Abate of Florida Treasure Coast Chapter
General Meeting
April 25,2018
Meeting called to order: 7:03
President: Absent
Vice President: Welcome everyone, Steve is not here tonight. They had nomination at state meeting and he was nominated for state President. ED nominated Steve as president of State of Abate from our chapter, seconded by Pat we all agree. Our Elections are coming, and we would love for anyone to step up for any of the positions. Some have been in the positions for many years, other have been in them for several years and honestly, we are tired, and we would like to see new people. We have all agreed to stay in our positions if no one else will run for the positions. We always host a state meeting, so if we want to host state meeting we have to put in our date by June, so we can decide in May and Steve can take it to the state meeting in June. The seminars will be held in July and Steve was able to swing a great deal at the Vero beach Suite and Inn. We will need volunteers to help, and it is just a good day, anyone can go to any of the classes.
Secretary: minutes given and approved.
Treasurer: report give and approved
Sergeant-at-Arms: Absent
Membership: 2 renewals, 9 new members, so we have 110 members
Chaplain: She hasn’t heard from anyone if they need prayer so text her or email her if you have a request.
Legislative/Delegate: Nothing new at this time.
Next state meeting: June 9,2018 will be hosted by the Lighthouse chapter at the twisted Tuna in Stuart
Safety booth: we need a safety person
PR: we need a PR person
Products: we need a products person
Newsletter: we need a newsletter person
Website: Nothing new at the website
Old Business: Leesburg campground the 26 thur the 29, sponsored by the Leesburg chapter. W still Have gun raffle tickets for sell.
New Business: The elections will be taken and presented to at the state business. Poke county chapter have a motorcycle rodeo. Saturday May 27.
Good of the Order: AFMC on June 16th, flyers will be out next week. Saturday April 28thpost 189 is having a poker run for a member’s wife. BIN run is April 28. May 20, a ride is being put together by a young lady in the community that is putting together a ride and all proceeds go to the Richard Phillips Down Biker Fund. Richard Phillips Down Biker Fund will be set up at Honda of Melbourne, April 28. Richard Phillips Down biker fund will be at Earl’s on Sunday April 29.
Next General Meeting: May 30,2018
Meeting Adjourned: 7:30