Minutes of Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
1) Call to Order – Chairman Brace called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm.
2) Pledge of Allegiance – The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.
3) Public Input –
Steve Ruffy – Fern Street – 1) Mr. Ruffy asked why so many vehicles in town do not display a front marker plate; and what is the revenue share of tickets with the state.
William Rousseau – 407 Elmwood – 1) Mr. Rousseau asked Commissioner Brace if he had an opinion about cyber-stalking and electronic harassment. He distributed a copy of a webpage that he felt bordered on harassment. He also distributed a copy of a House Bill regarding laws about electronic harassment and asked for the Commissions support to get this bill passed in the future.
4) Approval of the minutes for the special meeting of February 26, 2013.
MOTION: To approve the minutes of the February 26, 2013 special meeting.
George Hall Seconded by James Gaylord
Motion Passed Unanimously
5) Correspondence – None.
6) Chief’s Report –
· Hiring Update - four certified officers have moved on to the background portion of the hiring process.
· Promotion testing – the written portion of the Sergeant test will be given on March 20. Ten officers have signed up to take the test. Those with a score of 70% or higher will move on to the next step.
· The Chief is completing paperwork for a $35,000 state/federal grant which will fund audio/video recording equipment and installation for the PD interview room.
· On February 28, 2013, the department received a $10,000 grant from New Directions targeting underage drinking and its effects. The grant will be used for additional patrols.
· An updated budget including the newly awarded wage increases will be submitted to the Finance Department this week.
· The Department is working with the schools and each officer now has master keys for quick entry into the schools.
MOTION: To add 7) New Business to the agenda to address Traffic Mitigation on Center Street.
Neal Cunningham Seconded by Dennis Gragnolati
Motion Passed Unanimously
7) New Business – Traffic Mitigation on Center Street
Commissioner Brace stated he was contacted by Kathy Doody, the Pesci Park Snack Shack Coordinator. She informed him of the Park & Rec Departments plan to relocate the snack shack for safety reasons and expressed that she and other residents are opposed to this relocation for fear of losing volunteers and profits. John Ahern, the Little League President, also contacted Commissioner Brace for assistance in fixing these safety issues. Commissioner Brace stated that the Police Commission, also acting as Traffic Commission, could research speed cushions that could be temporarily placed on Center Street to slow down traffic during baseball season.
MOTION: That the Police Commission, acting as Traffic Commission, authorize the Chief of Police to pursue installing speed cushions on Center Street near Pesci Park.
Neal Cunningham Seconded by George Hall
Motion Passed Unanimously
8) Public Input (agenda items only) –
Michael Bracken – 12 Tinker Drive – Mr. Bracken suggested that the Commission look into other ideas of safety near Pesci Park such as additional stop signs, safety cones, or additional lights instead of the speed cushions.
9) Commissioner’s Comments –
Chief Osanitsch addressed Mr. Ruffy’s earlier questions by stating a missing front plate is a violation. He also stated that there is no revenue sharing with the state for infractions. All the funds go to the State General Fund. Parking tickets, however, is revenue for the Town.
10) Adjournment –
MOTION: To adjourn at 7:45 pm.
George Hall Seconded by Edward Lanati
Motion Passed Unanimously
Respectfully Submitted,
Sharon Pfaffenbichler
Recording Secretary
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