CC Algebra 2(HONORS) with Mrs.Jeon: , 240-236-6445

Text: Houghton Mifflin, Algebra 2

You are responsible for your textbook. Lost texts will need to be replaced at a cost of $37.

Rationale: The Common Core Algebra II course provides a strong foundation for advanced algebra study. This course is designed for college preparatory students desiring a formal background in mathematics. It is intended for highly motivated students who wish to experience a challenging, rigorous course of Common Core Algebra 2 standards.

It is important for students to make connections between mathematics and other

disciplines. Knowledge of mathematics means much more than memorizing information or facts; it requires the ability to use information to reason, think, and solve problems.

By themselves, algebraic functions may appear algorithmic, but applying them to a real- world problem will give students a deeper appreciation of those functions, their power

as a mathematical tool, and their connections to other disciplines.

Content: Topics covered include-

Analyzing Functions Quadratics and Systems

Polynomial Functions Properties of Exponents and Radical Functions

Rational Functions Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Trigonometry Probability and Statistics

Evaluation: Warm-ups are given at the beginning of each class. In-class practice, assignments, and

group projects will be graded. Homework will be assigned daily. Most assignments

will be graded in class and collected on an intermittent basis to check for accuracy and

completion. A weekly assignment/homework board is posted at all times. Students

are responsible for copying assignments and announcements from this board.

Because homework is an integral part of each math lesson and allows practice on

concepts learned in class, homework completion is a necessary component for

success in this course.

Tests and quizzes will be given with every chapter and a county exam near the end of each term.

Grades will be calculated on a weighted percent system each term-

Tests 50% Quizzes 30% Homework 10%

Class Work (including warm-ups) 10%

Rounding of term grades will occur according to standard rounding rules, ie. .5 and

above rounds to the next highest number. Students and parents are also encouraged to

frequently check progress via FCPS Grades Online-Home Access Center.

A student's semester grade is calculated by the weighted average of the term 1 grade (50%),

term 2 grade (50%).

Per FCPS Regulation 500-05 (Grading – Secondary)

3. Exceptions to the Grade Computations

a. A student who fails the second term of a one (1) credit semester course due to lack of acceptable effort may be failed for the course regardless of total quality points earned. Failure for lack of an acceptable effort shall be approved by the principal and shall be preceded by ample notification of the parent/guardian.

A student who fails the third and/or fourth terms of a one (1) credit semester course because of lack of acceptable effort may be failed for the year regardless of total quality points earned. Failure for lack of acceptable effort shall be approved by the principal and shall be preceded by ample notification of the parent/guardian

It is the responsibility of the student to arrange make-up work for excused

absences within 2 school days of the absence. For unexcused absences, students have the right to make up class work missed and to have this work reviewed and evaluated by the teacher. Credit will not be given toward a grade for this work. Students have the responsibility to request make-up work within 2days of their return to school. Work may be picked up from the make-up folders located in the room and, when complete, placed in the labeled trays. Students must make-up assessments after school or during lunch. No time to make-up work will be given during class. Failure to complete work on this schedule will result in zero grades for these assignments. Late homework will be accepted one day past the due date for a fraction of the grade. Any day later than one day will result in a zero.

The instructor is available for tutorial help everyday 2:15-2:45pm, during FLEX or by appointment. Tutoring is for students who come to class prepared and stay on task. Tutoring is not for students who do not complete homework or do not pay attention in class. Tutoring is not meant to be another teaching period.

A weekly schedule will be posted on my school website every Monday.

Notebooks: CC Algebra 2 students are expected to maintain an organized and easy to reference

notebook. Some guidelines and suggestions include- Use a loose-leaf notebook or

binder. Effective organization is key to academic success.

A Scientific Graphing calculator will be used in most of the work. A TI- 83(+) or TI-84(+) is the preferred calculator. You will need graphing calculator to complete many homework assignments.

Expectations: Be on time

Stay in your seat

Bring materials

Participate in Activities.

Show respect for others

Consequences: 1. Teacher Warning

2. Parent Contact

3. Teacher Detention

4. Office Referral

Test Correction/Retake Policy: Student can make up one Chapter test per term within one week from

return date. Prior to retaking the test, students are required to correct every missed problem and explain what mistakes were made. If the 2nd test is higher that is the grade you received, If the 2nd test is lower I will average the two tests.

Additions: * Cell phones and other electronic devices should be off and away during class

time. There will be times in class when they are permitted, but only when

Mrs. Jeon gives her consent.

* Detentions must be served with one week of the date given and may be

rescheduled only once by students.

FLEX Program: The purpose of FLEX is to work on school related activities for 40 minutes. All

school rules and expectations apply during FLEX. Students are expected to be on

time, to be respectful, to work with all teachers cooperatively, to attend tutoring when requested, and to

use the provided time in a productive manner.

FLEX is not a free-block; no listening to music, playing cards, sleeping, etc.

Students are strongly encouraged to make effective use of this valuable time. It is imperative

that you seek help from the instructor as soon as you encounter difficulty in the course. Students are

also invited to form study groups and peer pairs for studying purposes. You may sign up for FLEX by

signing up at least 2 days in advance - remember that there are priority days, so I may not be able to pull

you the day you want - don't wait-sign-up as soon as possible.

Honor Pledge

I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment. My name on this piece of work affirms my character and honor.

Students are responsible for:

●  Understanding the definition of cheating and the types of conduct that are deemed unacceptable.

●  Refraining from committing any act of cheating, plagiarizing, facilitating academic dishonesty, abusing academic materials, stealing or lying.

●  Reporting every instance in which the student has knowledge that academic dishonesty has taken place.

"Achieve Excellence through Commitment and Service"
The mission of THS, a growing and changing community, is to provide a safe and caring environment that promotes excellence, responsible citizenship, and success for our students through challenging opportunities for learning in partnership with families and community.


Sign and Return

Signatures: I have read, understand, and agree with the content, procedures,

and expectations explained in this syllabus.

If not signed in 5 days of distribution, consent will be assumed.

Printed Student Name ______

Student Signature ______

Parent email ______

Parent Signature ______

This syllabus must be signed by the student and parent or guardian and returned to class by ______. This will count as the first assignment for the new semester.