135th Session Convening at the First Christian Reformed Church

March 1, 2011 South Holland, Illinois

Schedule: Morning - 9:00 – 12:00; Afternoon – 1:00 – 3:00

Officers: President: Calvin Aardsma; Vice-President: Robert Lyzenga

Alternate Stated Clerk: Laryn Zoerhof

The president of Classis asks all first time delegates to read the form of subscription before the meeting and sign it prior to the convening of Classis.


1. President of the day, Calvin Aardsma, welcomes the delegates to Classis. The opening devotions, and time of prayer, are led by Calvin Aardsma and Marj Kooy, Classis Prayer Coordinator. Cal reads from Mark 12:28-34 and shares some thoughts about the joy of living in a love relationship with God. We love because he first loved us. Prayers are requested for Bob Jipping and Arturo Olguin who are unable to serve classis today due to illness. The prayer requests and praises that were submitted by the churches are distributed, and Marj opens a time of prayer with the delegates praying together in small groups.

2. The credentials are presented and the roll call of the churches indicates that the following have been

delegated to attend this session of Classis by their respective councils:


Cedar Lake, IN Pathway Rob Knol

Crown Point, IN - First Joel Sheeres Mike Rietveld

DeMotte, IN - Bethel Rick Vanderwal Larry Ouwenga

DeMotte, IN - First Laryn Zoerhof Daryl Kingma

Gary, IN - Beacon Light Peter Oh Jerry Scheeringa*

Hammond, IN John Kostelyk Donald Dykstra

Highland, IN - First Randall Bergsma Gary Van Deel

Highland, IN – New Life Bill Sytsma Jerry Kuiper

Indianapolis, Hope Community. Michael VandenBerg

Lafayette, IN Jim Busscher Tom Fisher

Lafayette, IN - Sunrise Robert Lyzenga Dave Clevenger

Lansing, IL - Bethel Calvin Aardsma Carl Smits

Lansing, IL - New Hope Ildefonso Torres Milton Van Drunen

Monee, IL - Family of Faith David Feddes Henry Reyenga

Munster, IN - First Jeff Bulthuis Bill Bultema

Nashville, TN - Faith Jerry Hoek Howard Gorter

Peoria, IL - Family of Faith

Roselawn, IN - Community Barry Foster Don Ryken

Sauk Village, IL - Emmanuel Tim Koster Randy Vroom

Schererville, IN - Crossroads Com. Drew Brown Chris Postma

South Holland, IL - Cottage Grove Richard Zekveld Ed Van Drunen

South Holland, IL - First Ben Tol John Groenewald

South Holland, IL - Peace Heino Blaauw Randy De Vries

*A motion to seat deacon Jerry Scheeringa as a delegate from Gary Beacon Light is ADOPTED.

The President also grants the privilege of the floor to Herm Schutt, Regional Pastor.

3. The President welcomes the following visitors to classis at various times during the day

Ken Boss – Trinity Christian College

Harley Ver Beek – Home Missions

Henry Doorn – Barnabas Foundation

Peter Kelder – Home Missions Regional Leader

Jim Stoel -- Chaplain Interview

Roger DeGroot – Roseland Christian School

Jeff Dephouse – Candidate for ministry

Marc Zumhagen – Ministry Associate candidate

Bob Jipping

Gerrit Veenstra

4. The President appoints the delegates of New Hope Church in Lansing as the Article 41 committee for the day.

5. Bill Sytsma, President of the September 15, 2010 meeting of Classis Illiana, reports that the transcription of the minutes of the September 15, 2010 meeting are accurate. A motion to approve the transcribed minutes is ADOPTED.

6. Laryn Zoerhof, Alternate Stated Clerk, reports of the work done by Robert Jipping since the last meeting of classis. Due to illness, Robert Jipping turned the work of the Stated Clerk over to Laryn Zoerhof near the end of January. A motion to approve the work of the Stated Clerks is ADOPTED.

7. The President appoints the following committees for one year:

Financial Screening Committee – Andy Balkema, John Kostelyk, Tim Koster

Nominating Committee – Heino Blaauw, Richard Zekveld, Ben Tol

8. Bethel Christian Reformed Church overtures Classis to instruct the Classical Treasurer to keep the Classical

books open until January 15. In this grace period all checks dated the prior year would be included in the

prior year’s budget, and all checks dated for the new year would be included in the new year’s budget.


1. Churches receive offerings late in December on the Final Sunday, Christmas Eve, or Day, and

New Year’s Eve. These offerings cannot be counted and mail delivered to the Classical

Treasurer until after the new year.

2. This would allow the classical fiscal report to reflect the churches actual fiscal report.

Done in Council, January 11, 2011, Anthony D Brummel, Rev. Cal Aardsma

The above overture is ADOPTED. The President refers the issue of timing the reporting and auditing of the classical treasurer’s work to the classical interim committee.

9. Bethel Christian Reformed Church requests Classis Illiana to grant Emeritus Status to Rev. Gerrit Veenstra

effective June 1, 2011.


1. Rev. Veenstra has faithfully served as a Minister of the Word and Sacraments in the Christian

Reformed Church in North America since 1973. In his 38 years plus of ministry he has served

the Christian Reformed congregations of Lamont CRC (Lamont, Michigan), Westwood CRC

(Kalamazoo, Michigan), Maple Heights CRC (Cleveland, Ohio), Bethel CRC (Zeeland,

Michigan), and Bethel CRC (Lansing, Illinois).

2. Rev. Veenstra has reached retirement age.

Done in Council, January 11, 2011, Anthony D Brummel, Rev. Cal Aardsma

The above motion is ADOPTED. Herm Schutt speaks words of appreciation to Gerrit Veenstra on behalf of Classis Illiana. Cal Aardsma offers a prayer for God’s blessing on Gerrit and Judy Veenstra as they enter a new stage in their lives and service for the Lord.

10. The nomination committee presents their report. Voting takes place for regional boards and classical positions. Results are as follows:

Calvin Theological Seminary Steven Koster 14 William Sytsma 22

Faith Alive Christian Resources Laura Venhuizen 12 Robert Deckinga 29

Alternate Classical Interim Committee -- Rick Vanderwal

Alternate Student Fund Committee – Jeff Bulthuis

11. Andrew Balkema presents his report as Classical Treasurer. A motion to approve the work of the classical treasurer is ADOPTED.

12. Laryn Zoerhof reports for the Classical Interim Committee. A motion to approve the work of the Classical Interim Committee is ADOPTED.

13. The report of the Church Visitation Oversight Committee is presented. Visits have been made to 5 of the 8 churches in the cluster pilot program during the past year. A motion to continue this pilot program for church visiting for another year is ADOPTED.

14. The report of the Classical Home Missions Committee is presented by Henry Reyenga. He requests each church to consider taking a special offering for Classical Home Missions to offset the classical ministry share deficit. A motion to approve the work of the Classical Home Missions Committee is ADOPTED.

15. Peter Kelder speaks as regional home missions leader. He reports for Crosspoint Strategic Network on how the good news is being shared in our region. The regional team is being configured for maximum effectiveness in two areas – new church development and church resourcing. Our region will identify three leaders who will develop a mission cluster in our tri-classis area. Deeper Journey – a journey into greater intimacy with God -- will be coming to our area in 2012. This is a series of 8 retreats over a two year period.

16. Harley Ver Beek reports for denominational home missions. Rev. Moses Chung will be the next director of Christian Reformed Home Missions. Home Missions is celebrating partnerships with the Reformed Church of America, World Missions, and Global Coffee Break. A strong theme of our work has always been the way in which we promote and encourage multi-ethnic and single ethnic congregations.

17. Heino Blaauw reports for the Race Relations Committee. He requests input on the value of sponsoring a special discussion on the Belhar Confession later this year or early next year since Synod 2012 will vote on whether to add this confession as a fourth standard of unity. The delegates indicated sufficient interest to have the Race Relations Committee make arrangements for such a discussion.

18. Henry Doorn from the Barnabas Foundation introduces the subject of stewardship and ministry share giving. A lively discussion follows. Henry agrees to send the outline of his presentation to the stated clerk so that it can be sent to the churches of classis.

19. Ken Boss speaks on behalf of Trinity Christian College.

20. Richard Zekveld reports for the Student Fund Committee. He presents a recommendation that we support Daniel De Graff in the amount of $8,000 for the 2011-2012 school year pending a successful interview. Daniel has been recommended by the consistory of First DeMotte and plans to study at Western Seminary in Holland, Michigan. This motion is ADOPTED.

21. Roger De Groot reports for Roseland Christian School. Two students at Roseland were killed during this school year, and this has been a difficult time for the students and school community. Current enrollment at Roseland Christian School is 125 students. Tuition assistance continues to be an urgent need. A new principle has been selected and will begin her work this summer.

22. Nominations and Election of Classical Delegates to CRC Synod 2011

Synod 2011 will meet on the campus of Calvin College beginning on Friday, June 10 at 9:00 am (with

orientation for first time delegates on Thursday, June 9. The following delegates were elected:

First Ministerial Delegate Calvin Aardsma

Second Ministerial Delegate John Kostelyk

First Elder Delegate Carl Smits

Second Elder Delegate Marc Zumhagen

First Minister Alternate Rick Vanderwal

Second Minister Alternate Randy Bergsma

The president refers the need for elder alternate delegates to the classical interim committee.

23. Jeff Bulthuis asks us to sing Amazing Grace and closes the morning session with prayer, remembering especially the work of classical home missions. The delegates break for the noon lunch.

24. The afternoon session begins with the consideration of the job description and examination of Candidate Jeff Dephouse. The following synodical deputies are present and welcomed: Michael Kooy from Classis Chicago South, John Schuurman from Classis Northern Illinois, Dan Roeda from Classis Wisconsin.

A. Introduction of Jeff Dephouse by Jerry Hoek

A motion to approve the Position of Chaplain at Centennial Medical Center in Nashville, as consistent with the calling of the minister of the Word is ADOPTED. (CO Article 12c)

The synodical deputies concur.

B. Examination: Practica - Jim Stoel

Opportunity is given for additional questions by the delegates and synodical deputies.

A motion to proceed with the examination is ADOPTED.

C. Report: Sermon Evaluation Committee – Jerry Hoek and Tom Hoffman

The assigned text for the sermon was John 9 and was preached by Candidate Jeff Dephouse at Nashville.

A motion that Classis proceed with the examination is ADOPTED.

The synodical deputies concur.

D. Examination: Biblical and Theological – David Feddes

Opportunity is given for additional questions by the delegates and synodical deputies.

Classis enters into Executive Session.

1. A motion is made to admit Candidate Jeff Dephouse to the office of the ministry of the Word and sacraments.

2. Prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit is offered by Rob Knoll.

3. Voting takes place by ballot, and the motion is unanimously approved.

4. The synodical deputies concur.

Open Session

1. The chairman informs Candidate Jeff Dephouse of the action of classis.

2. Candidate Jeff Dephouse is called upon to sign the formula of subscription.

3. The chairman presents the classical diploma to Candidate Jeff Dephouse.

4. The chairman declares that the consistory of the Faith CRC of Nashville is herewith authorized to

proceed to the ordination of Candidate Jeff Dephouse.

5. The delegates and synodical deputies and friends extend congratulations and best wishes to Candidate

Jeff Dephouse.

25. Henry Reyenga reports on his work as President of Christian Leaders and minister on loan to Eagle Rock Community Church. A motion that his status as a minister on loan to Eagle Rock Community Church be extended for 2 years is ADOPTED.

26. Position of Chaplain at Scarlet Oaks Retirement Community, Cincinnati, Ohio

A.A motion to approve the position of Chaplain at Scarlet Oaks Retirement Community as consistent with the calling of a ministry associate is ADOPTED. (CO Article 23c)

B.The synodical deputies concur.

C. Family of Faith CRC of Monee requests Classis Illiana to approve Marc Zumhagen for this position

as a Ministry Associate.Herm Schutt conducts an informal interview about this position and his calling to it. A motion is made to approve Marc Zumhagen for this position as a ministry associate.

The delegates vote by ballot, and the motion is unanimously ADOPTED. The President presents a classical certificate for a ministry associate to Marc Zumhagen, and the delegates extend their congratulations.

27. Report from Article 41 Committee

a. First Lafayette requests $2,000 to assist the church in a Healthy Church Survey and follow-up efforts. A motion to grant $2,000 from the contingency fund is ADOPTED. The President refers the issue of the procedure and evaluation process for future requests and the accessing of the classical contingency fund to the classical interim committee.

b. First Highland requests a candid discussion on why so many churches are low in ministry shares.

28. The CRCNA historical Committee encourages churches to submit minutes of council meetings, elder’s meetings, congregational meetings, special anniversary programs and booklets, new building dedication projects, membership listings and directories, etc. so that they can be microfilmed. This will ensure that the history of a particular church is not lost. These should be updated once every five years. A summary of the archival holdings of the churches of classis is distributed to the delegates.

29. Our next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at Trinity Christian College.

30. A motion is made to adjourn.

31. Robert Lyzenga makes appropriate acknowledgements and closes the meeting with prayer.