policy in effect: starting immediately, following 3-month period without update information regarding any name, it will be removed from our list.Thanks for your cooperation in keeping our list current.
If you, or a loved one, are admitted to the hospital, please let Pastor Faye know by calling the church office – 717 – 334-8585. Call again upon discharge.
Sponsor the Mason-Dixon Line ($40) or Sunday bulletins ($10) in memory of, or in honor of, a loved one. Please call 717-334-8585.
Tender Care Pregnancy Centers of HanoverGettysburg need:
- New/Used Boys & Girls Clothing in good condition
- Sizes Newborn to 4T Both Winter & Summer
- Maternity Clothes of all sizes
Drop-Off at either center or call 338-9500 or 633-9685
Walk for Life Saturday May 9th at the Brethren Home.Complimentary Pre-Walk Brunch Saturday March 7th at La Cucina,Hanover9:30 a.m.(Admission is one bottle of BabyWash)
GettysburgHigh School Band Breakfast Concert for Senior Citizens
When: Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Time: Breakfast Starts at 8:30 am. The Concert is at 9:30 a.m.
Where: GettysburgHigh School Auditorium
All church seniors are invited to this annual event hosted by the GettysburgSchool District. The Band will be playing the music of Gustav Holst, Andrew Lloyd Weber, WA Mozart, Camille Saint-Saens, and others. Come enjoy a free breakfast and a great concert!
RSVP: Beth Kanagy at 334-6254
Visiting Nurse offers Scholarship
Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) of Hanover & Spring Grove, Inc. is now accepting applications for the Florence deHaven Stick Memorial Scholarship. Any person living in the areas surrounding Hanover or Spring Grove or in any part of AdamsCounty is eligible. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited nursing program or accepted for classes beginning in the fall for a career as an R.N. or L.P.N.
Several scholarships (between $1,000 and $2,000 each) will be awarded. Applications are due before March 16, 2009 and may be obtained by calling 717-637-1227 or 1-800-422-3197.
Diabetes Self Management Program
Date:Wednesdays, March 4-25
Time:5:30-8 p.m.
Location:Gettysburg Hospital Community Rooms
Offers comprehensive education opportunity for anyone with diabetes. Intended for newly diagnosed and/or persons needing to update their diabetes management skills. Call Marcia Fiscel, RN, CDE at (717) 337-4189 for more registration/fee information.
Renovation Work on Mt.Joy’s Parish House
The sounds of hammers and saws can be heard these days, as a team of skilled and diligent volunteer workers gathers regularly to renovate the lower level of the Parish House. The walls have been insulated and new electrical wiring and refurbished duct-work are presently being done, along with installation of dry wall. A planning task force is at work and will offer venues for fundraising. Your contributions are welcome.
From PASTOR Teri Hermsmeyer
It is FINALLY official! I was ordained on January 25, 2009. I'm serving a small rural wheat farming congregation (worship around 18) in northeastern Colorado on Sundays (and by phone and e-mail the rest of the week). I'm continuing my on call hospital chaplain position - but only 2 nights a week. I also provide spiritual direction for a few individuals.
I wanted to let you know I also FINALLY used the $100 Almy Gift Certificate today (wonderful gift from you all!) - putting it toward a white stole. So - THANK YOU VERY MUCH! My retired pastor friend (retired after serving my called church for 19 years) quilted my red ordination stole and presented it (has wheat on it). My home (and intern) congregation gave me a green stole made by Linda Henke - with wheat/corn on it. So all my stoles are very special from churches I have served! I pray all is well with you.
In Christ's peace and love -
Pastor Teri Hermsmeyer
Jesus Practiced What He Preached
At church we sing "O how I love Jesus." We go home and discover the stewardship commitment card has arrived in the mail. It is then that we change our tune to "Jesus paid it all." No sooner do you leave church than you are confronted with the very things that church is all about --love, generosity, forgiveness, acceptance. Wham! There you are confronting these things right before your very eyes. Someone has said this is where the rubber hits the road. Jesus is interrupted in his lesson of powerful and authoritative teaching by a screaming man with an unclean spirit. The power of Jesus' speech, words, and teaching are transferred to the power of his life to reach out to a desperate man. Jesus' power works for good among those caught in the grip of evil who lack the power to overcome evil by themselves. This is where Jesus gained his authority. He practiced what he preached.
~John A. Stroman, God's Downward Mobility, CSS Publishing Company.
Compassion's Ministry
Compassion is Christ-centered. We commit to honor Jesus Christ in all that we do. The Great Commission is at the heart of our mission and discipleship is at the core of our program. Every child who participates in a Compassion program is given the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ and discover how to develop a lifelong relationship with God.
- Church-based. We work in partnership with local churches to assist children.
- Child-focused. We are committed to making a difference in the individual child's life. Local staff are personally acquainted with children to minister to the unique needs of each child. We strongly believe in ministering to individual children because it has been proven that changed individuals are the most effective champions of change in their communities and nations.
- Integrity. Since our beginning in 1952, we have never wavered in our commitment to integrity in every aspect of the ministry: honoring the dignity of every individual, accurately presenting the gospel, practicing the highest standard in the use of funds and adhering to sound principles in ministry.
What is the Child Survival Program?
Early childhood is a critical time for children and sets the stage for their future. Without a healthy start, a child’s chances of normal development are small. Tragically, in our world today, one out of every 11 children dies before the age of five, mostly from preventable causes. To have the greatest affect on these at-risk little ones, Compassion’s Child Survival Program works directly with caregivers, as well as expectant mothers, to help them provide a solid foundation — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually — for their children.
Prenatal care
Each year millions of babiesaround the world die from malnutrition that begins in the womb. The Child Survival Program provides help to expectant mothers through nutritious food supplements and assistance in obtaining prenatal medical care.
Expectant moms are also educated about such vital topics as: fetal development, the childbirth process, breastfeeding andinfant care.
(Look on Page 9 for a Success Story)
View From the Pastor’s Window
To God’s People at Mt.Joy and St. Paul’s,
Here’s a startling statistic - 99.9% of all species that lived on earth are now extinct! Yet, as species go out of existence, new ones come in. Life celebrates itself with an endless tide of comings and goings. It is how life works. No need to hang on, no need to keep clinging. Each ending welcomes a new beginning.
During a recent sermon, we compiled lists of things in our lives we wished would become extinct. The list isconsolidated below…
Criminal acts
Illegal drugs
Not taking care of God's resources
Nuclear weapons
Stray animals
Not attending worship
Overuse of legal drugs
Abuse of children
Anne Frank, a German-Jewish teenager, was forced to go into hiding for 25 months during the World War II Holocaustin Amsterdam. She and her family were betrayed to the Nazis, arrested and deported to Nazi concentration camps, where Anne died of typhus. At 15 years old, Anne left behind herpowerfully insightfuldiary, one of the most-read books across the world. The following quote from Anne’s diary applies to the list above. Anne said, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
Let’s take that paradigm to heart and make up a new list. A list of things for newbeginnings.We don’t need to wait a single moment to start – we can begin to make a difference by saving tiny vulnerable children throughCompassion. Each ending welcomes a new beginning. Now there’s a Lenten project for you!
See you in Church,
Pastor Faye
Watch how you live.
Your lives may be the only gospel
your sistersand brothers
will ever read.
~ Dom Helder Camara
Thank You Notes
Thank you! And God Bless You for your prayers for Jerry as he recovered from back surgery, and for our nephew Yancey Ellis while he was stationed in Iraq. Jerry is doing very well, and Yancey arrived safe and sound back in the States on Jan. 25th.
We extend our humble thanks for your kindness to us.
Sandy and Jerry Mills
Many thanks to Kathy Birckhead for the beautifully crafted linen baptismal napkins for Mt.Joy’s upcoming baptisms.
Please call the office (717-334-8585) to pre-register. 2-session Class includes a dinner with leaders and will be planned according to participants’ schedules.
In the event of hazardous weather, please tune to WHVR, WGET radio or WGAL TV for parish cancellations. For email notification, let Pastor Faye know the email address. OR- You may call your council president, Walt Dayett (717) 359-4850,Lee Ramsburg (717) 334- 8833, Pastor Faye’s cell (717) 451-0851. Mt.Joy’s phone chain will be enabled.Decisions to cancel Sunday morning services will be made by 7a.m.
When Celim CSP workers found Jean Carlo and Jean Pier Taco, the toddlers were so malnourished each weighed less than 15 pounds. They could barely hold their heads up. They couldn't walk. And they rarely talked. CSP staff worked for months nurturing the boys' physical, developmental and intellectual development. Here's how theChild Survival Programhelped the boys in each area:
Physically — Thanks to CSP donors, Celim could offer the boys milk, eggs, bread and other necessary food. Slowly they began to grow. Twice a month the boys' mother, Martha Taco, received a bag of groceries. And she also got a brightly colored triangle showing her a "food pyramid." Complete with pictures of fish, chicken, bread and milk, the triangle let Martha know how much of each food category she needed to give her family at each meal. Thirty percent meat and 60 percent bread, grains, milk and the rest veggies.
Developmentally — Celim’s physical therapist works with all the children attending the Child Survival Program, butthe therapistespecially helps children like Jean Carlo and Jean Pier. The therapist works with a child's arms and legs, helping toddlers who have had months of inactivity learn to crawl and walk and develop other fine motor skills. The simple act of holding a ball was impossible for the brothers because they had no muscle growth due to lack of nutrition.
Intellectually — Regularly Jean Carlo and Jean Pier are taken to the Celim CSP center. Thanks to faithful CSP donors, the center offers childrenmany toys to use to help develop fine motor skills as well aslanguage and math skills. Covered with bright blue paintings, the center has trucks, books, kid-size tables and chairs, balls, carpet decorated with letters and numbers. "I love to play, to paint and to work at the center," says Jean Pier, now 5. Then he bursts into a song: "I moved my hands for God," he chirps. "I move my hands, I only move my hands for God."
Spiritually — Attending the Celim Child Survival Program allowed the Taco family to discover Jesus. "90 percent of 100 mothers were not Christians," says Pastor Doris Cajo of Seed of Life church, which operates the Celim Child Survival Program. "They came because they wanted the food supplies. Then they understood that it was about God. The mothers get together every week and study the Bible. It's amazing."
Martho Taco says theChild Survival Programis a miracle, not only for rescuing her sons but for saving her soul. "I know God was the one who created the Child Survival Program," she says,"and I am very thankful."