Exeter Flying Post
Ref:EFP182707123d / Farms: Lee Ditch / 12/07/1827 / 3d
Date of event / 18270810
Event / Auction sale of Farms and land
Principal(s) / George Besley, Thomas Brice, John Curwood
Trade/Occupation / Tenants
Location / Hill’s Tenement, Lee Ditch Furze Close
Premises / (Three)Tuns Inn, Tiverton
Uplowman and Sampford Peverell
To be sold by public auction, at the TUNS Inn, in Tiverton, on Wednesday the 10th day of August next, between the hours of 4 and 5 o’clock in the afternoon, the fee-simple and Inheritance of the following and very desirable
Lot 1: All that capital FARM called HILL’S TENEMNT comprising a good farm-house, spacious outbuildings, large malt-house, and 96 acres (more or less) of prime arable meadow, and pasture land, including about 6 acres of orchard in full bearing.
The premises, which are situate at Whittenage (sic), in Uplowman, near the Grand Western Canal, are in the occupation of Mr George Besley, as tenant from year to year; are distant from Tiverton ? miles, Cullompton, 6 & Wellington 9, and possess the Inestimable advantage of an inexhaustible lime rock. One moiety is subject to a lease for the life of a person aged about 61.
Lot 2: Al that very improvable FARM called LEDITCH (sic), in the occupation of Mr Thomas Brice. Together with a CLOSE called FURZE CLOSE, in the occupation of Mr John Curwood; comprising a farm-house and offices, and 66 acres(more or less) of land, divided into commodious inclosures, and situate in the parish of Sampford Peverell. One moiety of Leditch is subject to a lease for the life of a personaged about 70; and the said close, called Furze Close to lease for the life of a person aged about 72.
The two lots being near, would form together a most desirable estate.
The premises may be viewed by applying to the respective tenants; and further particulars had of Mr SMITH, Solicitor, Crediton, Devon. Letters must be post-paid
July 4, 1827