St. Theresa Parents Association Meeting

October 12, 2016

Attendees: Sarah D’Amico, Megan Towle, Angela Sisk, Trish Abbey, Christina Pfaller, Terri Kolbus, Tina Serpico, Laura Stanzcak, Mary Stupen, Mary Keenley, Susie Schmidt.

Meeting Called to order: 8:10am. Ms. Keenley said prayer. Went over minutes from September 14, 2016 meeting. Mary motioned to approve, Trish second. All in favor.

Principal Update: We are looking into how to do online collections so that people are not writing multiple checks. Sarah is looking at some sites, can download a trial and see how it works. We need something with a shopping cart feature. The BSJ is looking into this as well.

Sweatshirts, there seemed to be a communication issue. Sweatshirts are not part of the uniform. They can be worn on dress down days only. Need to be clearer with directions and expectations. It was suggested that the 7th graders work on a project helping to show what is part of the uniform and what is not by using pictures. This is something they could have fun with, while at the same time helping to eliminate the confusion.

The police department will be here for dismissal today. They will offer assistance with making some changes to the dismissal process.

Call outs/Fundraisers, Green & Gold is at the end of April, but we need to get new people involved now. AFC/NFC fundraiser is being restructured. Help will be needed with this event as well. Trivia Night is on the 21st try to get new families to come and get involved.

A big Thank You to the parents that are helping with lunch duty. This is helping the teachers a great deal.

Construction update:Windows are now in the Multipurpose Room. March 1st is the tentative open date (could be earlier). The construction crew is using a new entrance, Door 2A, on the south side of the school. This is right off of O’Brien Hall. Dave is maintaining the door and who comes in and out. The Science Lab and Music Suite should open just before Christmas.

Gym Update: Issues were found beyond the tiles that fell from the ceiling. A leak was found and repaired, there was an issue with the frames of the basketball hoops that was fixed. Right now they are regrading the tiles. We should have occupancy Monday morning. A huge Thank You to Nick on the amazing job of reconfiguring all the practices and games. Also, Thank You to the schools that reached out and offered their gyms to us for practices and games (St. Thomas, St. Viator).

From Fr. Tim: Ruth Medrano is working on the website. Designing a new landing page. This is priority for January 1st, 2017 for open enrollment. Looking to have an interactive portal for the parents. The website is the first point of interest for parents.

Looking for parents with marketing experience the assist with marketing the school better.

Budget: Hot Dog Day has been squared away and the checks deposited. Schoola Drive is next week. This should generate some income for us.

Fundraising: The next Dine N Share is October 29th at Durty Nellies. Rob Slaters band will be playing.

My Cards, was started and parents should see the envelopes to order coming home starting this week.

Schoola is next week. There will be a few drop of extended hour days.

Escapology (on Northwest Highway) has invited up to set something up with them. Waiting on more information.

Walk-A-Thon was suggested as a possible fundraiser. It can be done during school hours, utilizing the field to do laps, with the students using punch cards for how many laps. Can collect donations per laps, or straight out. Maybe run a contest. Make it fun.

Family Mentor Program: Emails sent out to get support to help with new families.

Teacher Appreciation: Working on the dinner that will be provided to the teachers next week during parent/teacher conference week.

Veteran’s Day will send out an email for sign ups.

Reading Program: Suggested that this be handled by the room moms, and do something through the library.

Movie Night: is November 18th. Going to try to get a copy of Finding Dory (release date is the 15th).

75,000 Hours of Service: Make sure to log your hours that you are volunteering. You can log them through the Church website.

Next Meeting November 9th, 2016 at 7pm

Meeting Adjourned 9am.