Hello, and welcome to Grand Ridge Elementary!

The Grand Ridge PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) is an integral part of daily life at Grand Ridge Elementary. Below are some highlights of programsoffered by the Grand Ridge PTSA. For more information, please visit our website at

Fall-o-ween is a school-wide celebration of the season, where students are encouraged to dress-up in friendly costumes, and enjoy games, crafts, music, prizes, food, entertainment. / After School Movies
Movies are offered after school on various Wednesdays throughout the year. Kids are given nut-free snacks and a bottle of water, both of which are covered by the movie ticket. / Recess Programs
PTSA offers recess programs to create community enrichment opportunities, through the Grizzly Patch Gardens and Cultural Diversity Council, where kids enjoy seasonal gardening, crafts, and activities.
Popcorn Fridays
A favorite among students! The PTSA serves popcorn during the second recess, on the first Friday of the month, for only a quarter! Proceeds fund classrooms throughout Grand Ridge. / Art Docent Program
Art Docent volunteers provide diverse, monthly art lessons to every class, throughout the school year, focusing on different artists, using various mediums, including drawing, painting, pastels, and clay, to construct one-of-a-kind masterpieces! / Grizzly Guys
Our men’s group encourages men to play a more active role in their children’s lives at school, and foster connections between Grand Ridge fathers and students.
Families are encouraged to purchase books to support literacy within our school, and help build our own library. Each book is labeled with a bookplate, naming the book’s benefactor. / Reflections Art Program
This is a National PTA art contest, in which students participate by creating their own art projects, centered on a common theme, using a multitude of expressive mediums. / Science Fair
A wonderful opportunity for students to showcase science projects, along with many unique hands-on learning experiences, from animal organs to Lego Robotics.

The “many hands + many hearts” of the Grand Ridge PTSA help make our school a great place for our kids to learn and grow. We hope everyone considersvolunteering for the PTSA and, in our students’ classroom. It’s a great way to get to know your neighbors and the community!

Tracie Jones

GRPTSA Welcome Coordinator