by 2 x CACIB Nitracanis, Nitra

►►► výstavisko Agrokomplex Nitra

CAJC - CAC - res. CAC - Best of variety

World cocker show winner - Junior world cocker show winner Club winner (english cocker) - BEST OF BREED


English cockerspaniel: Sue Shinkfield, GB (Notrella kennel)

American cockerspaniel: Dr. Clyde Shaw, USA (Our Gang´s kennel)

Judges 2 x CACIB Nitracanis:

English cockerspaniel: Dr. Clyde Shaw, USA & Karlo Bala, SRB

American cockerspaniel: Karlo Bala, SRB & Viera Vítková, SK


700 – 930 - admission of dogs

from 930 - judging after judging – finals competitions


► baby (3 – 6 months) / ► intermediate (15 – 24 months)
► puppy (6 – 9 months) / ► open (15 months and over)
► junior (9 – 18 months) / ► working (from 15 months and over, for
english cockerspaniel only)
► veteran (from 8 years and
over) / ► champion (15 months and over championship certificate compulsory)
► honour (championship certificate compulsory, or club winner title or national
winner title, without CAC title)

Titles – for both breeds separately:

CAJC, CAC, res. CAC Best of variety – for all males and females awarded with CAC, separately by coloured variety

BOB baby male - for all males awarded with very promissing 1 in baby class

BOB baby female - for all females awarded with very promissing 1 in baby class

BOB puppy male - for all males awarded with very promissing 1 in puppy class BOB puppy female - for all females awarded with very promissing 1 in puppy class.

BOB veteran male - for males awarded with excellent 1 in veteran class

BOB veteran female - for females awarded with excellent 1 in veteran class

BOB from honour class male - for males awarded with excellent 1 in honour class

BOB from honour class female - for females awarded with excellent 1 in honour class.

World cocker show winner – for all males and females awarded with Best of variety, separately

Junior world cocker show winner – for all males and females awarded with CAJC, separately

Club winner – only for english cockerspaniel, for male and female, separately, for all dogs awarded with CAJC and CAC, owned by amember of Cockerspaniel club

BOB – for this title compete the males and females awarded with World cocker show winner, Junior world cocker show winner and best veterans

Final competitions – for both breeds together:

Child and dog – for children from 3 to 9 years

Junior Handling – I. cat. – 9 to 13 years old, II. cat. 14 to 17 years old

Brace competitions – for a female and a male of the same breed with the same owner, judged at the show.

Breeders competition – at least three individuals of the same breed, having at least two different fathers or mothers, judged at the show.

Best in show baby – for males and females awarded with BOB baby male or BOB baby female

Best in show puppy – for males and females awarded with BOB puppy male or BOB puppy female

Best in show veteran – for males and females awarded with BOB veteran male or BOB veteran female

Best in show honour class – for males and females awarded with BOB honour class male or BOB honour class female

Best in show working cocker – for males and females awarded with excellent 1, CAC in working (for english cockerspaniel only)

Best in show junior – for all Junior world cocker show winners

Best in show – for american and english cockerspaniel awarded with BOB

General provision /Nitracanis/:

The show is held under the FCI and SKJ show regulations. Only dogs registered with the stud books recognised by the FCI can enter the show. A receipt of an application will be confirmed 10 days prior to the show in writing. Imported dogs of Slovak owners must be registered with the SKJ stud books.

Applications lacking any necessary document (a copy of the International working certificate for the working class, a copy of the Championship certificate for the champion class and a copy of a title awarding for the honorary class) will be automatically entered into the open class without notifying owners. A copy of the pedigree must be enclosed to each application. Should the owner forget to indicate the class or should he/she do it incorrectly (regarding the age), the organiser will enter the dog into a relevant class.

Organiser cannot take the responsibilty for the undelivered applications even if they were sent by registered mail. The exhibitor commits to pay the exhibition fees even when he/she will not take part at the show. Should the show will not be held for the unforeseen cases, the exhibition fees will be used to cover the expenses. The organiser may refuse to accept the application without stating the reason. The organiser cannot be held responsible for damages caused by/to a dog. The owner is responsible for any damages caused by the dog. A judge is obliged to disqualify aggressive dogs. Provoking dogs against each other is not allowed. It is forbidden to treat the coat, skin or nose with anything that alters the structure, colour or form. It is forbidden to prepare the dog at the show grounds with any substances or equipment. Double handling from outside of the ring is forbidden. It is not allowed to enter the dog on the day of the show. It is strictly forbidden to leave dogs tied up on trimming tables except the time they are being prepared for the show (trimmed, brushed or combed).

Selling puppies at the exhibition grounds is strictly forbidden.

Veterinary regulations:

Dogs from abroad must have a PET PASSPORT with valid vaccinations

I. entry close: 20. 9. 2010, II. entry close: 20. 10. 2010
Entry fees: / I. entry close / II. entry close / In place
1st dog / 30 € / 35 € / 50 €
any additional dog / 25 € / 30 € / 45 €
baby, puppy, veteran,
honour class / 10 € / 15 € / 30 €
competitions / 10 € / 15 € / 30 €

► Send entries:

English cockerspaniel:
Iveta Uhrová, Jaskový rad 215, 831 01 Bratislava
or: / American cockerspaniel:

Jana Vallová, Hony 5,

031 05 Liptovský Mikuláš


Advertisements in cataloque:

breeding / firm / If you want coloured advertisements price are multiply by two!
½ page ...... 7 €
1 page...... 15 € / ½ page...... 15 €
1 page...... 30 €

Members of AKK andCSC have a discount for advertisement 50 %.

► Payment:

English cockerspaniel:

Cockerspaniel Club pri SPZ, Štefánikova 10, 811 05 Bratislava

Tatra Banka a.s., Bratislava, č. ú. 262 50 29945 / 1100, VS: 19112010,

IBAN code: SK 96 1100 0000 0026 2502 9945


to note/remarks-purpose of payment: WCS - „your name“

American cockerspaniel:

Americký kokeršpaniel klub pri SPZ, Štefánikova 10, 811 05 Bratislava

Tatra Banka a.s., Bratislava, č. ú. 266 30 80 178 / 1100, VS: 19112010,

IBAN code: SK02 1100 0000 0026 6308 0178


to note/remarks-purpose of payment: WCS - „your name“

Bank and post charges are to be paid by exhibitors. Attach the copy of a payment slip to the application form.



Name of the dog:......

Colour: ...... Sex: ......

Date of birth: ...... Studbook an No: ......

Sire: ......

Dame: ......

Breeder: ......

Owner: ......

Address: ......

Entries for:

Baby class Puppy class Junior class

Intermediate class

Open class

Working class

Champion class

Honour class

Veteran class


Breeders - name: ......

Best brace:

Dog: ...... Bitch: ......

Child and the dog / Junior Handling:

Name:...... Date of birth: ......

Signature...... Date: ......