Grade 7 Arts Education– Place: Works of art that express ideas about the importance of place (e.g., relationships to the land, local geology, region, rural/urban environments).

Major Project(s): Puppets, Case of the Missing Rock Star?

Music Starter Unit (8-10 lessons)

Lesson Topic / Audio/Video Hook(s) / Arts Education Aims / Curricular Outcomes / Terminology / The Big Questions & Learning Concepts / Project or Assignment / Assessment
What Is Music? / Show a clip of 4’33” by John Cage (this is called Chance music)
/ Critical Responsive
Cultural Historic / CR7.1 Respond to professional dance, drama, music, and visual art works using analysis, personal interpretation, and research. / Programmatic Music / -Use media to demonstrate a variety of perspectives on what is music
-What is a musician, a composer?
What do we hear?
-How is music used in marketing?
-How does music tell a story? / Reflective Writing:
Debate – What do you believe music is? Incorporate movement
Research – Find an audio sample which could be debated as music or not music / Observations
Inventing Instruments / The Recycled Orchestra

First Nations Musical Instruments
/ Creative Productive / CP.7.9 Use traditional and/ or homemade instruments to investigate relationships between musical expression and place (e.g., world music, African and Latin drumming, Indonesian gamelan, North American First Nations’ flutes, Caribbean steel bands, urban street culture). / Timbre
Texture / -Invent instruments using recycled and found objects
-Connect to Mathematical factors that influence quality and type of sounds / Compose & Record / Self-Assessment
Exploring Rhythms – Call & Response / Leon Nelson – Significance of the Drum
/ Creative Productive
Critical Responsive / CP7.7 Investigate improvisation using the voice, instruments, and a wide variety of sound sources from the natural and constructed environment.
CP.7.9 Use traditional and/ or homemade instruments to investigate relationships between musical expression and place (e.g., world music, African and Latin drumming, Indonesian gamelan, North American First Nations’ flutes, Caribbean steel bands, urban street culture). / Tempo
Beat / -Echo short rhythms back to the teacher
-Students become callers
-Add variation through changing tempos and dynamics
-How does silence add to interest to music?
-Introduce Latin and African rhythms
-How do some cultures use music to tell stories or cultural history? / Reflective writing:
What is the significance of the Drum? / Self-Assessment
Graphic Notation
Art/Music Integration / Creative Productive
Critical Responsive / CR7.3 Examine and describe how arts expressions of various times and places reflect diverse experience, values, and beliefs.
CP7.8 Investigate and manipulate elements of music and principles of composition including tension and resolution. / Graphic Notation
Place / -Use invented notation to represent rhythmic and melodic notation
-How are diverse artistic representations and interpretations of place expressed in music? / Compose a song using graphic notation
Recording / Self-Assessment
Intro to Standard Notation Pt. 1
(Rhythm) / Syberian Ice Drummers
/ Creative Productive / CH7.2 Investigate how Indigenous artists from around the world reflect the importance of place (e.g., relationship to the land, geology, region, urban/rural environments).
CP7.8 Investigate and manipulate elements of music and principles of composition including tension and resolution. / -Standard Notation
-Whole Note, Whole Rest, Quarter Note, Quarter Rest, Half Note, Half Rest / -Use standard notation to represent rhythmic patterns / Learn to read rhythms using Rowloff percussion ensemble music / Music Math
Intro to Standard Notation Pt. 2 (melody) / Donald Duck Music, Math and Pythagoras
/ Creative Productive / CH7.1 Investigate how artists’ relationship to place may be reflected in their work.
CP7.8 Investigate and manipulate elements of music and principles of composition including tension and resolution. / -Musical Alphabet
-Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Staff / -Use standard notation to represent melodic patterns
-How is place represented and inspired in artists’ work? / Use ipads & flashcards & letters to invent melodies
What melody theme can I create for the puppet play? / Self-Assessment
Project Plan
Movies & TV commercials
(Composer’s Toolbox)
Communicating a Message / InfoRed – I Remember
/ Cultural Historic
Critical Responsive / CP7.8 Investigate and manipulate elements of music and principles of composition including tension and resolution.
CR7.2 Investigate and identify ways that the arts can communicate a sense of place. / -Tension
-Elements of Music / How is rhythm used to create tension and resolution?
How can dynamics be used to create tension and resolution? How can the elements be combined to create tension and resolution?
How do composers create mood, atmosphere, foreshadowing, fear, comedy, etc.? -How can “place” be represented in musical works? / Reflective Writing:
How can I use the composer’s toolbox to create background music/sounds to a puppet play?
How can I reflect tension and resolution in the soundtrack for the puppet play?
What technology can I use to create a soundtrack? / Project Plan
Jam Session / The Tragically Hip? / Creative Productive / CH7.3 Investigate and identify a variety of factors that influence artists, their work, and careers. / Improvisation / -What do artists contribute to community?
-Analyze work of Canadian artists / Reflective Writing: / Observations

Grade 8 Arts Education – Social Issues: Works of art that express ideas and student perspectives on social issues (e.g., poverty, racism, homophobia, sustainability).

Major Project (s): *Social 8 – Canadian Video/music to represent Canada at Canadian Epcot Pavilion

Music Starter Unit (8-10 lessons)

Lesson Title / Audio/Video Hook / Arts Education Aims / Curricular Outcomes / Terminology / The Big Questions & Learning Concepts / Project or Assignment / Assessment
What Is Music? / Show a clip of 4’33” by John Cage (this is called Chance music)
/ Creative Productive
Cultural Historic / CR8.3 Investigate and identify how arts expressions can reflect diverse worldviews.
CH8.1 Research and share insights about arts expressions that incorporate social commentary. / Programmatic Music / -Use media to demonstrate a variety of perspectives on what is music
-What is a musician, a composer?
What do we hear?
-How is music used in marketing?
-How does music tell a story?
-What is worldview?
-How does music address social issues? Is this effective? / Reflective Writing:
Debate – What do you believe music is? / Observations
Call & Response / Leon Nelson – Significance of the Drum
/ Cultural Historic
Creative Productive / CH8.2 Analyze the influence of social issues on the work of contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit artists, and share results. / Tempo
Social Justice / -Echo short rhythms back to the teacher
-Students become callers
-Add variation through changing tempos and dynamics
-How does silence add to interest to music? / Reflective writing:
What is the significance of the Drum?
What else is “significant” to Canada?
Canadian Music Video “Epcot Pavilion” Project / Self-Assessment
Project Pan
Graphic Notation
Art/Music Integration / Creative Productive
Critical Responsive / CP8.9 Compose sound compositions in response to social issues (e.g., poverty, racism, homophobia, sustainability, gangs).
CR8.2 Investigate and identify ways that today’s arts expressions often reflect concern for social issues. / -Graphic Notation
-Tone Colour / -Use invented notation to represent rhythmic and melodic notation
-What types of messaging does music communicate? (examples: antiwar songs, environmental issues, etc.)
-What stereotypes exist and social justice issues exist in the music industry? / -Compose a song using graphic notation
-Write a song reflective of a social issue of choice. / Self-Assessment
Intro to Standard Notation Pt. 1
(Rhythm) / Syberian Ice Drummers
/ Creative Productive / CP8.8 Investigate and make choices about musical structures in sound composition. / -Standard Notation
-Whole Note, Whole Rest, Quarter Note, Quarter Rest, Half Note, Half Rest / -Use standard notation to represent rhythmic patterns / Learn to read rhythms using Rowloff percussion ensemble music
What type of rhythm is reflects Canada? / Self-Assessment
Project Plan
Music Math
Intro to Standard Notation Pt. 2 (melody) / Donald Duck Music, Math and Pythagoras
/ Creative Productive / CP8.8 Investigate and make choices about musical structures in sound composition. / -Musical Alphabet
-Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Staff
-Elements of Music / -Use standard notation to represent melodic patterns
-Explore form / Use ipads & flashcards & letters to invent melodies
Can I create a melodic theme for the Epcot music video? / Self-Assessment
Project Plan
Movies & TV commercials
(Composer’s Toolbox) / InfoRed – I Remember
/ Critical Responsive
Cultural Historic / CR8.1 Respond to professional dance, drama, music, and visual art works through the creation of own arts expressions
CH8.4 Examine and respond to the work of artists who incorporate more than one art form in their work (e.g., combining poetry and music).
CH8.3 Demonstrate understanding of how contemporary artists use and incorporate new technology into their work. / -Tension
-Residential Schools / How is rhythm used to create tension and resolution?
How can dynamics be used to create tension and resolution? How can the elements be combined to create tension and resolution?
How do composers create mood, atmosphere, foreshadowing, fear, comedy, etc.?
What do we learn about our history from InfoRed?
-How does InfoRed combine arts disciplines & use technology? / Reflective Writing:
How can I use the composer’s toolbox to create background music/sounds to a puppet play / Project Plan
Jam Session / Canadian Feature / Creative Productive / CP8.7 Improvise, compose, and perform (e.g., with voice, instruments, and technologies) a selection of pieces in contrasting styles. / Improvisation / -How does use of silence in improvisation effect a melody?
-Analyze work of Canadian artists / Reflective Writing / Observations

Grade 9 Arts Education – Taking Action: Works of art that serve as a means of raising awareness about topics of concern to youth.

Major Project: Claymation

Music Starter Unit (8-10 lessons)

Lesson Title / Audio/Video Hook / Arts Education Aims / Curricular Outcomes / Terminology / The Big Questions & Learning Concepts / Project or Assignment / Assessment
What Is Music? / Show a clip of 4’33” by John Cage (this is called Chance music)
/ Critical Responsive / CR9.3 Investigate and identify how arts expressions can challenge thinking about values, ideas, and beliefs. / Programmatic Music / -Use media to demonstrate a variety of perspectives on what is music
-What is a musician, a composer?
What do we hear?
-How is music used in marketing?
-How does music tell a story?
-How does music address social issues? Is this effective?
-How has music been controversial over history? / Reflective Writing:
Debate – What do you believe music is? / Observations
Call & Response / Leon Nelson – Significance of the Drum
/ Creative Productive / CH9.2 Use the arts to raise awareness on topics of concern to Indigenous artists in dance, drama, music, and visual arts.
CP9.7 Use voice, instruments, and technologies to express musical ideas. / Tempo
Beat / -Why is it important for First Nations artists to maintain their culture?
-Echo short rhythms back to the teacher
-Students become callers
-Add variation through changing tempos and dynamics
-How does silence add musical interest? / Reflective writing:
What is the significance of the Drum? / Self-Assessment
Graphic Notation
Art/Music Integration / Creative Productive
Cultural Historic / CP9.9 Compose and perform sound compositions to express perspectives and raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth.
CH9.1 Investigate and discuss the role of artists in raising awareness or taking action on topics of concern.
CH9.2 Use the arts to raise awareness on topics of concern to Indigenous artists in dance, drama, music, and visual arts. / -Graphic Notation
-Indigenous / -Use invented notation to represent rhythmic and melodic notation
-How can we use music and graphic notation to help people understand we are all Treaty people?
-How can we use music to help people understand racism? / Compose a song using graphic notation
Raise awareness about a topic of concern to Indigenous people
Use technology to compose or record / Self-Assessment
Intro to Standard Notation Pt. 1
(Rhythm) / Syberian Ice Drummers
/ Creative Productive / CP9.7 Use voice, instruments, and technologies to express musical ideas.
CP9.8 Combine the elements of music and principles of composition to express unified musical ideas. / -Standard Notation
-Whole Note, Whole Rest, Quarter Note, Quarter Rest, Half Note, Half Rest / -Use standard notation to represent rhythmic patterns
-How can we incorporate our voices?
-What impact does silence have in music? / Learn to read rhythms using Rowloff percussion ensemble music
What role will rhythm play in the Claymation? / Self-Assessment
Project Plan
Music Math
Intro to Standard Notation Pt. 2 (melody) / Donald Duck Music, Math and Pythagoras
/ Creative Productive / CP9.7 Use voice, instruments, and technologies to express musical ideas.
CP9.8 Combine the elements of music and principles of composition to express unified musical ideas. / -Musical Alphabet
-Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Staff
-Elements of Music / -Use standard notation to represent melodic patterns
-Explore form
-Use technology for creating & recording / Use ipads & flashcards & letters to invent melodies
What kind of melodic theme can I create for the Claymation project? / Self-Assessment
Project Plan
Movies & TV commercials
(Composer’s Toolbox) / InfoRed – I Remember
/ Creative Productive
Cultural Historic / CR9.1 Respond to professional dance, drama, music, and visual art works through individual or collaborative inquiry and the creation of own arts expressions.
CR9.2 Investigate and identify ways that today’s arts expressions can inspire change.
CH9.4 Create interdisciplinary arts expressions individually or through collaboration with peers, and examine the work of artists who create interdisciplinary expressions (e.g., sound and poetry, performance art, audio visual installations). / -Tension
-Residential Schools / How is rhythm used to create tension and resolution?
How can dynamics be used to create tension and resolution? How can the elements be combined to create tension and resolution?
How do composers create mood, atmosphere, foreshadowing, fear, comedy, etc.?
What do we learn about our history from InfoRed?
-Does InfoRed inspire change? How?
-How is technology used in arts careers? / Reflective Writing:
How can I use the composer’s toolbox to create background music/sounds to a Claymation video / Project Plan
Jam Session / Canadian Feature / Cultural Historic
Creative Productive / CH9.3 Investigate diversity of artistic ideas, styles, and media in contemporary arts expressions. / Contemporary
Improvisation / -What is meant by Contemporary?
-Analyze work of Canadian artists
-What careers exist in the arts? / Reflective Writing / Observations