Guided Reading—Chapter 6.1 – 6.2 World History—Brickley

Chapter 6.1:

1. Describe the legend of how Rome was founded.

2. Differentiate between “patricians” and “plebeians”.

3. Why were the “Twelve Tables” important to plebeians?

4. Define “consuls”, “senate”, and “dictator”.

5. What were the two methods that Rome used to expand its empire?

6. Why did Carthage become an adversary of Rome?

7. What happened in the First Punic War?

8. What happened in the Second Punic War?

9. What happened in the Third Punic War?

10. What did Rome gain from winning the Punic Wars?

Chapter 6.2:

11. Describe how the gap between the rich and the poor grew in Roman society.

12. How was there a breakdown of military order? Where did soldier’s allegiance lie?

13. What were 3 reforms that Caesar made after becoming dictator of Rome?

14. What was Caesar’s ultimate fate?

15. Describe 3 things that Augustus did to make him the most “ablest emperor”.

16. What was the Rome’s most important industry? How many people were involved?

17. What 2 innovations made trade more efficient/easier?

18. Explain what it meant to have the virtue of “gravitas”.

19. Describe slavery in the Roman Empire—how many, what types of people, etc.

20. Define “gladiators” and “colosseum”.

21. List several ways that Roman government tried to distract /control the poor masses.

Chapter 6.3:

10. What did Jesus do at the age of 30, and in the 3 years that followed?

11. What role did Pontius Pilot serve in regards to Jesus’ death? How did Jesus die?

12. How were Christians persecuted by the Romans?

13. What were 3 reasons that Christianity had widespread appeal (why did it grow?)?

14. Explain why Constantine stopped the persecution of Christians (why did he worship a Christian god)?

Guided Reading Chapter 6.2 (cont.) – 6.3

1. Describe 3 things that Augustus did to make him the most “ablest emperor”.

2. What was the Rome’s most important industry? How many people were involved?

3. What 2 innovations made trade more efficient/easier?

4. Explain what it meant to have the virtue of “gravitas”.

5. Describe slavery in the Roman Empire—how many, what types of people, etc.

6. Define “gladiators” and “colosseum”.

7. List several ways that Roman government tried to distract /control the poor masses.

8. Give 5 characteristics of “good” and “bad” emperors (10 total). *See chart on pg. 164

Chapter 6.3:

10. What did Jesus do at the age of 30, and in the 3 years that followed?

11. What role did Pontius Pilot serve in regards to Jesus’ death? How did Jesus die?

12. How were Christians persecuted by the Romans?

13. What were 3 reasons that Christianity had widespread appeal (why did it grow?)?

14. Explain why Constantine stopped the persecution of Christians (why did he worship a Christian god)?

Section 6.4:

1. What were three things that caused economic turmoil in Rome?

2. Define “mercenaries”. Why did the government hire them?

3. How did Diocetian try to reform the Roman Empire?

4. What major change did Constantine make to the Roman Empire?

5. What 2 groups cause the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

6. What was the end result of the Eastern Roman Empire?

Section 6.5:

7. Define “Greco-Roman culture”.

8. What happened to the city of Pompeii in 79 A.D.?

9. Describe the size and dimension of the “colosseum”. What was it used for?

10. What are 3 Roman law ideologies that the United States incorporates today?