What is Young Life? What would your 1 sentence answer be?

Young Life is a Christ Centered, community driven mission that reaches out to adolescents through relationships and helps them grow in their faith.

Jeramy Williams: Non Christian- YL is a group of adults that love Christ and love kids and want to invest in their life.

Christian- YL is a group of adults that are aimed at introducing kids to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.

I also try to feel it out based on where they might stand. I might say that YL is a group of adults that love Jesus and love kids and want desperately for those 2 to meet.

Jim Kuhlman: Chris, I think if you can answer it for the non-Christian, the other scenarios are much easier. My biggest fear is stepping on a land-mine in some crazy Jewish moms head. This is my first blush...

A Christian organization that helps train and coordinate caring adults from the community to mentor and be resource for high school and middle school kids

Shannon Madsen: (bold is her one sentence, the rest would be her explanation to that person…

non Christian: Young Life is a non-profit that connects caring adults with kids. Kids need positive adult influences in their lives, and these adult leaders are committed to walking with kids through life regardless of the kid's performance in school or sports, etc. It's definitely a Christian organization, but what I would term low-pressure - kids don't have to have a relationship with God to be involved, but we do give them opportunities to learn about God. Young Life leaders are Christians and are open about that, but are committed to kids whether or not the kids want to pursue a relationship with God.

Christian: Young Life is a Christian outreach to adolescents. We connect caring Christian adults with teens with the goal of sharing Christ with kids who don't know Him. We believe every person should have the individual opportunity to hear the Gospel and decide for themselves if they want to follow Christ. Part of sharing the Gospel with kids is walking with them through all the successes and failures of their lives unconditionally - loving them the way Jesus loves us as best we can. We share theGospel atclub, at camp, andthrough sharing our lives with kids.

Chris Herb: Non Christian- Young Life is a faith-based organization that reaches out to high school and middle school kids through mentor relationships.

Christian: Young Life is a ministry that shares Christ with kids through relationships and helps them grow in their faith.